Craziest thing that happened at your school?

Only one thing comes to mind but it was pretty bad. During lunch break in highschool, a girl got on top of the fire escape stairs of one of the buildings and she was standing on the actual railing seemingly preparing to jump. We didn't notice until someone yelled that a girl was climbing up the railing on the top of the fire escape stairs.

It was a pretty scary experience. She was just standing there, thankfully the railing had a flat surface, and had a kind of cold look in her eyes.

We were all yelling please come back down, don't do it, ... but she didn't say a word and if someone tried going towards the stairs she'd lift one leg.

I didn't know the girl but she was certainly not in my year and younger so 15 or under. The school counselor quickly arrived and after some time he managed to convince her to not jump. She was crying at that point and was then admitted to the hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Never saw her back so I'm not sure what became of her after that.
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In middle school we had a gang riot that popped off. We had 20-30 year old dudes fights 8th graders. SMH riot got squashed when cops came night sticks whooping fools.
1.) A kid brought a gun to school and shot himself in the leg in class. Tried to run out of class and dump the gun in a trash can.

2.) Teachers having open relationships with current/former students.

3.) Brian Banks being falsely accused/convicted of rape at school and being taken away by cops and spending years in jail. Dude really had a promising football career and was heavily recruited by colleges. EVERYONE knew the girl was lying because she was joking about it as he rotted in a cell.

4.) Students coming to school crazy high on drugs.

5.) Lots of gang activity and gang fights.

6.) Trains being ran on girls in the school.

7.) Beautiful young female teacher dying suddenly of a heart attack.

8.) People being jumped at a local small burger joint down the street from the high school that everyone hung at.

9.) Highly recruited football player getting arrested for attempting to murder a freshman on school campus and being convicted before getting to go to college. We all KNEW he wouldn't make it to college because he was bound to do something stupid.

10.) The same highly recruited football player beating up his girlfriend in front of people.
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10 years ago a teacher at my school ran out the door in the middle of class and didn't come back, no one knew why. The bell rang about 15 minutes later and when the students left class they saw the doo doo burgers in the hallway.
Race rivalry and crazy fights just here and there, got to go digging for some footage... it's been 10 plus years
I remember in elementary school my teacher was out and we had this sub that everyone just abused :lol: 3 fights broke out that day including a triple threat match (to this day idk how all three of these kids decided to fight each other at the same time)
Huge after school brawl between The Rebels and The Blacks. Freshman year, a lunch time fight in the back quad saw the superintendent (a woman) try to break it up and caught a right cross.
Had a few shootings. Not Columbine type joints. Just some escalated high school beef and gang related shootings.

Plenty of fights and people getting jumped/robbed pretty much on a daily basis. HS had a large student population (like 5000 students) so something was bound to pop off just about every day. One of my homies got jumped and shot 3 times in the back while running away all because some dudes wanted his MP3 player. Crazy **** is that I had just walked most of the way home with him before we split our separate directions to our houses. Got home and about an hour or so later was trying to figure out why a helicopter was landing at the park, ended up walking over there and saw him getting flown out.
A girl was threatening to commit suicide by jumping off the theater roof when I was in high school. When she went up there, all the students were yelling "jump, jump,jump!".  Luckily the police talked her out of doing it 
I was told this story in 2007, and it happened to a girl 2 grades higher than me, 2 years before I was told this story.

So I believe this happened in 2005, and the girl would have been in 9th grade.

She was catfishing an English teacher who I'd end up having in 10th grade. Super cool guy. He got all the bad ******* (all the bad ***** teachers were on his ****)

This girl was catfishing him, on some online dating site type **** for locals or somehting, and he sent her a **** pic.

She brought the pic to school and showed people. Supposedly it was a huge fuss and all that, the higher and older

grades all knew about it, everybody was talking about it. He was shook because he was like how the hell did that pic

get in here, was the girl real? Did the real girl send it to a girl who attended the school? Or was it a girl from school

pretending to be a different *****. Eventually he got to the source cuz someone snitched her out, and she admitted

it to him that she catfished him.

Crazy ****. I can only imagine the staff room and the talks...

But even after that, dude was getting all the baddest teachers so...

No homo but before I heard that story, there was a rumor going around that

he had a big ****, that ******* were circulating. And ppl deduced that, that's how

he was getting all the ******* (on top of also just being a really cool guy, he was also

cocky though lol) [whoa no pun intended]

at the time the story was told, the rumor didnt hit my head and i didnt add it up,

it just added up right now while im writing this lol... how girls from my grade

was circulating that? idk.. maybe they heard the story before i did, or maybe

their older sisters showed them or something.
That's wild, that story could've gone all sorts of ways :wow: good to know he didn't get in any trouble, that's hella foul on the girls part.
10th grade saw this Hispanic cat get jumped by about 15 bloods where the buses line up to pick kids up after school. We all saw it happen from the football practice field. They canceled the homecoming game for that :smh:

Middle school saw this one r@tchet get into a fight with another chick. This one teacher tried to be brave a break it up... Ol girl put the paws on that lady and decked her :x literally happened 10 feet in front of me. Never saw that student again :smh:
Nothing too crazy. My schools were relatively tame. Did see some punk walk up in the building & mace some chick that wanted to fight him :lol: Had the whole hallway blind lol
A girl got killed by her crazy ex bf when school was letting out for theday

She told administration about the a abuse and felt he was going to harm her

I had classes with his brother who was a polar opposite

Dude was on the football team and they all said he was crazy.
His dad was super abusive to them in public.kid got a belt beatdown for coming out of practice late
3.) Brian Banks being falsely accused/convicted of rape at school and being taken away by cops and spending years in jail. Dude really had a promising football career and was heavily recruited by colleges. EVERYONE knew the girl was lying because she was joking about it as he rotted in a cell.

I saw a documentary on this I believe.
I saw a documentary on this I believe.

You probably did. It became a big deal once he got out, but I remember being in school the day they got caught and she claimed rape. WE ALL KNEW SHE WAS LYING! ALL OF US! AS IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL! He was a hella cool guy and a solid football player. I even remember the school guard that caught them. They ended up closing the spot that they got caught on as well, for fear that the students could be there and not be seen by staff if something was going on. We all thought it was ridiculous due to the fact that she 100% agreed to go to that spot with the intention of having sex with him. She only claimed rape because they were caught by school guards. She was a thotty of the highest degree and had wanted him to hit for a while. Like I said, she literally was laughing about him being locked up for it as he was in a cell. She would never come out and officially say anything because they sued the school and got tons of money. Her and her parents were the worst.
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I jumped out of the 2nd story window of my English class, during class on a $5 bet. 10th grade.
Girl took extacy on a boat cruise dance and ended up giving like 4 guys head in the bathroom. This was when that drug was just starting to make waves in the late 90's and early 2000s. She said she didn't remember doing it and almost all of the guys got expelled.
I couldn't look myself in the mirror if I was anything but the 1st guy in that situation

I remember in 8th grade a bunch of dudes were gassed that they all made out with one chick.
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