DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

The second movie jumping into Batman vs. Superman was early, but I like the way they flipped it. It makes a lot of sense to me. After two super powered aliens fought to the death, Batman (a.k.a. the Prep God), who's historically paranoid and has contingencies for every scenario gears up to take on a potential threat to humanity. Look at what he did in Tower of Babel. And that's after he's established long withstanding friendships and allies with the JLA. :lol:

Batman wasn't there when Supes and Zod were throwing down in the middle of Metropolis. Him and Supes aren't homies yet. He doesn't know what his true intentions are. Superman might snap his neck too as far as he knows. A lot of heroes have fought each other on first introduction. Wolverine and Hulk. Spider-man and the Fantastic Four. Thor and Beta Ray Bill. The world being skeptical of Superman and being split on him is an overarching story that continues through MOS and BVS.

Batman is a grizzled veteran who's become disillusioned to this. I feel like Superman is going to earn the respect of humanity and has already gained it from Batman after his contributions to saving the world and we'll get the more feel good stories for him in the DCEU during and after JL. It might not be popular in this thread, but I like the way BVS improves MOS and they feel connected. I think they're good stories and entertaining movies. SS is kind of it's own thing, but the effects of the first two movies basically motivated Amanda Waller to create Task Force X.
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Batman V Superman is intrinsically value-neutral as a concept

The two are extreme polar opposites in terms of their approach to superheroism--therefore conflict between the two characters should be expected if not outright encouraged in an editorial sense

Execution and solid writing is key
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Execution is right on the money. That's my main quarrel. The ultimate cut alleviates the fast tracking of the story and the loss of development in-between scenes. We actually get to see Clark Kent researching/reporting.

As much as I enjoy the movie, it could of been handled better, but after seeing Batfleck and Wonder Woman debut, I'm excited for anything with those characters and their portrayals. I used to be one of the biggest Gal as Wonder Woman detractors in this thread too, but they made her a legit bad***.
they could have very easily just used the concept of the animated movie 'justice league: doom" if they wanted to show bruce's paranoid side as it pertains to the whole JL.. which would have been a movie in the 2nd phase of movies, not the 2nd damn movie

made zero sense jumping straight to BVS (especially when you cant take the other elements that went into the dark knight returns).. if anything they should have shown bruce the detective watching superman from the shadows in MOS2 and figuring out everything he could on supes and trying to determine his real motivations and all that jazz

also you cant have him as overly paranoid of supes who just saved the planet.. then have him be in SS and don't do jack shhhh other than those 2 scenes.. doesn't make sense to have him paranoid of the dude who saved the world singlehandedly and has shown nothing bad.. then don't watch your bad guys and Amanda waller like hawks
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I enjoyed Ultimate Cut as well; it fixed several things but certain aspects of the movie were just poorly done or written

Overall I enjoyed BvS but it fell flat in terms of its potential; it was an overbloated mess of a movie that did not weave character, dialogue, and plot in the neat, pretty way that I would have liked

MoS was cool tho tornado excluded

SS was hot bootytrash
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Poor Joe Mangigellio. Thought this was gonna be his chance but that whole deathsteoke thing never made any sense and probably would be scrapped
Poor Joe Mangigellio. Thought this was gonna be his chance but that whole deathsteoke thing never made any sense and probably would be scrapped
why wouldn't deathstroke make sense?

so much they can still do with batman.. hell the whole DCEU.. no clue why they have made the decisions they have

I mean I could understand going MOS out the gate, since he's one of the big dogs and you cant always just fall back to batman.. and obviously you got GL not doing well

I get going with SS squad after the success of deadpool, zero clue going with that story.. could have and should have just ripped off the animated movie.. also allows you to intro to bats without having to do an origin story (also establishes some of his rogue gallery.. just watch the animated movie to see the amount of batman villains thrown in there)
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I think we'll still see Slade. I don't think he was ever the main protagonist and they had another more cerebral villain pulling the strings. Throwing Batman in a gauntlet situation in Arkham sounded DOPE. If that's what the plan was, I hope they still do it, but just with Matt Reeves' collaboration.
Same here, I hope Slade will still be in the movie. I want to see a villian that can go toe-to-toe with this version of batman. I can just imagine the brutality of these 2 fighting. 
Same here, I hope Slade will still be in the movie. I want to see a villian that can go toe-to-toe with this version of batman. I can just imagine the brutality of these 2 fighting.

It would be nuts. I just want it all.

Get the epic throwdown with Deathstroke, then Batman has to use his wit to solve Riddler traps, deal with Scarface and Ventriloquist mowing down guards and inmates alike, use the environment to nullify Freeze, Clayface, or Ivy, overcome a Scarecrow fear toxin hallucination, then try to stop a Black Mask Arkham takeover, then realize Black Mask was being used by Hugo Strange...

Get a bit of everything in that joint. :wow: :pimp:
It would be nuts. I just want it all.

