COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

At first I was with the cop but after re watching, might have to side with the chick. Think he went a bit too far with the mushing of the face, but the women should just of just let him do his arrest. Also think bald dude was at fault for not trying to calm shorty down. Why does everyone hate cops though, I know they got the few grimey ones, but most of them are just doing there job.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

She got what she deserved. Forget being drunk and emotional. I could be blackout and I know to shape the %*@$ up when the police come through.

She must've gotten away with a little too much bs, to not know what was coming next.

The cop is a chump though. He got shook, because everyone was grilling him and she wouldn't shut up. He should get suspended until he grows his nuts back.

He didn't handle it like a man, but she deserved to get handled nonetheless.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

She got what she deserved. Forget being drunk and emotional. I could be blackout and I know to shape the %*@$ up when the police come through.

She must've gotten away with a little too much bs, to not know what was coming next.

The cop is a chump though. He got shook, because everyone was grilling him and she wouldn't shut up. He should get suspended until he grows his nuts back.

He didn't handle it like a man, but she deserved to get handled nonetheless.
At first I was with the cop but after re watching, might have to side with the chick. Think he went a bit too far with the mushing of the face, but the women should just of just let him do his arrest. Also think bald dude was at fault for not trying to calm shorty down. Why does everyone hate cops though, I know they got the few grimey ones, but most of them are just doing there job.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wow, I see I'm fighting a losing battle, let's hope a female important to one of you one day coming out of a club a little tipsy doesn't say the wrong thing to an officer and instead of him containing and arresting her in safe manner, just straight loses it and goes at her like he would a dude...I see you guys dusting his shoulders off fr a job well done and telling wifey while she bleeding on the floor "hahaha you deserved that @%!% #++!$ for being drunk and stupid"

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$" Ok let me reprhase the situation... -you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around. And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is

Man take your lunch break or something.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wow, I see I'm fighting a losing battle, let's hope a female important to one of you one day coming out of a club a little tipsy doesn't say the wrong thing to an officer and instead of him containing and arresting her in safe manner, just straight loses it and goes at her like he would a dude...I see you guys dusting his shoulders off fr a job well done and telling wifey while she bleeding on the floor "hahaha you deserved that @%!% #++!$ for being drunk and stupid"

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$" Ok let me reprhase the situation... -you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around. And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is

Man take your lunch break or something.
How is anyone defending the girl? You don't get a pass because you're drunk or are a female. If you put hands on a cop, you're gonna get taken down if not beat down.
How is anyone defending the girl? You don't get a pass because you're drunk or are a female. If you put hands on a cop, you're gonna get taken down if not beat down.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by proper english

 @ some of these replies.. it's like all of a sudden we got a bunch of pro cop NTers over here
. you guys are straight up misogynists, just admit it. 
let's replace that woman with a man of a certain race (not going to name which one in particular) and i guarantee different replies. 


WTH is proper english talking about?

This thread is interesting because there is bias from all angles.

-People who hate cops
-People who give women a pass
-Racial undertones

I'm looking at this strictly objectively and I don't think this was excessive and I think she put herself in a situation that made this warranted. That is hardly in the definition of misogyny. There was a similar thread made with black women, i said the same $$##. There have also been threads were cops were obviously abusing their power and I have spoken out against it.

Why would anyone interpret this as "you prolly let a man get a pass"?

You serious fam?
These dudes are idiots b... I'm convinced..

This dude proper english doesn't have a good grasp of english
Don't you know that YOU are the one being misogynistic? By accepting that this woman should be treated differently you are no better thana dude saying "If she was in the kitchen she wouldnt have been hit"?

This dude ksteezy thinking that the cop has some kinda running "tale of the tape" in his head outlining who should be "hit" with what force.
2 cops in a crowd of about 50 drunk people & you put your hands on him?? Where i'm from (S.E. DC, lower PG County) YOU WILL BE SHOT.

Yall bammas must live in candy land
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by proper english

 @ some of these replies.. it's like all of a sudden we got a bunch of pro cop NTers over here
. you guys are straight up misogynists, just admit it. 
let's replace that woman with a man of a certain race (not going to name which one in particular) and i guarantee different replies. 


WTH is proper english talking about?

