COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

at people defending the girl. You put your hands on a police officer, that's assault on a police officer. End of story. She was throwing punches at him while he and his partner were trying to arrest the other perp and maintain control of the angry crowd. Let's not forget that she's under the influence. She's lucky all she got was punched in the face. Had that been a black male doing what she did, he would have been incapacitated. He doesn't deserve any repercussions for what he did.

at trying to get the attention of her friend. She was interfering with the arrest.

White is right though. White is always right.

we can't go around assuming people aren't a threat because they look a certain way.
there have been young girls who have killed someone while trying to "protect their friends"
Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.
Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Don't you watch cops?
I see plenty o white wimminz getting the business. They're usually fat and drunk and deserving of a knock to the head
A white girl at my undergrad got beat up by campus police, I was dying
...she was being a %%#hole tho. Women seem to think there are no repercussions to being an %%#hole.
  I'd be tazin em left and right just for being annoying.  One dude pissed his pants, he was so scared
What a clown.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Don't you watch cops?
I see plenty o white wimminz getting the business. They're usually fat and drunk and deserving of a knock to the head
A white girl at my undergrad got beat up by campus police, I was dying
...she was being a %%#hole tho. Women seem to think there are no repercussions to being an %%#hole.
  I'd be tazin em left and right just for being annoying.  One dude pissed his pants, he was so scared
What a clown.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

/\ nah steezy he defends law enforcement like hes an informant or summin... i dunno

the poster boy for scared straight... terrified of that badge... the facts remain... he hit her as hard as he could n the face because she was causing a scene...

if he was any kinda man and not a fat sloppy outta shape PIG, he woulda gripped her up and handled her... then Anton u wanna say she left with her life and teeth...

again i say had she been knocked unconscious and started seizing then what? had her head slammed the ground when they dog piled her then what? more training woulda saved their
precinct from this sure to be impending lawsuit

but she wasn't knocked unconscious...what's your point? The punch was not strong enough to knock her unconscious. Cop tazer people all the time, tazing someone actually carries a higher risk of accidental death than a weak *** punch. Lol @ people I showed this vid saying he should have tazed her, what if she had a heart condition. There are a lot of what ifs, all this could be avoided if she just kept her hands to herself.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.

So age and sex give people a pass to break the law and resist arrest? It's thinking like that that leads to situations like this in the first place. You think the girl didn't keep it in mind that there's a possibility she could potentially get away with swinging at a cop? As a male I know better than to do such a thing but for females they feel as though there are no repercussions for such behavior because of people making excuses for them.

She walked away with her life and all her teeth, imo that rules out the excessive force argument.
There is a reason you aren't allowed to touch/ interfere with cops, in a job like that, officers need to have control over situations and need to neutralize all potential threats. I'm sure there have been young girls who have killed someone while trying to "protect their friends" so why should the officer show here any leeway when he has no idea if she or her party has a weapon/ poses an undetermined threat to him or his fellow officer. The law applies to man, woman & child, resisting/ not cooperating with an officer is a crime, so is attacking an officer, he did what he felt was necessary at the time & should not lose his job over this.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

No woman, black, white, brown or whatever color she might be in that situation deserves what she got...let's look at the facts.

-he's a man
-she's a young girl
-he was merely trying to protect her friend, trying to get her friends attention
-there was another cop that could have detained her
- she touched him, he slaps her, she reacts like any human would.
-this dude instead of using his training, gets into a brawl with her
-police brutality at it's finest.

Wonder how he would feel looking at a video of some other dude/cop doing this to his daughter, because from the looks of it...there is a big age difference...@+!## herb.

So age and sex give people a pass to break the law and resist arrest? It's thinking like that that leads to situations like this in the first place. You think the girl didn't keep it in mind that there's a possibility she could potentially get away with swinging at a cop? As a male I know better than to do such a thing but for females they feel as though there are no repercussions for such behavior because of people making excuses for them.

She walked away with her life and all her teeth, imo that rules out the excessive force argument.
There is a reason you aren't allowed to touch/ interfere with cops, in a job like that, officers need to have control over situations and need to neutralize all potential threats. I'm sure there have been young girls who have killed someone while trying to "protect their friends" so why should the officer show here any leeway when he has no idea if she or her party has a weapon/ poses an undetermined threat to him or his fellow officer. The law applies to man, woman & child, resisting/ not cooperating with an officer is a crime, so is attacking an officer, he did what he felt was necessary at the time & should not lose his job over this.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

/\ nah steezy he defends law enforcement like hes an informant or summin... i dunno

the poster boy for scared straight... terrified of that badge... the facts remain... he hit her as hard as he could n the face because she was causing a scene...

if he was any kinda man and not a fat sloppy outta shape PIG, he woulda gripped her up and handled her... then Anton u wanna say she left with her life and teeth...

again i say had she been knocked unconscious and started seizing then what? had her head slammed the ground when they dog piled her then what? more training woulda saved their
precinct from this sure to be impending lawsuit

but she wasn't knocked unconscious...what's your point? The punch was not strong enough to knock her unconscious. Cop tazer people all the time, tazing someone actually carries a higher risk of accidental death than a weak *** punch. Lol @ people I showed this vid saying he should have tazed her, what if she had a heart condition. There are a lot of what ifs, all this could be avoided if she just kept her hands to herself.
I'm Hispanic if it matters, I'm not defending her more because she's white but because she's a woman, however if she was black I'm sure some of you laughing at her wouldn't be's a damn shame.

