DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

If there's someone who could direct a well-paced, fun, bloody female-led action movie other than Tarantino; it's Whedon.

And Batgirl is really a (low-key) great property with a lot of potential. I really hope there's no unnecessary shoe-horned chacters or plot points though. Keep it small-scale,, no end of the world type scenarios or anything like that
Please keep the Whedonisms to a minimum. I still think the Russo's made the best Avengers film by a long shot and them doing Infinity War has got me a million times more excited. I feel like Marvel Studios felt the same way and that's why they didn't bring him back.
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Yea Whedon was burnt out. He's talented but he's just one man. He was doing the directing and the writing. The nice thing about the Russo Brothers is that they're two guys and got each other's back, and they're not writing the scripts. There's got another set of brothers who do that. So four ppl who are doing the work that Whedon was doing. Not nearly as stressful for them as it was for Whedon.

Its not surprising to me that Whedon is doing Batgirl. He gets to satisfy his comic book itch, but it's not nearly as stressful a project as the Avengers was.
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I'm not the biggest fan of his dialogue either but I still really like the first Avengers movie. It's pretty well-paced, doesn't ever feel convoluted, lot of great character moments, and was a nice conclusion for Phase One.

AoU, on the other hand....I mean, I don't want to go the "blame studio interference" route but weren't Whedon and Marvel having disagreements (especially with the Hawkeye farm plot)??
Wow big deal if true. So they say standalone so that means no crossover or sequels? I can't imagine that if its a hit they wouldn't want more. Also this is just begging for her to be in Sirens.
it was Whedon that stepped down

Eh. Either way. I hope they dial him back. Sometimes the quips are overdone to the point where it takes away from the seriousness of the situation. The Wonder Woman script he did was awful.

Huh? How would you know anything about his WW script? To my knowledge he didn't even get the chance to write it before he got the boot :lol:
Yeah AoU was downright corny in some parts.

The russos did a better avengers sequel than he did
Wow big deal if true. So they say standalone so that means no crossover or sequels? I can't imagine that if its a hit they wouldn't want more. Also this is just begging for her to be in Sirens.
Standalone meaning it's not directly involved in the plot of other stuff. Not that it can't interact in the future. Like suicide squad was fairly disconnected From BVS or Justice league. Batgirl wouldn't be building towards the bigger goal of a team up movie like Marvel movies do
Batman, Nightwing, and now Batgirl. DC focusing on that core Bat Family that's always delivered for them in the past I see. May as well go ahead and set up a Batman Family portion of the DCEU by itself.
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Batman, Nightwing, and now Batgirl. DC focusing on that core Bat Family that's always delivered for them in the past I see. May as well go ahead and set up a Batman Family portion of the DCEU by itself.

Now this i can get behind.
Depends on the age they are going for, if a bit younger Chloe Grace Moretz wouldn't be a bad choice.
Whedon Standalone? that's a good look.

And there's a Green Arrow and Charlie Hunnam is playing him or did I just misunderstand that picture?
Batman, Nightwing, and now Batgirl. DC focusing on that core Bat Family that's always delivered for them in the past I see. May as well go ahead and set up a Batman Family portion of the DCEU by itself.

Yeah can't wait for the solo movies about The Spoiler and Man-Bat
Whedon sure does love him female leads...

He's been that way since the 90s lol

He just loves strong female characters.

I am surprised neither studio gave him the chance to direct WW or Captain Marvel. That's like porno for him, he'd be so excited.
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