DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Guillermo said WB wanted it separate which is when they first offered him the job...

Speaking to Superhero Hype from Comic-Con International: San Diego, Guillermo del Toro gave an update on the Justice League Dark film he’s been working on with Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment.

Specifically, he discussed what other DC properties might tie into the project, continuity wise, such as the Sandman film or the Constantine television series.

“I’m still working on it,” del Toro said. “Sandman doesn’t figure in the Dark Universe. We have Deadman, we have the Demon, we have Swamp Thing, we have Zatana, we have Constantine, but DC and Warners have been very clear that they are trying to keep those properties separate so when the time comes they can unite them, once they know they’re quantifiable. Batman, Superman, Green Lantern… everyone eventually will come together. Right now, they’re allowing us independence.”

There were also rumors that Shazam wasn't part of the DCEU...

EW has spoken to New Line president Toby Emmerich, and the Shazam film he describes has us mulling over even more questions. Read closely at Emmerich’s description of the Shazam film New Line is envisioning:

“It feels to me like Shazam will have a tone unto itself… It’s a DC comic, but it’s not a Justice League character, and it’s not a Marvel comic. The tone and the feeling of the movie will be different from the other range of comic book movies… [It] will have a sense of fun and a sense of humor. But the stakes have to be real.”

Then again ddue also said Shazam isn't a JL character, I think most assumed he meant he isn't a JL character in the DECU.
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They need to get their act together, this feels confusing to me- a nerd.

What about the general population who is like 80% of the revenue.
They need to get their act together, this feels confusing to me- a nerd.

What about the general population who is like 80% of the revenue.

They don't give a **** about any of it :lol: they care about a trailer and opening weekend

Jesus every thread some news comes out, and the skill is falling with you guys.
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Speaking of trailers, they need to employ a different trailer cutting company.

Also, make better movies.

I enjoy them but they're not very good feature films.

they're making money off of Batman and Joker alone.

They're making boat loads of cash but as a fan, I want better films and a cleaner universe.
Speaking of trailers, they need to employ a different trailer cutting company.

Also, make better movies.

I enjoy them but they're not very good feature films.

they're making money off of Batman and Joker alone.

They're making boat loads of cash but as a fan, I want better films and a cleaner universe.

If they are making boat loads of cash doing what they are doing now, why change the formula? They don't care if we like the movies, long as we pay for them
They're making good money, for sure..but we all know BvS could have made more money had the product been better..
I do think they care that people like the movies, in the end these guys can't be enjoying all the bashing they are getting.

Plus they know that with a better word of mouth, they could be making more money.
For these blockbusters...

they get instant money by default


quality = MORE money

If you're a businessman, wouldn't you want to get MORE revenue with the same amount of investment? SAME BUDGET.

c'mon guys...
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Doug Liman on JL Dark Universe

A few months ago, it was announced that Edge of Tomorrow director Doug Liman would be helming Justice League Dark, which is now officially titled Dark Universe. Liman will be working off a script written by Guillermo del Toro, the film's original director, and it's been confirmed that the project will be a part of the current DC Films Universe. While talking to IGN, Liman spoke about his approach to the film and how he plans to bring something new to the comic book movie genre.

"Yeah, I mean first of all, I love those characters, and I love Warner Bros., and I love [producer] Scott Rudin, and it’s -- and you know, I get asked to come in and do things that are “unconventional.” If people want conventional, they don’t come to me. It’s why doing Invisible was like right up my alley -- because how can you be conventional when there aren’t even conventions that exist? And so you know when Warner Bros. wants to sort of turn the comic book genre on its head, they call me."
Now this sounds good.

^^ That was a no brainer connecting JL Dark to the DCEU. WB needs to stop playing around and announce that Shazam will be apart of the DCEU as well. 
Wow whole time I thought Shazam was a part of the universe :smh:
It has been since confirmed that Shazam is indeed part of the DCEU, the Rock has confirmed it too:

It was all agreed that the worlds are all interconnected… One day you will see Black Adam go at it with Superman or Batman or any of the DC characters. But that said, there’s a great independence to Black Adam from the DC world, allowing us to inject, not only viciousness, but also winking humour.
even though no date has been set and Affleck is still saying he is writing the script, Mangojuicejello and Irons has confirmed that filming starts early/mid next year
Yeah i'm pretty sure they have a release date penciled already. The story is also most likely set like the plot

and stuff they're just finishing it.

I've loved Keaton and Bale... But Batfleck is the most "video game" Batman ever, it's way too fun. :smokin

I'm ready to be entertained.
Yeah there is a weird "fun factor" to be found in Battfleck; as in just experiencing him on the screen.

The semi-CGI way they made him move/fight in BvS, the ultra comic-booky yet bulletproof costume, the voice modulator, the Bruce Wayne fake drunkness, the Bruce Wayne ultra srs mean mugging, Alfred in suspenders looking like he just beat down on a scrub *** dude and smashed his wife.

It's like an effective exaggeration of everything about Batman :lol:
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I might be the only one who thinks bats was a bit overrated. Not a lot, but a bit. I still want to see a Batman like Conroy. Easy one sentence phrases. Nothing like, "i thought she was with you" and "I'm a friend of your son"

Man those really killed me. :lol:
I blame trash writing like that on Snyder. Yeah he didn't write it but I still blame him for allowing it.

Batffleck was good enough if you're doing detailed criticism. Easily better than Bale's.
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