COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

it's standard procedure to investigate something this high-profile, not a big deal.
You're probably right....but what's the chance they (IA) will find something wrong with the way the officer carried out the arrest and his actions? 
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

this is where people get it wrong...i'm a young black guy who lives in the suburbs and i get pulled over ALL THE @!%%#@% TIME for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL...never was speeding in these situations, windows aren't too black, headlights worked perfectly...never got a ticket in these situations, just me, my friends and my car please, teel me exactly how I'M the problem for having so many run-ins with the law???

I spent 2 years of highschool in one of the wealthiest counties in this country in one of the wealthiest townships in the county.....never experienced any of this. Out of a graduating class of 400+ there were 4 black students in my class just to put things in perspective. Whenever I did get pulled over which may have been a total of maybe 3 times, I was definitely breaking a traffic law, I got a ticket and they never searched my car.

it's a touchy subject, i do think the racial profiling definitely exists...but I also think some people either exaggerate it or don't accept culpability. I think im just as intimidating/more intimidating looking
as the average black dude and I haven't had any issues with the police. Even times when I've been stopped and I assumed it was because i was black, all I had to do was cooperate and it ended uneventfully.

I'm trying not to sound insensitive, if this has been happening to you as often as you claim I send my condolences. But I find it hard to believe that you get stopped CONSTANTLY, never getting a ticket every single time you get stopped and illegally getting searched (what state and city is this so i never go there
). I can understand this happening to you once, but if it happens constantly the problem "MAY" be you. Like I said I know people who make these claims who definitely do illegal $%##
so because you never dealt with it means that when people do it's"THEIR" fault??? i've never seen the inside of a jail cell in my life and don't do anything illegal...every time i've been pulled over, i've been asked to leave my vehicle, i've been searched, my cars been search, no reasonable explanation has been given, and i've been let go...this has happened numerous times to me AND people i please tell me how it "MAY" be us...dudes think that just because they were sheltered their whole lives, whatever goes on in their own little world in the norm  

Hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience.

Not every black person has experienced this. Some who have have legitimate complaints. Some who have are criminals and consider the cops the enemy...that is my point. It doesn't warrant the cops being you enemy, if there are black people out there who have never experienced this then clearly not all cops are bad. Feel me?
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

this is where people get it wrong...i'm a young black guy who lives in the suburbs and i get pulled over ALL THE @!%%#@% TIME for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL...never was speeding in these situations, windows aren't too black, headlights worked perfectly...never got a ticket in these situations, just me, my friends and my car please, teel me exactly how I'M the problem for having so many run-ins with the law???

I spent 2 years of highschool in one of the wealthiest counties in this country in one of the wealthiest townships in the county.....never experienced any of this. Out of a graduating class of 400+ there were 4 black students in my class just to put things in perspective. Whenever I did get pulled over which may have been a total of maybe 3 times, I was definitely breaking a traffic law, I got a ticket and they never searched my car.

it's a touchy subject, i do think the racial profiling definitely exists...but I also think some people either exaggerate it or don't accept culpability. I think im just as intimidating/more intimidating looking
as the average black dude and I haven't had any issues with the police. Even times when I've been stopped and I assumed it was because i was black, all I had to do was cooperate and it ended uneventfully.

I'm trying not to sound insensitive, if this has been happening to you as often as you claim I send my condolences. But I find it hard to believe that you get stopped CONSTANTLY, never getting a ticket every single time you get stopped and illegally getting searched (what state and city is this so i never go there
). I can understand this happening to you once, but if it happens constantly the problem "MAY" be you. Like I said I know people who make these claims who definitely do illegal $%##
so because you never dealt with it means that when people do it's"THEIR" fault??? i've never seen the inside of a jail cell in my life and don't do anything illegal...every time i've been pulled over, i've been asked to leave my vehicle, i've been searched, my cars been search, no reasonable explanation has been given, and i've been let go...this has happened numerous times to me AND people i please tell me how it "MAY" be us...dudes think that just because they were sheltered their whole lives, whatever goes on in their own little world in the norm  

Hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience.

Not every black person has experienced this. Some who have have legitimate complaints. Some who have are criminals and consider the cops the enemy...that is my point. It doesn't warrant the cops being you enemy, if there are black people out there who have never experienced this then clearly not all cops are bad. Feel me?
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great


why r u mad?

-You get searched by the cops often....may not be ur fault I don't know you or where you're from
-Some black people have had this happen to them once or twice.
-Some black people have never had this happen to them myself included
-Some black people who claim this, have no argument.

