DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Flash Mayweather using his speed and defense to slip attacks and counter.

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Already know the story gon be formulaic. Visuals were good in the trailer and the dialogue was corny when they tried their hand at humor. Try again.

To each their own. I thought the lines were great, only questionable one was that last Batman line.
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I wasn't really feeling this trailer.

Typical Snyder stuff. Nothing unexpected from him but it was just the first trailer.

Some of the teasers were cooler/got me a bit hyped than this.

Coolest part to me was the scenes where it seemed like all out war.

Wasn't digging the rendition of Come Together in it either. Cyborg is super whack.
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Muted colors, check

Dark lighting, check

The only color in the background being red, check

Etc etc

Damn if you've seen one Snyder movie, you've literally seen them all smh

Bet someone in this movie is also going to lack survival instincts as well (see Supe's dad who stood around for the hurricane to swallow him up in MoS, and dude who stayed on the phone with Bats in that building at the beginning of BvS)

And more Snyder ish stuff will emerge, same as always, I'm sure.

Pass. This is just going to be BvS and MoS but with more characters.

Found something we agree on..

Going stop commenting on this stuff soon.. everytime I see something else or new, just raises more questions or issues

Really curious to see when other directors do when their turn comes to tackle these characters within this ongoing universe.. since Snyder has such a specific look going

Also does it need to be THAT obvious they're doing a ton of green screen stuff.. I get it in 300.. but no clue why here or any of the other D.C. Films

Also dude is dr manhattan-ing flash, while he's nite owl-ing bates.. really hope the lightening thing isnt overused
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Hate how the BACKGROUNDS LOOK! You can tell their in a studio filming (CG) vs being outside (realistic).
I expected this.

It's Snyder.. it works for 300, watchmen and sucker punch

But with these it feels terrible out of place

I could see a isolated batman movie it working with.. or certain other properties.. not JL

Zach bringing 300 to the DCeU :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

This is really a good thing to you?
Always. . . :lol:     

Or I simply judged the trailer and the DCEU all defensive team came out and did their thing

I dont need to know the whole plot to know what this film will be about. Obviously there are details I don't know but i dont care to see the we need to gather heroes to defeat a huge threat story. I seen it with Avengers 1. Visuals are good as always. And the dialogue is corny when they try humor. But people complained about the dark tone.
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Always. . . :lol:     

Or I simply judged the trailer and the DCEU all defensive team came out and did their thing

I dont need to know the whole plot to know what this film will be about. Obviously there are details I don't know but i want to see the we need to gather heroes to defeat a huge threat story. I seen it with Avengers 1. Visuals are good as always. And the dialogue is corny when they try humor. But people complained about the dark tone.

I like the trailer. Nothing that I didn't expect. Kept Superman out of it and Aquaman stealing the show like we're all expecting
DCEU thus far feels more Snydervision than JL. Not a negative or positive, just fatigued by his style.

So many other properties he could have done this with and it would have felt way more appropriate.. all the graphic novels that are out there

It's sad to me that the only taken away from some folks with power and say on deadpool, was the language and violence

There is so much good that could have been taken from the Nolan bates movies, marvel movies and even the recent deadpool that could have been applied to the DCEU.. follow the animated movies and tell good stories.. utilize the comic database to pick out storylines you can build a world out of and have the characters intertwine

Zero need to go dark knight returns and death of superman in the 1st damn film (2nd overall)

Also zero build up on the individual characters before releasing a team movie
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