This thread is interesting because there is bias from all angles.

-People who hate cops
-People who give women a pass
-Racial undertones

I'm looking at this strictly objectively and I don't think this was excessive and I think she put herself in a situation that made this warranted. That is hardly in the definition of misogyny. There was a similar thread made with black women, i said the same $$##. There have also been threads were cops were obviously abusing their power and I have spoken out against it.

Why would anyone interpret this as "you prolly let a man get a pass"?

You serious fam?
These dudes are idiots b... I'm convinced..

This dude proper english doesn't have a good grasp of english
Don't you know that YOU are the one being misogynistic? By accepting that this woman should be treated differently you are no better thana dude saying "If she was in the kitchen she wouldnt have been hit"?

This dude ksteezy thinking that the cop has some kinda running "tale of the tape" in his head outlining who should be "hit" with what force.
2 cops in a crowd of about 50 drunk people & you put your hands on him?? Where i'm from (S.E. DC, lower PG County) YOU WILL BE SHOT.

Yall bammas must live in candy land
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.

she was interfering with an arrest and touching the cop....did you even watch the vid? There's a reason why that's a law, goldenarmz put it well. The only argument that can be made here is one of ignorance. Maybe she didn't know she couldn't do that.
and even in if that was the case  "Ignorantia juris non excusat" ignorance of the law does not excuse.
[font=arial, sans-serif]She was wrong, she got mopped, end of story.
But that's the problem with society we say its the law like oh common sense out the window because its THE LAW.  The cop slapped her in the face first.  She didn't start swinging until he did that.  I'm sure the law was written meaning "if a small white girl kinda stiff arms you a bit.....that's touching...feel free to punch her in the grill"  The law is there to protect cops in case they do something like this.  Don't touch a cop, Why? because if you do and then the cop beats you down....they can get out of any penalty because you touched them first.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.

she was interfering with an arrest and touching the cop....did you even watch the vid? There's a reason why that's a law, goldenarmz put it well. The only argument that can be made here is one of ignorance. Maybe she didn't know she couldn't do that.
and even in if that was the case  "Ignorantia juris non excusat" ignorance of the law does not excuse.
[font=arial, sans-serif]She was wrong, she got mopped, end of story.
But that's the problem with society we say its the law like oh common sense out the window because its THE LAW.  The cop slapped her in the face first.  She didn't start swinging until he did that.  I'm sure the law was written meaning "if a small white girl kinda stiff arms you a bit.....that's touching...feel free to punch her in the grill"  The law is there to protect cops in case they do something like this.  Don't touch a cop, Why? because if you do and then the cop beats you down....they can get out of any penalty because you touched them first.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wow, I see I'm fighting a losing battle, let's hope a female important to one of you one day coming out of a club a little tipsy doesn't say the wrong thing to an officer and instead of him containing and arresting her in safe manner, just straight loses it and goes at her like he would a dude...I see you guys dusting his shoulders off fr a job well done and telling wifey while she bleeding on the floor "hahaha you deserved that @%!% #++!$ for being drunk and stupid"

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$"Ok let me reprhase the situation...-you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around.And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is

there you go changing the situation again.  the cop in the video didn't go ham on the girl like youre saying in your situation, so your analogy is irrelevant first of all.  and how would i feel if i saw my girl get punched and tackled to the ground?  not happy obviously.  also a little disgusted if she was dumb enough to put hands on a cop.  plain and simple, no "wifey" of mine would be that stupid.

and yes, the women in my family have a lot more common sense than the !%@ in this video.  even with alcohol in the system, you should know how to keep your cool when cops are around.  dont start yelling at them, dont get in their face, and NEVER touch them.  period.  unless you wanna catch a beatdown of course
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wow, I see I'm fighting a losing battle, let's hope a female important to one of you one day coming out of a club a little tipsy doesn't say the wrong thing to an officer and instead of him containing and arresting her in safe manner, just straight loses it and goes at her like he would a dude...I see you guys dusting his shoulders off fr a job well done and telling wifey while she bleeding on the floor "hahaha you deserved that @%!% #++!$ for being drunk and stupid"

