if u see me say hi SHORTYPOP :b

Glenn, I always new you had tendencies toward the wrong gender, and i see you karl! Hit me up on aim son...i would post my pic if I was still in the area :frown: I miss home.
Peace sign up....Peace sign down
2 loves: Kicks and Hicks
Hardy har har har Nick. Now I';m gonna go e-cry.
My mom always said dress to impress everyday because you never know who you'll meet once you step out yor front door. It could be your future wife, boss, or best friend. So until I have a wife, a boss, and a best friend, I'll always impress you because who knows who you could be...
I am bored so I just went thorugh this entire thread again. All I can say is CLASSIC! Especially with having met some of yall. LOL

Some @#%$ is instantly funny as soon as you see the pic. the comments come back immediately.
^ You got a CCW?
My mom always said dress to impress everyday because you never know who you'll meet once you step out yor front door. It could be your future wife, boss, or best friend. So until I have a wife, a boss, and a best friend, I'll always impress you because who knows who you could be...
^^^Nice socks...lol.

I'm getting rid of about 25 pairs of kicks to free up space. It's tax time. You need to holla at me.
one of the more recent pix...i was really bored in my graphics class...


Yall was takin too long, so we had to do it...​
Renzo289, I live in the PWC area, never seen you. CasaNOVA703, you're goofy as hell. You look like the Asian guy from Heroes, and lose the blazer. It screams "look at me, I'm trying to hard."
^ Sorry wigs, I don't wait for shoes. I have ninjas/connections that do that for me. And I'm not gonna lie, that tie is on point.

Once I check with the Admins to see if posting others pics are a ban-able offense.. you will be.

Your crap is getting beyond old and this thread doesn't need it.

Sure...yeah right...We need tagged pics at this point in the game.


I'm getting rid of about 25 pairs of kicks to free up space. It's tax time. You need to holla at me.
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