"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

Wait, you think Back to the Future is the only example of time travel done right by Hollywood? :lol:

I'm gonna need a detailed explanation of how time travel is done right period given there's different ways to approach it and it all comes down to ppl paying attention so it makes sense.
Bill & Ted did alright with time travel. And Looper like I mentioned on the previous page. Two movies called Terminator and Terminator 2 were pretty good too.
Actually, if you take time to think about it Back to the Future was sort of done wrong. When Marty goes back to 1985 how does his parents not look at him and think, "wow, our son looks strangely identical to that guy that helped us get together in high school"? The mom had a huge crush on him and he pretty much taught his father to have a backbone. Though brief, he played a significant role in their lives. How dont they remember him?
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Yeah the Terminator series executed time travel well. I thought Looper was on point. And though the movie sucked, TimeCop did too. It's probably a few others, just can't think of them right now.
Actually, if you take time to think about it Back to the Future was sort of done wrong. When Marty goes back to 1985 how does his parents not look at him and think, "wow, our son looks strangely identical to that guy that helped us get together in high school"? The mom had a huge crush on him and he pretty much taught his father to have a backbone. Though brief, he played a significant role in their lives. How dont they remember him?

Post credit scene sinister & apocalypse

Maybe? I hope
How about no and give the rights back to Marvel?

And that score was originally for
the death of Gandalf correct?
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I'm glad that they are putting some colors in their costumes now instead of just black leather pr grey cloth.
Finally watched the trailer (before the Thor film last night) and I gotta say I like what I saw. I was feeling pretty indifferent on this film but this trailer is quite promising. I've accepted that they messed up a lot of things in the X-Men universe that could have easily been done right or just left alone but all I want at this point is a quality story and some great action and I hope it can deliver both.
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Good trailers for X-Men dont mean much. Remember this one for X3? :lol: I watched this trailer so many times

This might be what XMen Film haters are waiting for, if this film is a disaster then it might actually move back to Marvel?

Director Bryan Singer and some of the cast and crew of X-Men: Days of Future Past will be back in town before Christmas to shoot some extra scenes for the film, which is the second-most expensive movie ever produced by Hollywood studio 20th Century Fox, behind only Avatar.

Via: http://www.calgaryherald.com/entertainment/movie-guide/returns+Montreal+reshoots/9177608/story.html

Still very doubtful because it will make money anyways and the hype if off the charts but this might be the best chance of it getting screwed having such a huge budget.
So far they're 1.5/4 with xmen, 0/2 with wolverine..... I'm not expecting much from this to say the least
I would like the rights to revert back to Marvel but for marvel to keep the characters and actors playing them established. As far as movie audiences go Hugh jackman is as much wolverine as RDJ is iron man. Patrick Stewart was meant to be prof X similar to Sam Jackson and the ultimate nick fury he's inspired
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