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$"Ok let me reprhase the situation...-you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around.And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is

there you go changing the situation again.  the cop in the video didn't go ham on the girl like youre saying in your situation, so your analogy is irrelevant first of all.  and how would i feel if i saw my girl get punched and tackled to the ground?  not happy obviously.  also a little disgusted if she was dumb enough to put hands on a cop.  plain and simple, no "wifey" of mine would be that stupid.

and yes, the women in my family have a lot more common sense than the !%@ in this video.  even with alcohol in the system, you should know how to keep your cool when cops are around.  dont start yelling at them, dont get in their face, and NEVER touch them.  period.  unless you wanna catch a beatdown of course
Originally Posted by 36hypno

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$"Ok let me reprhase the situation...-you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around.And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is
Still no where close to what happened in that video. You are trying to tone down the situation. She had her hands all up on him trying to push him off. He didn't even react until her hands were near his face. We also have no idea what occurred prior to the start of this recording.

Ok since we are getting technical to just ignore the facts.-you and wifey at ihop.-something leads to you being placed under arrest.-your wife gets emotional (she's a female) plus she was a bit tipsy, which would put her emotions on overdrive.-she's trying to stop the cop, not hitting the cop just simply placing her hands on the uniform.-he proceeds to smack her, which ignites the natural reaction of her swinging back, he then closes his fist, cocks back and swings a haymaker directly at her face.-you are sitting do you feel?Mind you he is not the only cop there.
Originally Posted by 36hypno

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$"Ok let me reprhase the situation...-you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around.And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is
Still no where close to what happened in that video. You are trying to tone down the situation. She had her hands all up on him trying to push him off. He didn't even react until her hands were near his face. We also have no idea what occurred prior to the start of this recording.

Ok since we are getting technical to just ignore the facts.-you and wifey at ihop.-something leads to you being placed under arrest.-your wife gets emotional (she's a female) plus she was a bit tipsy, which would put her emotions on overdrive.-she's trying to stop the cop, not hitting the cop just simply placing her hands on the uniform.-he proceeds to smack her, which ignites the natural reaction of her swinging back, he then closes his fist, cocks back and swings a haymaker directly at her face.-you are sitting do you feel?Mind you he is not the only cop there.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

-People who hate cops
-People who give women a pass
-Racial undertones

Why would anyone interpret this as "you prolly let a man get a pass"?

You serious fam?

nah it's early, im bored.. 
but i still dont get why dudes over here are calling ksteezy a captain. 

cop clearly lost his cool.. that is just unacceptable behavior. i dont care how stressful his job is. 
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mister Negative


WTH is proper english talking about?

This thread is interesting because there is bias from all angles.

-People who hate cops
-People who give women a pass
-Racial undertones

I'm looking at this strictly objectively and I don't think this was excessive and I think she put herself in a situation that made this warranted. That is hardly in the definition of misogyny. There was a similar thread made with black women, i said the same $$##. There have also been threads were cops were obviously abusing their power and I have spoken out against it.

Why would anyone interpret this as "you prolly let a man get a pass"?

You serious fam?
These dudes are idiots b... I'm convinced..

This dude proper english doesn't have a good grasp of english
Don't you know that YOU are the one being misogynistic? By accepting that this woman should be treated differently you are no better thana dude saying "If she was in the kitchen she wouldnt have been hit"?

This dude ksteezy thinking that the cop has some kinda running "tale of the tape" in his head outlining who should be "hit" with what force.
2 cops in a crowd of about 50 drunk people & you put your hands on him?? Where i'm from (S.E. DC, lower PG County) YOU WILL BE SHOT.

Yall bammas must live in candy land
QFT PGPD not having that.
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mister Negative


WTH is proper english talking about?

This thread is interesting because there is bias from all angles.

-People who hate cops
-People who give women a pass
-Racial undertones

I'm looking at this strictly objectively and I don't think this was excessive and I think she put herself in a situation that made this warranted. That is hardly in the definition of misogyny. There was a similar thread made with black women, i said the same $$##. There have also been threads were cops were obviously abusing their power and I have spoken out against it.

Why would anyone interpret this as "you prolly let a man get a pass"?

You serious fam?
These dudes are idiots b... I'm convinced..

