DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Trailer was fantastic; I think dudes were expecting that BvS trailer where they gave away the whole damn movie

But yeah that first BvS trailer was the GOAT :lol:
R.I.P. to Vic's pops. The parademon creeping up behind him is about to wreck his ****. :lol:

Mera. Would risk drowning and decompression sickness/10. :evil:

Flash is OP. :pimp:

Aquaman skewering some parademons. :pimp:

That battlefield full of Amazons and parademons. :wow: :wow:

Everything with Batman. :pimp:
I liked the SDCC trailer better. 
It was cool. Colors were a little too dark.

And yea the first BVS trailer was GOAT. The music in it was insane.
only criticism I got is it's now hella obvious that GL should be in place of Cyborg
I can't wait for either of these guys. They're my 2 favorite DC characters.
(Still think we'll see one of them by the end of JL.


Also got a special place in my heart for this roster.

I wanted Martian Manhunter to be a part of this so bad 
 i loved that cartoon as a kid
Aquaman stole the show btw

This. In order for me:

Wonder Woman (feel like we didn't see anything new)

If you can drop a trailer and Batman not be the highlight of the trailer and the trailer be overall great imo, maaaaaaaan :pimp:
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Looks amazing. Visuals are a step up from the last two films, which I thought wouldn't be possible.

I can tell I'm going to like the chemistry between Aquaman and Batman.
Film judged, one trailer. :lol:

Every time. :lol:

Already know the story gon be formulaic. Visuals were good in the trailer and the dialogue was corny when they tried their hand at humor. Try again.
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