CORGI SHOE's stash (world's largest private collection) for sale piece by piece

I emailed you awhile ago about taiwans in a sz 9 or 9.5 just wondering if you had these or LIme Am90s in a sz 9-10. I think I remember you had sold a pair ofsz 9 limes on the site already, hopefully you have another pair in either that size or in a 9.5 or 10.Thanks.
Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

That almost makes me want to buy them just so I can say I have some Captain Up Carolinas!!!

...that was hilarious to read tho corgi. btw....those womens XI's in a 14 have given me hope that u may have the citrus XI's in that size.

sorry to burst your bubble but sz 12 was the biggest i ever got the citrus 11 lows. Could never find them bigger. I should have ordered them from ebay when they routinely carried womens jordans up to size 15. But these sz 14 11 lows are quite an oddity. Whether you like em or not and yes they are pink i only know 1 other person who has a pair still. And i'd bet we may be the only 2 people that have a deadstock pair if he still has his.
Its always nice to bring a little levity to this shoe thing that so many people take so seriously.

I have em in a womens 13, not going to lie it took me forever to locate a pair, my advice is just keep trying. Ebay/Nt BUY-SELL/ you should find a paireventually.
Oh yeah and, buy this mans stuff. Very fair prices, very quick shipping, all-around good dude...a dying breed in todays world.
86KB.....apprecite the kind words. Lemme know when you make it to cali. We will take it from there sir.
Originally Posted by jwdanklefs


!$@+ had me rollin too lol, I only just recently stopped doing !$@+ like that (breaking out heat to impress chicks) and definitely regret doing so, you shouldwear what you feel like wearing at the time and not try to impress a #*!!+.
also corgi I saw somewhere a few pages back you said you may be in new york for a little, if that comes to fruition let me know.
boston for sure in mid nov. NY possibly the following week in the Nov 20's. I'll let you know.
sorry folks. been a bit sick. Back to fighting weight. Gonna get the updates goin again. Full disclosure, i go slow but steady. I've had this blog for ayear, its still building in hits and i still have easily 1500+ more shoes to post. It takes time. But what i have learned in life is time and my memory is thetwo things that are always with me.
like to personalize the blog with dog of the day (sorry if i lag, resubmit if need be, apologies in advance) and stuff like this so it goes beyond me justpimping my shoes and selling them. I like the emails, discussion in this thread and so forth. Its only shoes its not that serious,. I notice when i add my 2cents in other threads some of you who have no clue who i am and call me a newbie and so forth (by the way i am nobody but certainly have a bit of tenure inthis shoe thing) take my remarks waaaaaay to personally. Relax, enjoy your shoes and its not life or death. Go to prison for 7 years of your 20's and seehow important shoes are to you.
awesome stickers
I made some T-shirts for my family with our dog on them.

On another note, what did you go to prison for? If you don't mind my asking, if you care not to share thats totally understandable.

But damn, Philip Lumbang's portrait of Bubba and El-A is DOPE... I actually saw some of his graff in NYC last week when I was there for a day, prettysurprised to run into it. Neckface also had a TON of tags up...
Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

^ Why would you ask such a thing on a forum????

Haha, I mean no disrespect. It is something he has referenced on this forum a number of times and I guess curiosity got the better of my"web-appropriate" judgment.
Originally Posted by 0704202134

awesome stickers
I made some T-shirts for my family with our dog on them.

On another note, what did you go to prison for? If you don't mind my asking, if you care not to share thats totally understandable.
great shirt. Jake no worries, i am open to discuss anything in this thread since somehow i have my own thread where basically i run my mouth andpimp my shoe sales. Pretty damn amazing if u ask me. The mods have been very generous to me. Both times was for drugs. Nothing major. But state and federallaws on certain drugs are aimed to bury you in prison for small amounts. Intended to perpetuate a business which is the entie legal system and prison system.Dont be fooled. There is no rehabilitation. They teach u hate, and how to fight over space that isnt yours. They want your head on that pillow everyday. Dontlet them fool you with the "it costs $35,000 to $50,000 a year to house an inmate". It costs that much because the US government is the true mafiaand organized crime. I am not a victum. I did what i did but manditory minimum sentences for small amounts of narcotics are insane. I could get arrested with 5grams of crack or 5 kilos of cocaine and get the same time? 5 grams of crack bundled up and after you pay the runners, managers etc etc wont make u *%%@ butmaybe a pair of J's and a dinner and rent in a small apartment. 5 kilos of cocaine will make you $80,000 if you flipped them all at the same time> ifyou break it down, cut it with pure touch and so forth you 10x that price. Yet its the same 5 years. Meth and crack are agenda drugs. Meaning the us governmentknows they are heavily used and sold by minoroties and poor whites. So you get slayed for time. My advice. Dont sell drugs or stick to under and ounce of weed.Dont trust anyone, dont be greedy and get a real job. Read a book. Better yourself because the drug game (and i love how yous all say the shoe game) is DEAD.the government cant have it and tax it so they make up for it by building prisons, paying turnkey prison hack guuards huge salaries, and making the WAR ONDRUGS the longest war ever in the UNITED STATES. It will rival the religious wars in tenure.
Again its my thread, actaully its all your threads. Discuss what u want when u want. Shoes, sports, whatever. I dont care. Its not that serious. Im justhonored people find me of some interest and relevance and check my little blog and hit me via email and in this thread.
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