CRAAAAAAAAAZY FIGHT on the 6 Train... must watch

they can't fight by what logic. everybody needs to be a boxer for NT. they threw down appropriately.

its crazy how little some of yo u would care if the chick was a guy.

and her man was inside the train for a minute trying to leave the situation and she was still outside despite him telling ehr to go.

what did the black guy do or say btw to make him rush like that? he had called it quits then just snapped
She's lucky she didn't get rocked earlier in the fight when she was grabbin' up on dude
So be mad at her man who pushed her out of the way to scrap...

You can't grab up an opposing fighter during the course of a heated fight and expect not to get clocked. Man, woman or are libel to get hurt.

She put herself in that situation and i'm usually never the one to defend a woman getting hit.
Like I said I dont advocate violence so her man is in the wrong for getting into a situation that got his lady hurt. But under no circumstances doyou hit a lady. The black dudes chick actually decked the old latino dude, did he sock her in the mouth? No. And the fight was hardly heated, barely anypunches thrown, a whole lot of holding going on. Dude just couldn't control himself bottom line no justification.
Originally Posted by latinplatinum69

So be mad at her man who pushed her out of the way to scrap...

You can't grab up an opposing fighter during the course of a heated fight and expect not to get clocked. Man, woman or are libel to get hurt.

She put herself in that situation and i'm usually never the one to defend a woman getting hit.
Like I said I dont advocate violence so her man is in the wrong for getting into a situation that got his lady hurt. But under no circumstances do you hit a lady. The black dudes chick actually decked the old latino dude, did he sock her in the mouth? No. And the fight was hardly heated, barely any punches thrown, a whole lot of holding going on. Dude just couldn't control himself bottom line no justification.

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

they can't fight by what logic. everybody needs to be a boxer for NT. they threw down appropriately.

its crazy how little some of yo u would care if the chick was a guy.

and her man was inside the train for a minute trying to leave the situation and she was still outside despite him telling ehr to go.

what did the black guy do or say btw to make him rush like that? he had called it quits then just snapped

My point exact blk guy chilled spanish homie tried to choke him and started the fight back up
Originally Posted by latinplatinum69

So be mad at her man who pushed her out of the way to scrap...

You can't grab up an opposing fighter during the course of a heated fight and expect not to get clocked. Man, woman or are libel to get hurt.

She put herself in that situation and i'm usually never the one to defend a woman getting hit.
Like I said I dont advocate violence so her man is in the wrong for getting into a situation that got his lady hurt. But under no circumstances do you hit a lady. The black dudes chick actually decked the old latino dude, did he sock her in the mouth? No. And the fight was hardly heated, barely any punches thrown, a whole lot of holding going on. Dude just couldn't control himself bottom line no justification.

Thats because he ran like a coward leaving his woman to fend for herself. He been backpedaling after getting lumped even though he was so eager tofight he couldn't let money get his jacket off in the beginning. And he was the first one to hit the lady, pushing her into the train doors to thrown down.There were two points where the situation could have fizzled out and he rushed forward like he was bout it. You want to keep rushing head first into afight...take the whupping that you get dished out, don't tuck your tail and run away leaving your woman in harms way.

Someone tackle your lady and you're going to run like {()}without securing her first?

He ran for safety on the train leaving his woman behind twice.

Dude with the braids was definitely in the wrong for hitting ol girl like that but the most cowardice in the video came from the bald headed dude.
Thats because he ran like a coward leaving his woman to fend for herself. He been backpedaling after getting lumped even though he was so eager to fight he couldn't let money get his jacket off in the beginning. And he was the first one to hit the lady, pushing her into the train doors to thrown down. There were two points where the situation could have fizzled out and he rushed forward like he was bout it. You want to keep rushing head first into a fight...take the whupping that you get dished out, don't tuck your tail and run away leaving your woman in harms way.

Someone tackle your lady and you're going to run like {()}without securing her first?

He ran for safety on the train leaving his woman behind twice.

Dude with the braids was definitely in the wrong for hitting ol girl like that but the most cowardice in the video came from the bald headed dude.
We must be watching a different video. Bald dude had the edge at the beginning when he had shorty on the floor near the doors, and even then thespanish lady was trying to stop it. I don't really see him running and leaving his lady, but I could be wrong. I don't want to get into a play by playdiscussion of the video it is what it is. Like I said they shouldn't have been fighting in the first place, but there's no worse a coward than one thathits a lady. I know what I would have done if I was in either of their shoes. We can agree to disagree
@ that big **%#% for bum-rushing the puerto rican man when he was just tryna protect the woman.

I hate my neighborhood.
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

it's no such thing as a 'dangerous' train.. It just depends who's on the train..

If this was the 5 to Dyre, someone woulda got bodied.
That dude is a herb. How's he gonna yank his girl by the arm and tell her to get up, when she has a broken because he would'nt listen to her.

That woman should've stayed out of it but I dont blame her for trying to difuse the situation. What GOOD woman wants her man fighting on the train like akid?

I've watched the vid a couple of times already, and I dont think her actions called for her to get dropped like that..........the other chic on the otherhand.
Damn that mami's face was on straight faucet mode. That was weak for the dude to snuff her though.

Why did the black dudes girl rush the latino dude though? And it looked like the black dude duffed the mami twice.
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

it's no such thing as a 'dangerous' train.. It just depends who's on the train..

If this was the 5 to Dyre, someone woulda got bodied.

True story.

This would've been an all out riot on the 2 or 5.

I've watched the vid a couple of times already, and I dont think her actions called for her to get dropped like that

I agree.

She keep chasing dude and grabbing him up the whole time and wouldn't listen to her man when he said get back on the train...she kept putting herself inharms way but she didn't deserve to be cold clocked like that.
Originally Posted by Twig1026

I'da jumped right in there when he hit shorty...son might have got thrown on the tracks
And you would've faced murder for a stranger
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