DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

the WM and Banner were unique situations

one wanted a raise but supposedly got stabbed in the back

the other wanted more control of the character but Marvel had other ideas

and both those guys were one-offs so they were easy to replace with one movie contracts

the actors in their payroll now has no control where their character go or do and are locked up for multiple films without a huge raise so unless they want to burn bridges like Weaving (which many wouldn't again the monster Disney) then they'll just stay quiet and do their jobs and get the pay they signed up for

once renegotiations are on the table then we'll see who stays and who goes
Hell, you could have replaced Zemo with Red Skull and that would have elevated CW to WS status
Hmm never thought of that. Personally, I didn't mind Zemo because it showed how a regular dude was able to cause all this destruction with a video file. But yeah having Red Skull be the mastermind would have been a neat addition.

Can't really complain though because at least we got Weaving for a film. Hopefully, Red Skull gets recasted sometime soon
They barely gave Weaving anything to do. He was just there to be a punching bag. If they gave him a beefier role with a larger part of the story and some memorable lines like Zod in MOS, I think Weaving would be fine with the make-up, practical effects, and all that. Look at Bautista in Guardians or Mark Strong as Sinestro (the bright spot of an underwhelming film). You actually give them something to do and be proud of their performance for, they'll endure the hours of make-up.
Yeah Red Skull was just ok to me. Anybody can play him. Don't necessarily need Weaving.
lol just realized that Flash's cameo in SS is Snyderverse in full effect

The fastest man alive shows up mere seconds after a man is coldly murdered and then casually quips about it 
 wasn't this scene made by Snyder too?

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Yea I don't think Snyder knows how normal human emotions work

I remember clearly when the whole courtroom building exploded in BvS and Supes had the 'some dumb ***** spilled a drink on my lap while I'm eating dinner' face. Um. No. I was laughing, thinking to myself that's not how superman is supposed to look like after a hundred ppl dies :lol:

So flash has a cameo in SS? He saw someone die and quip about it? Sounds like classic Snyder except wasn't that movie directed by someone else?
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I remember clearly when the whole courtroom building exploded in BvS and Supes had the 'some dumb ***** spilled a drink on my lap while I'm eating dinner' face. Um. No. I was laughing, thinking to myself that's not how superman is supposed to look like after a hundred ppl dies
I actually liked the imagery of the explosion going off while Superman is left standing there helpless

But you're right. Should have held that image for a split second before Superman freaks out or breaks down
lol just realized that Flash's cameo in SS is Snyderverse in full effect

The fastest man alive shows up mere seconds after a man is coldly murdered and then casually quips about it :lol:  wasn't this scene made by Snyder too?


man, that scene would've been cooler if Flash appeared out of nowhere, knocked down the first thief and caught that crowbar Capt. Boomerang threw and then delivered that line.
I think some of yall think the Red Skull is some other super villain.

He is a punching bag. If he doesn't get his hands on a cosmic cube or the brain of a mutant all he does is scheme and plan then takes a L.

Could he have been a better villain? Sure but that first Cap movie was lousy overall.
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Why do they have my man Pierce looking like that? :smh:

It looks like they tried to use the Benes design and made BL look like a grown-up Spy Kid. :smh: :smh:
I use to think goggles would be good enough to hide an identity but comic art got me fooled :lol:

I neither hate nor am I hyped about the costume. A little busy almost like the blue version of the DCEU EzraFlash costume but it has a definitive look.

surprised it isn't leather
Who says it isn't? :lol:
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