Craziest thing that happened at your school?

Originally Posted by xxLiL RYANxx

this year, my senior school ended up on the local news 3 times.
1 - a fight between two girls during a football game because one girl claimed the other *@%*%# her baby's daddy. cops came and a couple people got tazered
2 - a skipping party at someones house was raided by a bunch of cops because administrators saw the students leaving school and followed them. over 100 students arrested and taken back by school bus. it was just mys school though it was a mix of other high schools
3 - some student in our school was diagnosed with tuberculosis and no one was notified until after a month of the school knowing this. a bunch of parents were pissed

that was only this year...there was a lot of other stuff during my 4 years there
*My spanish teacher used to burn mix cd's for kids. Well one day this pervert gets a wild hair up his butt and decided to start burnin porn DVD's for $10 a pop. Some idiot kid tried to play it in the library to make sure it worked. Needless to say there was a school district raid of my teachers cpu, laptop, and hard drive during class one day... RIP mr Beeles
*We had a prank war with a rival school and they came over and went class to class collecting the trash cans to "sterelize them". No one asked any questions until there was an f150 pulling off with like 80 trash cans in it...
*in anatomy & psychology we dissected cats. This one kid put a cat in his backpack and snuck it into a teachers file cabinet drawer 
Someone has the master key too the math and history hallway... A laptop and some other stuff got stolen already
Twin sisters jumped a teacher.

Head football coach was having sex with multiple girls. Claimed he was really in love one.

Someone poured baby oil all over the floors and stairs. They later let a couple of rats out during the lunch period.

Some chick went down to the locker rooms and sucked up half the football team. Some weren't on the team.

Dude got his head bust with one them fold up chairs.
I'm just going to type them as I recall them:

In eighth grade some girl, we'll call her Robin, was sleeping in the back of the cheese bus and it is rumoured that some dude put hot sauce on his member and put it in her mouth. She woke up and upon seeing the member in her mouth she went back to sleep.

I saw a few gang fights in middle school, my first day in the sixth grade there was a gang fight at the park across the street.

Another instance took place when one of my close friends was almost jumped by a gang from around my area when he talked about one of the dudes in the gangs sister. I guess he called her ugly and at the end of the school day a group of dudes hopped out of a white van looking for my friend. Before they found him we were at the park playing ball and we met these three dudes who said if my boy had a problem they'd help him (he knew of his impending doom two periods prior) and one of the guys pulled out a burner. The cops came very quickly (the guy with the gun bolted) and the situation came to an anti climatic end.

In HS some guy had a problem with someone from my school breaking up a fight between his girl and the girlfriend of the guy from my school so he came like 20 deep. Words were exchanged and when the dude from my school tried to take his hoody off he got Lil B'd and a riot broke out.

The amount of cheating in HS was crazy. Things ranged from long range hand signals to elaborate schemes to steal grade books and answer sheets.

College? I'm not even going to take it there.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by xxLiL RYANxx

this year, my senior school ended up on the local news 3 times.
1 - a fight between two girls during a football game because one girl claimed the other *@%*%# her baby's daddy. cops came and a couple people got tazered
2 - a skipping party at someones house was raided by a bunch of cops because administrators saw the students leaving school and followed them. over 100 students arrested and taken back by school bus. it was just mys school though it was a mix of other high schools
3 - some student in our school was diagnosed with tuberculosis and no one was notified until after a month of the school knowing this. a bunch of parents were pissed

that was only this year...there was a lot of other stuff during my 4 years there
haha'd you know?
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg wrote:
- in high school, my US History teacher was banging the Science teacher. I remember coming into his classroom for 7th period one day and it smelled like some open butt cheeks in there. He was sweating like a runaway slave wearing a cutoff shirt and hooping shorts


This *%% had me weak   
Originally Posted by s2kray

my old highschool started the swine flu epidemic in the US.


St. Francis Prep?

And my hs, there was a bunch of fires this year.
School was going to get locked down, but they caught someone to use as scapegoat for the fires even though dude didn't do it
-basically saw a chick get raped, but was too young to really understand what was going on

Middle school
-cat fight in the cafe and one chick's mom who was a cook gave her daughter a fork during the fight and she stabbed the other chick in the throat
-3(sisters) vs 12(male & females) fight and the 3 sisters won
-fight where a chick's bra got ripped off but she continued to whoop *++ like it was nothing
-fight where a chick took her arm sling off and continued to whoop *++
-the whole 8th grade class playing some stupid game making each other pass out

High School
-stands clearing brawl at a basketball game

-saw a dude get power-bombed and jackhammered on gravel
My friend Jamar new these Mexicans were gonna jump him, but he didn't know when. Showed up to school in theses ugly @## jean overalls. I remember being like
. Anyways, after school the Mexican dudes confront him (about 6 of them). all of a sudden dude reaches down into his overalls and pulls out a metal baseball bat that he apparently had been carrying in there all day
. The dudes got mad scared (jamar is like 5'9 200lbs solid rockwith a baseball bat) and DIPPED quick
. Most of the school was watching
. Even tho he didn't fly heads it was pretty crazy.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Race Riots (blacks vs. mexicans), biggest was about 50 on 50

One dude OD'd at lunch when he was sitting by himself, he was rumored to be a loner, injected himself with I don't know. But this was a year before I entered my high school

A fight nearly everyday

At all times there would be at least 4 girls pregnant throughout all my school years

4 shootings in my senior year in and around my school.
almost forgot this one, in my senior year a popular dude came out to say he got sucked up by one of his jumpoffs, and she very quietly admitted it to a few friends and that spread fast. Her new name from then on was "Head-i" instead of "Heidi".

Funniest thing is that she accepted it after a while
EVHS Skittle fight in 2008. It's basically a schoolwide food fight with skittles. IT WAS SO EPIC
Kids were throwing down bags of skittles from the 2nd floor of buildings and stuff

Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

I'm just going to type them as I recall them:

In eighth grade some girl, we'll call her Robin, was sleeping in the back of the cheese bus and it is rumoured that some dude put hot sauce on his member and put it in her mouth. She woke up and upon seeing the member in her mouth she went back to sleep.

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

My friend Jamar new these Mexicans were gonna jump him, but he didn't know when. Showed up to school in theses ugly @## jean overalls. I remember being like
. Anyways, after school the Mexican dudes confront him (about 6 of them). all of a sudden dude reaches down into his overalls and pulls out a metal baseball bat that he apparently had been carrying in there all day
. The dudes got mad scared (jamar is like 5'9 200lbs solid rockwith a baseball bat) and DIPPED quick
. Most of the school was watching
. Even tho he didn't fly heads it was pretty crazy.
Oh yeah I forgot a teacher at my middle school died in the staff bathroom one night. She was a cool teacher too
When I was a senior we had this one dominican lunch lady who was a freak. +*+%+% a bunch of my boys, but not in school. Also we had this new Biology/Human Physiology teacher who slept with a few of my classmates as well. She stayed around for one more year after we graduated but then word got around to the headmasters and president about what happened.

Back in grammar school we had this old (in her 60s) sub who was like THE sub teacher for the school. Well when I was in 5th grade she was subbing for a 6th grade class and she got caught of going into the closet and taking swings of whiskey while the children were doing work.
Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg wrote:
- in high school, my US History teacher was banging the Science teacher. I remember coming into his classroom for 7th period one day and it smelled like some open butt cheeks in there. He was sweating like a runaway slave wearing a cutoff shirt and hooping shorts


This *%% had me weak   

Open butt cheeks 
One of the top football USC prospects at the time passed away the summer before starting school

Girl got arrested for embezzling prom sales tickets

Lots of crazy fights

Few dudes got rape charges from out of control parties
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