COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

If she was black this thread would be filled to the brim with "animals" & "she deserved it"

100% cosign

thread wouldve been full with word h oodrat, and "we gotta do better" line.

but bc shes white, that cop might be fired.
No Question

This thread would have been filled with slick comments and all that. But its white girl so instead of being an animal or a **$%+%%. She just took it a little to far 


That's how conservative people roll...yall should he used to that by now
!$%# I know I am
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
So your comment is directed at people defending the cop's actions?

And by "not trying to turn this into a racial thing" are you stating that people would then be saying the cop was justified reacting like that to an African American male?  If so, that doesn't make any sense.  People would be saying either way that by the person (white girl or black male) putting their hands on the cop, they deserved to get hit and arrested for interfering with an arrest.

I think, regardless of race, if you're drunk/high/an idiot/emotional, if you put your hands on a cop like that when your friend is getting arrested, he pushes you away and you start swinging, you're getting hit, taken to the ground and arrested as long as the cops can overpower you.  If you're a large man or someone with some crackhead superpower (nothing to do with race), it'll get a lot uglier than that either for the cop or the dude.
No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
So your comment is directed at people defending the cop's actions?

And by "not trying to turn this into a racial thing" are you stating that people would then be saying the cop was justified reacting like that to an African American male?  If so, that doesn't make any sense.  People would be saying either way that by the person (white girl or black male) putting their hands on the cop, they deserved to get hit and arrested for interfering with an arrest.

I think, regardless of race, if you're drunk/high/an idiot/emotional, if you put your hands on a cop like that when your friend is getting arrested, he pushes you away and you start swinging, you're getting hit, taken to the ground and arrested as long as the cops can overpower you.  If you're a large man or someone with some crackhead superpower (nothing to do with race), it'll get a lot uglier than that either for the cop or the dude.
No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
the things is though, a lot of the time when we see this happen to to someone else, it's for far less than what the woman in this video was doing...
exactly, there was a video up about a week ago when a black guy was joking with a white pedestrian on a bike and he was the one arrested. Blacks are so disadvantaged and its evident even on this board by comments. To the video, he should of used his training. Didn't have to slug her like that.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
the things is though, a lot of the time when we see this happen to to someone else, it's for far less than what the woman in this video was doing...
exactly, there was a video up about a week ago when a black guy was joking with a white pedestrian on a bike and he was the one arrested. Blacks are so disadvantaged and its evident even on this board by comments. To the video, he should of used his training. Didn't have to slug her like that.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
the things is though, a lot of the time when we see this happen to to someone else, it's for far less than what the woman in this video was doing...

U agree, but what she was doing does not anywhere near justify what he did....she was out of line, she didn't strike the copfirst though....cops are trained to handle hostile situations in a different manner....had that not been a white girl, dudes in here would be raging instead of
all over the place.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Surprised at the amount of people who find this funny and are somewhat justifying the cops actions, she was interfering with the arrest, however there were other cops on scene thatcoukd have easily contained her in much better matter, they are trained to contain these situations, this #@#@% $+%#$#+ went into a brawl with this girl...she was not "pushing" or "grabbing" him she was nearly touching, was she wrong for doing that, YES...does it justify this man close dusting her in the #$+$*$ face??..#@%* NO.

Alot of immaturity on here and kind of messed up how differen you guys react when we see a cop abusing an African American male....not trying to turn this into a racial thing but damn...
the things is though, a lot of the time when we see this happen to to someone else, it's for far less than what the woman in this video was doing...

U agree, but what she was doing does not anywhere near justify what he did....she was out of line, she didn't strike the copfirst though....cops are trained to handle hostile situations in a different manner....had that not been a white girl, dudes in here would be raging instead of
all over the place.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.

So age and sex give people a pass to break the law and resist arrest? It's thinking like that that leads to situations like this in the first place. You think the girl didn't keep it in mind that there's a possibility she could potentially get away with swinging at a cop? As a male I know better than to do such a thing but for females they feel as though there are no repercussions for such behavior because of people making excuses for them.

She walked away with her life and all her teeth, imo that rules out the excessive force argument.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.

So age and sex give people a pass to break the law and resist arrest? It's thinking like that that leads to situations like this in the first place. You think the girl didn't keep it in mind that there's a possibility she could potentially get away with swinging at a cop? As a male I know better than to do such a thing but for females they feel as though there are no repercussions for such behavior because of people making excuses for them.

She walked away with her life and all her teeth, imo that rules out the excessive force argument.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.

So age and sex give people a pass to break the law and resist arrest? It's thinking like that that leads to situations like this in the first place. You think the girl didn't keep it in mind that there's a possibility she could potentially get away with swinging at a cop? As a male I know better than to do such a thing but for females they feel as though there are no repercussions for such behavior because of people making excuses for them.

She walked away with her life and all her teeth, imo that rules out the excessive force argument.
Exactly its like this dude aint even watch the damn video

You put your hands on a cop & you aint pattin him on the back for a job well done you better gaurd your got damn grill... SMH she lucky she aint catch a few baton whips to the legs...

I'm a 25 yr old blk male, bout 5'9" 150... If i touched an officer like that i would STILL be getting my %!% whooped
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.

So age and sex give people a pass to break the law and resist arrest? It's thinking like that that leads to situations like this in the first place. You think the girl didn't keep it in mind that there's a possibility she could potentially get away with swinging at a cop? As a male I know better than to do such a thing but for females they feel as though there are no repercussions for such behavior because of people making excuses for them.

She walked away with her life and all her teeth, imo that rules out the excessive force argument.
Exactly its like this dude aint even watch the damn video

You put your hands on a cop & you aint pattin him on the back for a job well done you better gaurd your got damn grill... SMH she lucky she aint catch a few baton whips to the legs...

I'm a 25 yr old blk male, bout 5'9" 150... If i touched an officer like that i would STILL be getting my %!% whooped
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