I sympathize with you, my point is this doesn't make every cop a bad guy.
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great


why r u mad?

-You get searched by the cops often....may not be ur fault I don't know you or where you're from
-Some black people have had this happen to them once or twice.
-Some black people have never had this happen to them myself included
-Some black people who claim this, have no argument.

I sympathize with you, my point is this doesn't make every cop a bad guy.
Originally Posted by lyricist343

I knew my eyes didn't deceive me.

this caught me so off guard
Originally Posted by lyricist343

I knew my eyes didn't deceive me.

this caught me so off guard
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I spent 2 years of highschool in one of the wealthiest counties in this country in one of the wealthiest townships in the county.....never experienced any of this. Out of a graduating class of 400+ there were 4 black students in my class just to put things in perspective. Whenever I did get pulled over which may have been a total of maybe 3 times, I was definitely breaking a traffic law, I got a ticket and they never searched my car.

it's a touchy subject, i do think the racial profiling definitely exists...but I also think some people either exaggerate it or don't accept culpability. I think im just as intimidating/more intimidating looking
as the average black dude and I haven't had any issues with the police. Even times when I've been stopped and I assumed it was because i was black, all I had to do was cooperate and it ended uneventfully.

I'm trying not to sound insensitive, if this has been happening to you as often as you claim I send my condolences. But I find it hard to believe that you get stopped CONSTANTLY, never getting a ticket every single time you get stopped and illegally getting searched (what state and city is this so i never go there
). I can understand this happening to you once, but if it happens constantly the problem "MAY" be you. Like I said I know people who make these claims who definitely do illegal $%##
so because you never dealt with it means that when people do it's"THEIR" fault??? i've never seen the inside of a jail cell in my life and don't do anything illegal...every time i've been pulled over, i've been asked to leave my vehicle, i've been searched, my cars been search, no reasonable explanation has been given, and i've been let go...this has happened numerous times to me AND people i please tell me how it "MAY" be us...dudes think that just because they were sheltered their whole lives, whatever goes on in their own little world in the norm  

Hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience.

Not every black person has experienced this. Some who have have legitimate complaints. Some who have are criminals and consider the cops the enemy...that is my point. It doesn't warrant the cops being you enemy, if there are black people out there who have never experienced this then clearly not all cops are bad. Feel me?
why r u mad?

-You get searched by the cops often....may not be ur fault I don't know you or where you're from
-Some black people have had this happen to them once or twice.
-Some black people have never had this happen to them myself included
-Some black people who claim this, have no argument.

I sympathize with you, my point is this doesn't make every cop a bad guy.

Why do you keep arguing this point?

No one thinks all cops are bad... But when you're in a fraternity whether you commit a devious act or not, everyone will be responsible for it. Thats why when police brutality occurs, the whole department is punished on top of the specific individual(s) who actually committed the crime.

And i've been a victim of racial profiling more than 5 times, so when **@@ like this happens to your brothers, friends, family members, you start to become suspect of these police officials. It's known that police officers all across america discriminate against BLACK people and other minorities so you're wasting your time trying to prove to someone that all cops aren't bad people. One of my best friends from high school is a police officer now and you better believe that I call him a pig everytime I see him. And you know what... He doesn't get mad but rather he just laughs it off because even though he's a cop now, he's been a victim of the same things I have been through.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I spent 2 years of highschool in one of the wealthiest counties in this country in one of the wealthiest townships in the county.....never experienced any of this. Out of a graduating class of 400+ there were 4 black students in my class just to put things in perspective. Whenever I did get pulled over which may have been a total of maybe 3 times, I was definitely breaking a traffic law, I got a ticket and they never searched my car.

it's a touchy subject, i do think the racial profiling definitely exists...but I also think some people either exaggerate it or don't accept culpability. I think im just as intimidating/more intimidating looking
as the average black dude and I haven't had any issues with the police. Even times when I've been stopped and I assumed it was because i was black, all I had to do was cooperate and it ended uneventfully.

I'm trying not to sound insensitive, if this has been happening to you as often as you claim I send my condolences. But I find it hard to believe that you get stopped CONSTANTLY, never getting a ticket every single time you get stopped and illegally getting searched (what state and city is this so i never go there
). I can understand this happening to you once, but if it happens constantly the problem "MAY" be you. Like I said I know people who make these claims who definitely do illegal $%##
so because you never dealt with it means that when people do it's"THEIR" fault??? i've never seen the inside of a jail cell in my life and don't do anything illegal...every time i've been pulled over, i've been asked to leave my vehicle, i've been searched, my cars been search, no reasonable explanation has been given, and i've been let go...this has happened numerous times to me AND people i please tell me how it "MAY" be us...dudes think that just because they were sheltered their whole lives, whatever goes on in their own little world in the norm  

Hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience.

