"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

That vid is pretty ****** up given the anniversary a few days ago :lol: :smh:

They're using anything to hype of this movie. No tact.
This might be what XMen Film haters are waiting for, if this film is a disaster then it might actually move back to Marvel?

Director Bryan Singer and some of the cast and crew of X-Men: Days of Future Past will be back in town before Christmas to shoot some extra scenes for the film, which is the second-most expensive movie ever produced by Hollywood studio 20th Century Fox, behind only Avatar.

Via: http://www.calgaryherald.com/entertainment/movie-guide/returns+Montreal+reshoots/9177608/story.html

Still very doubtful because it will make money anyways and the hype if off the charts but this might be the best chance of it getting screwed having such a huge budget.
Well given it's the 2nd biggest budget they've ever had I'd think they'd give serious thought to selling the rights back.

This will make money but I think they're looking to see if it makes enough to their standards given how much money they put in to it. At the least if this flops for their standards they may just axe the X-Force idea and give the F4 reboot an even shorter leash (and I can see that being the first thing to revert back before X-Men if they flop).
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ive said it before. i have such high expectations for this movie. i really hope it doesnt let me down. from the teasers it looks good but not much can be made from teasers. cant wait.
As much as I have loved Batman, the X-Men were the main comics I was invested in as a kid. Even when the animated series did their version of DoFP I was super hyped. Seeing some of the viral material and the one trailer has me really excited for this film. My number two most anticipated film behind Nolan's, interstellar.
Bryan Singer [emoji]10004[/emoji] @BryanSinger

#Xmen #Apocalypse 2016!

Exhibitor Relations @ERCboxoffice

No stopping the X-Men franchise. Fox's X-MEN: APOCALYPSE will drop May 27, 2016.
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Part of me is hype...... The other part just saw the garbage that was the latest wolverine .....
You guys didn't like The Wolverine? For what it was, I thought it was entertaining with a decent storyline. Personally, I thought it was way better than Origins.
Haven't seen the Wolverine, but Origins is the worst movie i've ever seen
You guys didn't like The Wolverine? For what it was, I thought it was entertaining with a decent storyline. Personally, I thought it was way better than Origins.
It was "Tokyo drift good" I guess. Watched it for the sale of watching it but is that really the full potential? Hell no. From a regular movie standpoint it served its purpose, but as justification to its history, it's legend, it's lore, it was a joke. Saying it was better than origins is like saying drinking piss is better than eating ****. Still sucks lol
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I doubt it is real at this point but here is the rumored after credit scene of DofP.

Read at your own risk.

"The credits bumper jumps back to the past with a young Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender) in a ramshackle house in the desert eating dinner, clearly on the run from all the authorities who want to bring him down. While using a well outside to get some water, the young Magneto sees something fall from the night sky and crash to Earth nearby. Upon inspecting the impact zone, he encounters what is described as an "alien form" who is "towering, terrifying, with a twisted metal face and dark pits for eyes." It's Apocalypse and he says, "I have crossed rivers of time to find you." Magneto asks, "Who are you?"

The alien responds, "I am your future." Suddenly Apocalypse merges with Magneto, who screams and blasts an insane amount of energy and shockwaves around him. This energy explosion levels everything around him, with a blast radius that goes for miles. As Magneto looks at what he's done, he has a realization of the power he now holds and a villainous grin begins to form before the film cuts to black."
Well, it must be real cuz it gave me a hard on. :lol:

That sounds awesome. Hope the movie delivers like that as well and not just the credits scene.
Son, I asked for bishop....dudes hooked me up....

I asked for apocalypse....dudes hooked me up....

I asked for Mr. Sinister....Please continue to hook me up....

This X-franchise is shaping the **** up....I really like this direction.
Well, it must be real cuz it gave me a hard on.
I wonder what else gives you............... ah nevermind
What the hell does that mean? :frown:

Why the hell is he talking about a movie 3 years away and way before DOFP even drops? :frown:
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