COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

Originally Posted by Put em up

cop weak as took him forever to slam her. and she ate his weak *%! punch and served him 4 quick ones.

shorty def not the average white girl. trust me, Tyrone for Simpson Road is gutting her nightly. and when the cop cuffed her, she got up like a straight G.

both cops were pulling her in opposite directions
 the hell you talking bout'

bald cop said #*%@ it and fatty won.

but im not gonna argue further over this dumb *@+#.

Originally Posted by Put em up

cop weak as took him forever to slam her. and she ate his weak *%! punch and served him 4 quick ones.

shorty def not the average white girl. trust me, Tyrone for Simpson Road is gutting her nightly. and when the cop cuffed her, she got up like a straight G.

both cops were pulling her in opposite directions
 the hell you talking bout'

bald cop said #*%@ it and fatty won.

but im not gonna argue further over this dumb *@+#.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

IM not addvocating she be let slide... I said cuff her... She was 5 n a half feet 100 lbs with no bags or clothes large enough to conceal any kinda weapon... It doesnt take,2 officers to cuff a cooperating suspect, she was,slappin/grasping at their,arms not throwin haymakers to their faces like they did to her... I repeat NO training. he jus shoulda controlled her wrist, slammed her down n cuffed her. The end. If they were better at,reading n accessing wed have alot less police brutality stories.... Imagine if that second punch put her out n she,hit,her head on the way down.... "6'2 220lb cop leaves teenage girl n coma"

She was resisting arrest for people wondering why she had to be slammed to the ground. Her swinging at the cop also mean cuffing her wasn't going to be "voluntary". What was the cop supposed to say after that, lady after you're done swinging at me....gently turn around and LET ME CUFF YOU.

Come on son.
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

IM not addvocating she be let slide... I said cuff her... She was 5 n a half feet 100 lbs with no bags or clothes large enough to conceal any kinda weapon... It doesnt take,2 officers to cuff a cooperating suspect, she was,slappin/grasping at their,arms not throwin haymakers to their faces like they did to her... I repeat NO training. he jus shoulda controlled her wrist, slammed her down n cuffed her. The end. If they were better at,reading n accessing wed have alot less police brutality stories.... Imagine if that second punch put her out n she,hit,her head on the way down.... "6'2 220lb cop leaves teenage girl n coma"

She was resisting arrest for people wondering why she had to be slammed to the ground. Her swinging at the cop also mean cuffing her wasn't going to be "voluntary". What was the cop supposed to say after that, lady after you're done swinging at me....gently turn around and LET ME CUFF YOU.

Come on son.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
in what situation do you think its ok to put hands on, or swing at a police officer? lol dude had no regard for her after the first swing, and slammed that @#%$% on the floor
in what situation do you think its ok to put hands on, or swing at a police officer? lol dude had no regard for her after the first swing, and slammed that @#%$% on the floor
Only one person has used the word animals, I wonder why..........................

If she was black it would've been on the first page. People would also say she deserved it.
Only one person has used the word animals, I wonder why..........................

If she was black it would've been on the first page. People would also say she deserved it.
Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
No Question

This thread would have been filled with slick comments and all that. But its white girl so instead of being an animal or a **$%+%%. She just took it a little to far 

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
No Question

This thread would have been filled with slick comments and all that. But its white girl so instead of being an animal or a **$%+%%. She just took it a little to far 

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
the things is though, a lot of the time when we see this happen to to someone else, it's for far less than what the woman in this video was doing...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
the things is though, a lot of the time when we see this happen to to someone else, it's for far less than what the woman in this video was doing...
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
No Question

This thread would have been filled with slick comments and all that. But its white girl so instead of being an animal or a **$%+%%. She just took it a little to far 


That's how conservative people roll...yall should he used to that by now
!$%# I know I am
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