Not every black person has experienced this. Some who have have legitimate complaints. Some who have are criminals and consider the cops the enemy...that is my point. It doesn't warrant the cops being you enemy, if there are black people out there who have never experienced this then clearly not all cops are bad. Feel me?
why r u mad?

-You get searched by the cops often....may not be ur fault I don't know you or where you're from
-Some black people have had this happen to them once or twice.
-Some black people have never had this happen to them myself included
-Some black people who claim this, have no argument.

I sympathize with you, my point is this doesn't make every cop a bad guy.

Why do you keep arguing this point?

No one thinks all cops are bad... But when you're in a fraternity whether you commit a devious act or not, everyone will be responsible for it. Thats why when police brutality occurs, the whole department is punished on top of the specific individual(s) who actually committed the crime.

And i've been a victim of racial profiling more than 5 times, so when **@@ like this happens to your brothers, friends, family members, you start to become suspect of these police officials. It's known that police officers all across america discriminate against BLACK people and other minorities so you're wasting your time trying to prove to someone that all cops aren't bad people. One of my best friends from high school is a police officer now and you better believe that I call him a pig everytime I see him. And you know what... He doesn't get mad but rather he just laughs it off because even though he's a cop now, he's been a victim of the same things I have been through.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great


why r u mad?

-You get searched by the cops often....may not be ur fault I don't know you or where you're from
-Some black people have had this happen to them once or twice.
-Some black people have never had this happen to them myself included
-Some black people who claim this, have no argument.

I sympathize with you, my point is this doesn't make every cop a bad guy.
 wasn't at you, i edited after yuku triple posted me...but my arguement wasn't that every cop is a bad guy...i don't believe that not one comments stemmed from you saying that i'm the problem for having so many run ins with the law...still, that's beside the point of this thread
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great


why r u mad?

-You get searched by the cops often....may not be ur fault I don't know you or where you're from
-Some black people have had this happen to them once or twice.
-Some black people have never had this happen to them myself included
-Some black people who claim this, have no argument.

I sympathize with you, my point is this doesn't make every cop a bad guy.
 wasn't at you, i edited after yuku triple posted me...but my arguement wasn't that every cop is a bad guy...i don't believe that not one comments stemmed from you saying that i'm the problem for having so many run ins with the law...still, that's beside the point of this thread
Anton with his pathetic apologist tone again
This is the United States of America. A historically certified police state for African Americans. Nigerian Americans? Might be different. But don't go speaking for us because you've shown little understanding of the African American condition, continuing to inject your point of view on the conditions of America from a biased point of view based on your own experience as a NIGERIAN American. 

hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience

For you to say its not the norm is simply FALSE, "brother"....Science H. Logic!! Look at the numbers Mr. 'Anton'...your own precious New York City locks up 'negros'(Nigerians?)  like their entire well being depends on it......


and Now your talkin about 'illegal activity'...

what is the basis of legality in America Anton? The incarceration rate of this country speaks for itself. So any rebuttal from you is honestly obsolete to me. 
Anton with his pathetic apologist tone again
This is the United States of America. A historically certified police state for African Americans. Nigerian Americans? Might be different. But don't go speaking for us because you've shown little understanding of the African American condition, continuing to inject your point of view on the conditions of America from a biased point of view based on your own experience as a NIGERIAN American. 

hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience

For you to say its not the norm is simply FALSE, "brother"....Science H. Logic!! Look at the numbers Mr. 'Anton'...your own precious New York City locks up 'negros'(Nigerians?)  like their entire well being depends on it......


and Now your talkin about 'illegal activity'...

what is the basis of legality in America Anton? The incarceration rate of this country speaks for itself. So any rebuttal from you is honestly obsolete to me. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Anton with his pathetic apologist tone again
This is the United States of America. A historically certified police state for African Americans. Nigerian Americans? Might be different. But don't go speaking for us because you've shown little understanding of the African American condition, continuing to inject your point of view on the conditions of America from a biased point of view based on your own experience as a NIGERIAN American. 

hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience

For you to say its not the norm is simply FALSE, "brother"....Science H. Logic!! Look at the numbers Mr. 'Anton'...your own precious New York City locks up 'negros'(Nigerians?)  like their entire well being depends on it......


and Now your talkin about 'illegal activity'...

what is the basis of legality in America Anton? The incarceration rate of this country speaks for itself. So any rebuttal from you is honestly obsolete to me. 

