DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

The more I think about it, looking on the joke that is Cyborg they really should've at least gave the character a chance by casting a noteworthy actor.

Yes, even Tyrese.
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imo it was it made a whole lot of things that were confusing in the theatre version make sense and flowed better

but i doubt moviegoers will like that jl is that long
They seem very responsive to the criticism. Lighter tone, and maybe its this long to not make the same mistake as BvS in cutting out scenes to better the film
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Seems like they got tons of CGI work if the movie is mostly underwater so makes sense they getting started
I think there's going to be a lot of wire work mixed with CGI. I remember reading something about them handling the underwater stuff the same way they did the flying in MOS.

There was a compilation of Aquaman concept art at Cinema Con with James Wan doing commentary over it. Concepts of Atlantis. Epic Star Wars like scenes of ships flying through until you realize it's people riding armored sharks and s***. There's also a concept of a trident battle. Most likely Aquaman throwing down with Ocean Master. Sounds like Wan is really getting into this. :pimp:
I think there's going to be a lot of wire work mixed with CGI. I remember reading something about them handling the underwater stuff the same way they did the flying in MOS.

There was a compilation of Aquaman concept art at Cinema Con with James Wan doing commentary over it. Concepts of Atlantis. Epic Star Wars like scenes of ships flying through until you realize it's people riding armored sharks and s***. There's also a concept of a trident battle. Most likely Aquaman throwing down with Ocean Master. Sounds like Wan is really getting into this. :pimp:

The effects in the trailers are gonna have to be A1. I'm sure he does it in the comics and all that which is cool, but riding sharks and **** sounds silly.
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Not even sure, but both of them are in the movie.

Not unhappy about that if it's handled properly. Use one as the major villain for this film and set up the next one to be the villain in the next film, with this one hopefully performing well enough to warrant a sequel.

I think there's going to be a lot of wire work mixed with CGI. I remember reading something about them handling the underwater stuff the same way they did the flying in MOS.

There was a compilation of Aquaman concept art at Cinema Con with James Wan doing commentary over it. Concepts of Atlantis. Epic Star Wars like scenes of ships flying through until you realize it's people riding armored sharks and s***. There's also a concept of a trident battle. Most likely Aquaman throwing down with Ocean Master. Sounds like Wan is really getting into this. :pimp:

The effects in the trailers are gonna have to be A1.

I think there's going to be a lot of wire work mixed with CGI. I remember reading something about them handling the underwater stuff the same way they did the flying in MOS.

There was a compilation of Aquaman concept art at Cinema Con with James Wan doing commentary over it. Concepts of Atlantis. Epic Star Wars like scenes of ships flying through until you realize it's people riding armored sharks and s***. There's also a concept of a trident battle. Most likely Aquaman throwing down with Ocean Master. Sounds like Wan is really getting into this.
Wan, please don't mess this up.
JL is 170 minutes. 20 minutes longer than BVS
You've got to be kidding. I don't know if it was the pacing or what but BvS already felt like it went on forever. I hope JL at least keeps things interesting for me to be engaged for that long
Wan made arguably the best fast and furious movie, it got the hightest rotten score at 79% which considering where those movies have been isn't no small feet.

Also that movie showed he can handle blockbuster budgets and studio interference. Plus like Patty Jenkins, he's seems really into the character, i mean they lured him away from fast 8 to do this.

The CGI needs to be Oscar worthy cause a whole movie where 2 thirds take place underwater needs to look real enough and not like him holding his breathe like in BvS
Fast 7 the last one

He also directed Saw, death sentence, Insidious 1 and 2 and The Conjuring 1 and 2
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Good horror movies are hard to come by and he made a few of them, and then to jump out of that and a major franchise like Fast? Dude knows what hes doing

Problem is so did David Ayer. While i liked the movie enough it had huge flaws. So we have to wait and see.

There are talented people behind these lens and i think that DC can't be like Marvel who are very hands on. But they also go lower profile directors and steered them in the direction they wanted.

DC got some major directors so i think thats where the mess is coming from with no clear mandate on what things will be. Now they got Johns so lets see what happenes. BvS under performed but SS did great especially with no china.

People want these movies
The more I watch SS (well, one time willingly in the theaters and twice at friend's house),, the more I think that its success was an anomaly.

Judging from tv spots, posters, and the marketing in general; it appeared to be a fun twisted movie -- a perfect anti-thesis for BvS. The actual film itself ended up being....disjointed, to say the least.

The Harley Quinn character really hyped up the film imo and that's what got the bulk of people into seats. Margot did a decent job too so I'm not knocking her performance. But at the end of the day, that's all it was. Hype
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