Get the epic throwdown with Deathstroke, then Batman has to use his wit to solve Riddler traps, deal with Scarface and Ventriloquist mowing down guards and inmates alike, use the environment to nullify Freeze, Clayface, or Ivy, overcome a Scarecrow fear toxin hallucination, then try to stop a Black Mask Arkham takeover, then realize Black Mask was being used by Hugo Strange...

Get a bit of everything in that joint.

Not sure if serious
I wish I saw that Jays post as originally constructed.

:lol: @ soft reboot the MoS sequel. What they gonna do? Ignore Mos, BvS, and JL? Pretend his "death" didn't happen?

Good luck to Vaughn of he does it. I would like to see him more in charge with helming a franchise. Its why I feel he really didn't return to the X-Men (aint want to continue to be limited by Singer and Kinberg). Here it's just Snyder and DC execs who don't know what they're doing.

Now it makes sense why Ben dropped out of directing The Batman.
Actually now I think I know why he became an alcoholic.

A vast majority of message boards, blogs, critics are basically adding insult to injury at this point. DC films is pretty much the laughing stock and if WW doesn't do well critically and/or financially,,, it's safe to say it's a wrap. That's assuming people didn't call it a wrap after SS.......
Zik himself went from having no faith in Fox Xmen then he sees logan and now he's looking forwaed tk whats next.

This movies folks, one good film and ALL you will be watching and paying and the fronting when it comes to that is what kills me.
I look forward to anything that doesn't have that direct Singer/Kinberg stink on it.

As for DCEU, you right. WW could be the game changer. I have nothing bad to say about the trailer and am.open to the movie. I can see JL setting them back again though. Could be horrible but end up with a good enough box office.

Why would a good movie restoring faith kill you?

People acting like that will never happens is what kills me.

When people say they have no faith such and such studio will ever make a good movie, its a ridiculous statement.
It's not that ridiculously all.

I mean there aren't gonna be any Wolverine movies with Mangold and Jackman again. Fox may just go back to making **** movies with New Mutants, Gambit, etc. They went from Deadpool to Apocalypse and now recently with Logan.

I do not now have faith in Fox-Men by any means.

I got a little bit of hope they cam turn it around.
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Lol i'm sure it didn't help that every question interviewers were asking him (no matter the movie he was promoting) was "What's the deal with Batman? Have you started work on Batman? Whose gonna be in Batman?"

You could see how defeated the dude looked
Maybe they should just scrap batman movies and just have him in jl and cameo in other movies.
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Nah, no way WB turns Bats into a "glorified Hulk" popping in here and there for some bit parts.

Batman is the money-maker. People already avoiding emo Superman, after all
RFX, I'm just saying at this point you're either in or you're out when it comes to 'fate of the furious'

But there have been changes, so I agree that isn't the best example for that simple fact.. even in the recent movies they have had changes in the director's chair

Transformers is a better example, pretty hard to expect anything that different then what we have gotten to date because those controlling it haven't changed

but there has been changes in DC/WB just like in the F&F series, WB got a new CEO and Snyder is only in charge of JL these days from what I understand
We haven't seen any of the movies since those changes to say actual changes were made in the product.

Talk is cheap.

People having faith that DC will turn around this clown show of a cinematic universe are exhibiting those battered housewife mentalities.

"Sure, he beats me but I know he loves me deep down. I just have to give him another chance."

itsaboutthattime has it right when he says "if you continue to receive a subpar product from anything in life, why would you all of a sudden expect differently all of a sudden"

I'm not saying WB will stop making these movies altogether. There's no arguing that -- barring a box office bomb, of course. But if DC/WB is fine being the realm of "Transformers" (i.e. raking in the dough but getting reviled by everyone else),,,, people shouldn't be mad when we call a spade a spade.

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This is why I can't take some of yall seriously. Yall be taking it too far.
It's a hyperbolic comparison.

Yall dudes have no sense of humor.or are too we we strive :lol:

I mean they hire a new director why not let him start from scratch?
:lol: They were starting from scratch when they had no director.
Poor Joe Mangigellio. Thought this was gonna be his chance but that whole deathsteoke thing never made any sense and probably would be scrapped

why wouldn't deathstroke make sense?

so much they can still do with batman.. hell the whole DCEU.. no clue why they have made the decisions they have

I mean I could understand going MOS out the gate, since he's one of the big dogs and you cant always just fall back to batman.. and obviously you got GL not doing well

I get going with SS squad after the success of deadpool, zero clue going with that story.. could have and should have just ripped off the animated movie.. also allows you to intro to bats without having to do an origin story (also establishes some of his rogue gallery.. just watch the animated movie to see the amount of batman villains thrown in there)
deathstroke isn't the villain to have in a standalone Batman movie especially played by a relatively unknown actor
Let's keep it 100 though. Deathstroke is f*cking bomb. That test footage of him Affleck posted months ago might have been the only time I got legit hyped for these crappy movies.

Deathstroke is so f*cking badass, he will shove a katana into your mother's heart right in front of you.
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