"God" forbid I take the pathetic apologist tone.
Aren't you the same person who was complaining about the police and then admitted you've been arrested multiple times? Injecting my point of view....cops don't know i'm Nigerian when i walk down the street-I'm technically just another black dude in America in their eyes. My point of view also includes interactions with African Americans. From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.

I apologize that most black people I know are upstanding citizens who have never had any issues with the police. You make that sound like it's such a terrible thing. Not every black person is tryna go to war with the damn police.

My basis of legality?
This country has laws, I don't think most of them are unreasonable.
You acting like the cops are running up in people's cribs telling them not to read books or watch TV.

SCIENCE.....LOGIC......LIONS....TIGERS...BEARS......oh mai
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Anton with his pathetic apologist tone again
This is the United States of America. A historically certified police state for African Americans. Nigerian Americans? Might be different. But don't go speaking for us because you've shown little understanding of the African American condition, continuing to inject your point of view on the conditions of America from a biased point of view based on your own experience as a NIGERIAN American. 

hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience

For you to say its not the norm is simply FALSE, "brother"....Science H. Logic!! Look at the numbers Mr. 'Anton'...your own precious New York City locks up 'negros'(Nigerians?)  like their entire well being depends on it......


and Now your talkin about 'illegal activity'...

what is the basis of legality in America Anton? The incarceration rate of this country speaks for itself. So any rebuttal from you is honestly obsolete to me. 

"God" forbid I take the pathetic apologist tone.
Aren't you the same person who was complaining about the police and then admitted you've been arrested multiple times? Injecting my point of view....cops don't know i'm Nigerian when i walk down the street-I'm technically just another black dude in America in their eyes. My point of view also includes interactions with African Americans. From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.

I apologize that most black people I know are upstanding citizens who have never had any issues with the police. You make that sound like it's such a terrible thing. Not every black person is tryna go to war with the damn police.

My basis of legality?
This country has laws, I don't think most of them are unreasonable.
You acting like the cops are running up in people's cribs telling them not to read books or watch TV.

SCIENCE.....LOGIC......LIONS....TIGERS...BEARS......oh mai
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.
What crimes are you talking about? Burnin a spliff? Robbing a Bank? African Americans hate that cops wont let them rape people? 

Maybe people dont like Police because they use their authority to harass and intimidate as opposed to serve and protect? Get over yourself.

Your problem is no one has ever made a #@#!$ outta you...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.
What crimes are you talking about? Burnin a spliff? Robbing a Bank? African Americans hate that cops wont let them rape people? 

Maybe people dont like Police because they use their authority to harass and intimidate as opposed to serve and protect? Get over yourself.

Your problem is no one has ever made a #@#!$ outta you...
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.
What crimes are you talking about? Burnin a spliff? Robbing a Bank? African Americans hate that cops wont let them rape people? 

Maybe people dont like Police because they use their authority to harass and intimidate as opposed to serve and protect? Get over yourself.

Your problem is no one has ever made a #@#!$ outta you...

Haha-refer to were i said most black people I know aren't at war with the damn police....they're regular upstanding citizens who have no reason whatsoever to beef with the police. On the other hand there are black people who have experienced brutality and profiling. Then there are those who complain about profiling who are actually criminals.

3 different scenarios, all true. Take from that what you will.

-Now that last statement kinda makes you sound a little bit salty, but if you must know as a young apprentice I get made a fool out of by my "superiors". There is a lot more of that waiting for me in the future
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.
What crimes are you talking about? Burnin a spliff? Robbing a Bank? African Americans hate that cops wont let them rape people? 

Maybe people dont like Police because they use their authority to harass and intimidate as opposed to serve and protect? Get over yourself.

Your problem is no one has ever made a #@#!$ outta you...

Haha-refer to were i said most black people I know aren't at war with the damn police....they're regular upstanding citizens who have no reason whatsoever to beef with the police. On the other hand there are black people who have experienced brutality and profiling. Then there are those who complain about profiling who are actually criminals.

3 different scenarios, all true. Take from that what you will.

