DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

It's easier said than done when it comes to letting a director 'direct' when all these movies have to connect to each other

It's like a TV show. All these episodes have different directors but they got to answer to the vision of the showrunner.

All these movies are episodes and a phase is a season

Marvel seems to be willing to work with their directors. Ej. Feige giving Whedon the Hawkeye family stuff so Feige can get his Thor/Pool scene; Feige giving the Russo Brothers Giant Man when Feige initially didn't want Giant Man

There's give and take but if some directors are unwilling to compromise then they gotta be let go
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Let the director 'direct ' ...  Simple.  These studios...:smh:  

I wonder what superhero from DC would be a good fit for Edgar Wright?    Blue Beetle? 

I'll always campaign for Booster Gold or a Blue & Gold flick, and think someone like Wright would be good for that, even though I know full well neither will ever happen. I'm just pissed they F'd up Jonah Hex so badly when it coulda been so damn good if they just let Jimmy Palmiotti write the story for the movie with an established Hollywood screenwriter.

Here's one for ya: why hasn't WB grabbed Joe Cornish for a DCEU property??? Especially after Marvel/Disney let him go from Ant-Man? I think he could've made SS seriously great if he helmed it.
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It was one of those you're no longer directing because of creative differences.

But since then given the info from Marvel, what Patty has said, and what we got with Dark World they had legit creative differences.

I look forward to learning more details about Edgar Wright's departure and when he eventually directs a superhero flick.

Let the director 'direct ' ...  Simple.  These studios...:smh:  

I wonder what superhero from DC would be a good fit for Edgar Wright?    Blue Beetle? 
You know, I'm usually a staunch supporter of letting the directors direct but I should add good in front of directors.

Some directors suck. Some directors if you let them put their vision on film untouched by superiors and supervisors will turn out to be pure trash.

Then you have to look at special unique situations. The MCU got a fg% of like 85 right now (I'm opting out on a baseball analogy). By the time of Avengers it was safe to say the entire studio knows what they're doing. Their worst movie has been what IM3? Which is bad for specific overall story reasons and their track record of being pretty loose with scripts. Other than that at worst they've had some possibly in between average and slightly above average movies (I won't give examples to opt out of a side argument).

Now even with what I know of what Patty wanted to do with Thor 2 I'm not entirely sure it would've been great but I do know, imo, that Thor 2 was just another halfassed Thor flick. So there you could say the studio misstep.

Then you have Ant-Man. Still don't know a lot about Wright's take but either way I thoroughly enjoyed what McKay did. It was fun and a funny movie. Perhaps a bit safe? Made some money so it would appear the studio made the right choice.

Producers and execs are always gonna think they know better or that their suggestion is gold (and because there have been times this has been the case producers will continue to do it and push it and even argue with great directors about it).

Its a con of the business.

A good example I like to look towards is that for better or worse George Lucas should tell w/e Star Wars story he wanted while he was making them and had the rights. Of course the difference being George isn't just a director or a great one at that but he is an amazing creator, creative mind, great storyteller. Only taking suggestions from fellow peers and friends like Steven Speilberg (who collaborated with him on all Indiana Jones movies and also told him he should direct the prequels after declining to direct any :lol: )

As for Wright and a DC property, give him Adam Strange and then leave him alone for 6 movies.
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finally saw wonderwoman. it was good. a little too many slowmo scenes. my dude captain kirk |I

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As for Wright and a DC property, give him Adam Strange and then leave him alone for 6 movies.

Ain't no way Adam Strange is ever getting a DCAU movie, let alone a DCEU movie, lol. He's basically John Carter of Mars (only with lasers), and we saw how that worked out for Disney (even though it wasn't that bad a movie).
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DC characters & teams I'd like to see movies of, but know it'll never happen:

1) Enemy Ace
2) Booster Gold / Blue & Gold
3) Power Girl
4) The Question
5) JSA
6) Birds of Prey
7) New Gods
8 ) Deadman
9) Doom Patrol
10) Metal Men

No particular order for them, except #s 1 & 2. I would probably die if I ever got an Enemy Ace movie...
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I'd be happy just seeing the main guys done right..

Also how the hell they going have cyborg before couple of those other guys in the new DC intro.. specifically flash and green lantern
As for Wright and a DC property, give him Adam Strange and then leave him alone for 6 movies.

Ain't no way Adam Strange is ever getting a DCAU movie, let alone a DCEU movie, lol. He's basically John Carter of Mars (only with lasers), and we saw how that worked out for Disney (even though it wasn't that bad a movie).
I got hope for Strange.

He recently had his own comic/mini event with Hawkman and a crossover with the Hanna Barbera characters (Space Ghost, Johnny Quest, Birdman, etc.)

I'm sure Timm or somebody else in animation will see the light and give him a movie.

Then its only a matter of time after a few tweaks to make a live action movie that isn't so John Carter-ish.

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Who else thought the marksman was going to go ham???

I swear I thought he was going to be like the dude from S.P. Ryan :lol:
DC characters & teams I'd like to see movies of, but know it'll never happen:

1) Enemy Ace
2) Booster Gold / Blue & Gold
3) Power Girl
4) The Question
5) JSA
6) Birds of Prey
7) New Gods
8 ) Deadman
9) Doom Patrol
10) