Craziest thing that happened at your school?

1.) A kid brought a gun to school and shot himself in the leg in class. Tried to run out of class and dump the gun in a trash can.

2.) Teachers having open relationships with current/former students.

3.) Brian Banks being falsely accused/convicted of rape at school and being taken away by cops and spending years in jail. Dude really had a promising football career and was heavily recruited by colleges. EVERYONE knew the girl was lying because she was joking about it as he rotted in a cell.

4.) Students coming to school crazy high on drugs.

5.) Lots of gang activity and gang fights.

6.) Trains being ran on girls in the school.

7.) Beautiful young female teacher dying suddenly of a heart attack.

8.) People being jumped at a local small burger joint down the street from the high school that everyone hung at.

9.) Highly recruited football player getting arrested for attempting to murder a freshman on school campus and being convicted before getting to go to college. We all KNEW he wouldn't make it to college because he was bound to do something stupid.

10.) The same highly recruited football player beating up his girlfriend in front of people.

Just remembered more stuff.

11.) Basketball player that I was on the school team with got caught robbing houses around the neighborhood that the school was in. He was in a gang and a fellow gang member that he was commiting the crimes with snitched on him. He went to jail for years and the other gang member walked free.

12.) Local Mexican gangs being instructed by the Mexican Mafia to murk black people, rather they're gang affiliated or not, or the gangs would be killed off themselves.

13.) Watching Mercedes Lewis, Winston Justice, Darnell Bing and Desean Jackson play football for our school knowing that they would be in the NFL a few years later. We all knew those dudes were going pro easily.
On my drum line we gave a guy the name sticky fingers

He got caught 7 times "dice rolling"
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First thing I thought was "Craziest thing? I went to some tame schools."

And then I remembered the bomb threat 

And the time some idiot showed off his gun to his girl 

Kid falling on the tracks and getting hit by the train 

Girl committing suicide after I left 

2 kids getting caught having sex on the stairs also after I left 

Fights between my schools and others when I was in Middle and High school

Teacher accidentally starting a fire 

Probly some other stuff I can't remember but other than that it was usual school BS, silly fights, silly relationships, **** like that

Edit: Forgot about a teacher that everyone liked just leaving. Couple years later guy I know tells me he actually had sex with her and that's why she left.
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I just remembered a few things from middle school

We had a teacher my 1st yr there someone blocked the exhauston his whip and the **** backfired. Car all the way fked up.

Guess insurance covered it so next year he gets a new car. Some kid steals his car keys with the plan to sell it :lol:. Dude doesnt make it out the lot. ***** it up.

Had another teacher supposedly give a student dome. I dunno if it was true but you hear it so ofteb you believe it. The student was a few yrsolder than me but his sis was in my grade. Funny thing is the teachers last name in my language means **** lol
At the time, my school was like 85% Italian.
I was in a semi-private high school, where you gotta write a trst to get in, and basically nobody was getting in.

The first time I got braids, 10th grade,
I was in the auditorium in line waiting to get my pic taken for our ID cards

My Principal came up to me and told me I have to remove my braids,
he said word for word,

"Cornrows only belong in the field"

At that moment (and to this day), I didn't feel right about that.
I didnt say anything though, I was already suspended 7 times
and I knew I was going to get kicked out eventually if I kept at it.

**** felt bad to just stand there and accept it.
However, I still had my braids on for 2 weeks after that, without anybody asking me to remove them.
That's wild, that story could've gone all sorts of ways :wow: good to know he didn't get in any trouble, that's hella foul on the girls part.

yeah yo the thing is the girl actually liked the teacher, she didnt think it was going
to spiral out of control and go viral in school
so basically she ended up in the principal's office with the teacher
and they told her she has to stop it and etc
they didnt suspend her because they probably thought
she would go to the media with it (or her parents would)
so they just sat her down and told her that impersonation
is wrong and sharing ppl's naked pics isnt right either
Dudes caught with guns.

Daily fights.

Fake gangster got caught with fake crack.

Seen a cat get his head bussed in the locker room. Blood everywhere.

This one weird chick cornered me in the stairs and told me to take her pants off, that shell let me do whatever to her but just to give her a ride and a ounce of bud after.

Houston vs new orleans rumbles daily. A principal got a broken jaw trying to break **** up.

Students smashing under the stairs while everyone is in class.

Dumbasses always smoking out the restrooms.

My homeboy clicked on a cop that was chasing another homeboy. Cat was running from the cop, fell, tried to throw some pills but the cop was choking him. Homie jumped in and socked the cop clean on his head, taser and pepper spray fell off his belt so i grabbed it and sold that **** to some girl.
Long before I went there, a student held up the school at gunpoint and took hostages because his girlfriend had broken up with him. SWAT came and everything and eventually they talked him into surrendering.

The year before I went there, there were some stabbings between non-students on school grounds. I think it was gang-related and the incident had the parents of incoming students shook.

One of the bio teachers accidentally set their room on fire during an experiment.

Someone stole a student's car from a nearby street that students parked on. Somehow word spread that it was my friend's, but thankfully it wasn't his. They found the guy and the car in a local neighborhood.

A rival high school's college-recruited star player transferred to my school the summer before his senior season. The rivalry game was hype and there was a heavy police presence at the game. Students from his old school burned his fatheads and a few fights almost broke out. They ended up winning and some girl from the other school was mocking our coach as he was leaving the field. Rumor went that he turned and said "The loss is temporary, but ***** you'll be ugly forever!"

Each morning we started the day with live video announcements that were done by students. One day, there were technical difficulties mid-broadcast and the video feed went dead so most teachers turned their projectors off. Those who didn't were in for a treat. Everyone thought the camera had stopped rolling, including the broadcast team, when suddenly the camera turned back on just in time to catch a member of the broadcast team jokingly deepthroat a pop tart in front of the camera. Everyone called him "pop tart kid" for the rest of high school.
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