-Now that last statement kinda makes you sound a little bit salty, but if you must know as a young apprentice I get made a fool out of by my "superiors". There is a lot more of that waiting for me in the future
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Anton with his pathetic apologist tone again
This is the United States of America. A historically certified police state for African Americans. Nigerian Americans? Might be different. But don't go speaking for us because you've shown little understanding of the African American condition, continuing to inject your point of view on the conditions of America from a biased point of view based on your own experience as a NIGERIAN American. 

hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience

For you to say its not the norm is simply FALSE, "brother"....Science H. Logic!! Look at the numbers Mr. 'Anton'...your own precious New York City locks up 'negros'(Nigerians?)  like their entire well being depends on it......


and Now your talkin about 'illegal activity'...

what is the basis of legality in America Anton? The incarceration rate of this country speaks for itself. So any rebuttal from you is honestly obsolete to me. 

"God" forbid I take the pathetic apologist tone.
Aren't you the same person who was complaining about the police and then admitted you've been arrested multiple times? Injecting my point of view....cops don't know i'm Nigerian when i walk down the street-I'm technically just another black dude in America in their eyes. My point of view also includes interactions with African Americans. From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.

I apologize that most black people I know are upstanding citizens who have never had any issues with the police. You make that sound like it's such a terrible thing. Not every black person is tryna go to war with the damn police.

My basis of legality?
This country has laws, I don't think most of them are unreasonable.
You acting like the cops are running up in people's cribs telling them not to read books or watch TV.

SCIENCE.....LOGIC......LIONS....TIGERS...BEARS......oh mai

   Ive never been aressted and you've never seen me make such a claim so stop trying to fabricate reality.

Thats your problem, Dr. Anton. You have no clue about the history of this legal system, yet you arbitrarily accept American culture like this $+#* is right. You think these laws just popped out of thin air one day? These laws are designed to do EXACTLY what they're doing.  

So why don't you use your omnipotent knowledge and define CRIME for me Mr. Anton,  That is why I asked you what is the basis of legality but you revert to your simpleton arguments about the police.

What is the basis of legality, not in America necessarily, but anywhere...Why is it ok for certain things to be criminalized Anton?

And how are the origins of legality relevant to this discussion?
Go ahead  and be a good little simpleton and post some more smilies bruh. Your wrong and I'm right. /thread.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Anton with his pathetic apologist tone again
This is the United States of America. A historically certified police state for African Americans. Nigerian Americans? Might be different. But don't go speaking for us because you've shown little understanding of the African American condition, continuing to inject your point of view on the conditions of America from a biased point of view based on your own experience as a NIGERIAN American. 

hey im tryna be understanding here if this does happen to you Im sorry but its not the "norm". I have been far from sheltered, I've lived in many diverse environments from a third world country to the hood to the suburbs. I'm saying from my experience and a lot of black people i know this had never happened to them. I know some black people who have been victims of racial profiling and that only happened to them once. A lot of black people i hear complain about it happening a lot, do engage in illegal activity (not saying that you do). Just my experience

For you to say its not the norm is simply FALSE, "brother"....Science H. Logic!! Look at the numbers Mr. 'Anton'...your own precious New York City locks up 'negros'(Nigerians?)  like their entire well being depends on it......


and Now your talkin about 'illegal activity'...

what is the basis of legality in America Anton? The incarceration rate of this country speaks for itself. So any rebuttal from you is honestly obsolete to me. 

"God" forbid I take the pathetic apologist tone.
Aren't you the same person who was complaining about the police and then admitted you've been arrested multiple times? Injecting my point of view....cops don't know i'm Nigerian when i walk down the street-I'm technically just another black dude in America in their eyes. My point of view also includes interactions with African Americans. From my experience a lot of them who complain about the police are complaining because the police won't let them commit crime.

I apologize that most black people I know are upstanding citizens who have never had any issues with the police. You make that sound like it's such a terrible thing. Not every black person is tryna go to war with the damn police.

My basis of legality?
This country has laws, I don't think most of them are unreasonable.
You acting like the cops are running up in people's cribs telling them not to read books or watch TV.

SCIENCE.....LOGIC......LIONS....TIGERS...BEARS......oh mai

   Ive never been aressted and you've never seen me make such a claim so stop trying to fabricate reality.

Thats your problem, Dr. Anton. You have no clue about the history of this legal system, yet you arbitrarily accept American culture like this $+#* is right. You think these laws just popped out of thin air one day? These laws are designed to do EXACTLY what they're doing.  

So why don't you use your omnipotent knowledge and define CRIME for me Mr. Anton,  That is why I asked you what is the basis of legality but you revert to your simpleton arguments about the police.

What is the basis of legality, not in America necessarily, but anywhere...Why is it ok for certain things to be criminalized Anton?

And how are the origins of legality relevant to this discussion?
Go ahead  and be a good little simpleton and post some more smilies bruh. Your wrong and I'm right. /thread.
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