This dude proper english doesn't have a good grasp of english
Don't you know that YOU are the one being misogynistic? By accepting that this woman should be treated differently you are no better thana dude saying "If she was in the kitchen she wouldnt have been hit"?

This dude ksteezy thinking that the cop has some kinda running "tale of the tape" in his head outlining who should be "hit" with what force.
2 cops in a crowd of about 50 drunk people & you put your hands on him?? Where i'm from (S.E. DC, lower PG County) YOU WILL BE SHOT.

Yall bammas must live in candy land
QFT PGPD not having that.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

-People who hate cops
-People who give women a pass
-Racial undertones

Why would anyone interpret this as "you prolly let a man get a pass"?

You serious fam?

nah it's early, im bored.. 
but i still dont get why dudes over here are calling ksteezy a captain. 

cop clearly lost his cool.. that is just unacceptable behavior. i dont care how stressful his job is. 
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$" Ok let me reprhase the situation... -you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around. And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is

Man take your lunch break or something.
He needs to. He's losing this argument badly. If you can't tell she's under the influence of alcohol/drugs you need your vision checked.
Being tipsy doesn't give you the right to break the law, if an officer issues you a command and you ignore it, he can place you under arrest. If you resist arrest, the officer has every right to subdue the resisting individual by force, why do you think cops are equipped with batons and tazers, these aren't fashion accessories. If the cop who punched the resisting person was a woman, there wouldn't be an uproar. People who aren't cops have no idea how stressful a "routine" situation is, answering a call at parties and large gatherings of drunken people are definitely no walks in the park. The unpredictability of a person under the influence of alcohol/ drugs means taking extra measures to control the situation, maintain your safety. You are taught not to underestimate any potential threat, he did his job.


-she's trying to stop the cop, not hitting the cop just simply placing her hands on the uniform
You are not allowed to put your hands on a cop in any manner especially during an arrest. Why can't you and other posters understand that? She wasn't just placing her hands on the uniform. She was striking him before he socked her in the face.
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

captain save a *#+%% over here
  that wasn't the situation at all.  she didnt say a wrong thing to an officer, she was being a stupid drunk *#+%% and putting hands on a cop in an aggressive manner.  if ANYONE put hands on a cop aggressively in any situation, i would expect them to be dealt with early, let alone interfering with an arrest

and im damn sure my family and most of the women i know have the common sense to not touch a cop in that way.  at the end of the day its about common sense and street smarts, i have no  sympathy for anyone that gets snuffed for being a dumb $@$

NTers are so original, took long enough for the "captain save a *@$" Ok let me reprhase the situation... -you and wifey step out the club, lots of police around, you do something that gives the cop the right to arrest you, your girl doing what girls do and what she's doing, tries to protect you, she's tryin to get the officers attention, trying to prevent you from being arrested, stupid? Yes....she places one hand on the officer, he then goes at it like the bell to the 12th round just rang...what would YOUR reaction be??...mind you there are other cops around. And please don't give me that %#+!%%++ that the women in your family have more common never know how someone will react to a situation like this, specially with alcohol in your system like some of you assume there is

Man take your lunch break or something.
He needs to. He's losing this argument badly. If you can't tell she's under the influence of alcohol/drugs you need your vision checked.
Being tipsy doesn't give you the right to break the law, if an officer issues you a command and you ignore it, he can place you under arrest. If you resist arrest, the officer has every right to subdue the resisting individual by force, why do you think cops are equipped with batons and tazers, these aren't fashion accessories. If the cop who punched the resisting person was a woman, there wouldn't be an uproar. People who aren't cops have no idea how stressful a "routine" situation is, answering a call at parties and large gatherings of drunken people are definitely no walks in the park. The unpredictability of a person under the influence of alcohol/ drugs means taking extra measures to control the situation, maintain your safety. You are taught not to underestimate any potential threat, he did his job.


-she's trying to stop the cop, not hitting the cop just simply placing her hands on the uniform
You are not allowed to put your hands on a cop in any manner especially during an arrest. Why can't you and other posters understand that? She wasn't just placing her hands on the uniform. She was striking him before he socked her in the face.
yall r either some future/current woman beaters or just really happy to see white people get treated like this for a change. im not defending the girls actions but that cop just proves that any idiot u give a badge can be a cop
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