Mister negative - I don't think we are viewing the same video...the cop swung first....
I'm Hispanic if it matters, I'm not defending her more because she's white but because she's a woman, however if she was black I'm sure some of you laughing at her wouldn't be's a damn shame.

Mister negative - I don't think we are viewing the same video...the cop swung first....
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.

she was interfering with an arrest and touching the cop....did you even watch the vid? There's a reason why that's a law, goldenarmz put it well. The only argument that can be made here is one of ignorance. Maybe she didn't know she couldn't do that.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.

she was interfering with an arrest and touching the cop....did you even watch the vid? There's a reason why that's a law, goldenarmz put it well. The only argument that can be made here is one of ignorance. Maybe she didn't know she couldn't do that.
His actions are justified.
Women need to learn... if you start getting violent with a male, he will reciprocate.
They think they are invincible
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.

she was interfering with an arrest and touching the cop....did you even watch the vid? There's a reason why that's a law, goldenarmz put it well. The only argument that can be made here is one of ignorance. Maybe she didn't know she couldn't do that.
and even in if that was the case  "Ignorantia juris non excusat" ignorance of the law does not excuse.
[font=arial, sans-serif]She was wrong, she got mopped, end of story.
His actions are justified.
Women need to learn... if you start getting violent with a male, he will reciprocate.
They think they are invincible
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.

she was interfering with an arrest and touching the cop....did you even watch the vid? There's a reason why that's a law, goldenarmz put it well. The only argument that can be made here is one of ignorance. Maybe she didn't know she couldn't do that.
and even in if that was the case  "Ignorantia juris non excusat" ignorance of the law does not excuse.
[font=arial, sans-serif]She was wrong, she got mopped, end of story.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - he swing first....or does a slap to the face does not that point she reacted like anyone else would and swing.

I'm sure cops are not told in the academy "swing when touched" dudes are supposed to know how to keep their cool in order to maintain a situation contained...what he did was pose a bigger threat to his peers, you never know who is in the crowd...this could have turned very ugly for everyone...instead of fixing and diluting the situation this man did the opposite.

she was interfering with an arrest and touching the cop....did you even watch the vid? There's a reason why that's a law, goldenarmz put it well. The only argument that can be made here is one of ignorance. Maybe she didn't know she couldn't do that.
and even in if that was the case  "Ignorantia juris non excusat" ignorance of the law does not excuse.
[font=arial, sans-serif]She was wrong, she got mopped, end of story.
Oh that's why I made the
face....that argument never holds up in court.

It was also in reference to a dave chapelle standup bit where his white friend tells the cop "he didn't know he couldn't do that"
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

breaking the law is breaking the law and police can use force if need be, i didnt see anything excessive, she was still conscious being dragged out in handcuffs.... i didnt see no sleeper hold or him continuing to bash her face to a pulp... some people are such whiny !%%$#+#

aight son next time u at dinner with ur fam, we gunna escort u away and if ur mom/sister.aunt cause a scene im sluggin her... CMON son its NEVERRRR ok for a man to slug a woman who is

half his size... unless she has a deadly weapon or is capable of causing bodily harm... she slapped his arms... he punched her jaw...
my fam aint dumb enough to grab a cop and try and tell them their job. She obviously thought she was above the law...

your telling me the cop shoulda just been gentle and took a beating from this chick?

Please Ma'am Stop hitting me, i am just doing my job, Ma'am I asked kindly... please stop..... RIGHHHTTTT

and yes their is situations that it is appropriate to put a chick on her !%*, thinking she could interfere and stop the inevitable is a JOKE.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I think you guys are confusion what I'm saying, I'm saying if she wasn't a white girl her actions would be justified, not HIS an that so many of you wouldn't be so quick to laugh about the matter....the reactions in here is what got me, I expected similar reactions like in the other thread where dude got locked up for a all reality she didn't pose anymore of a threat than that other dude...we can compare the videos and you cannot tell me that dude didn't look like he was ready to strike the cop at any time...would the cop had been justified then to knock the man in the face like he is in this situation?

bottom line, her actions WEREN'T justified. 
It's clear a lot of dudes saying "she's only a 100lb girl", haven't been in too many physical confrontations. When that adrenaline gets pumping, i've seen and dealt with chicks who fight like dudes. 
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

breaking the law is breaking the law and police can use force if need be, i didnt see anything excessive, she was still conscious being dragged out in handcuffs.... i didnt see no sleeper hold or him continuing to bash her face to a pulp... some people are such whiny !%%$#+#

aight son next time u at dinner with ur fam, we gunna escort u away and if ur mom/sister.aunt cause a scene im sluggin her... CMON son its NEVERRRR ok for a man to slug a woman who is

half his size... unless she has a deadly weapon or is capable of causing bodily harm... she slapped his arms... he punched her jaw...
my fam aint dumb enough to grab a cop and try and tell them their job. She obviously thought she was above the law...

your telling me the cop shoulda just been gentle and took a beating from this chick?

Please Ma'am Stop hitting me, i am just doing my job, Ma'am I asked kindly... please stop..... RIGHHHTTTT

and yes their is situations that it is appropriate to put a chick on her !%*, thinking she could interfere and stop the inevitable is a JOKE.
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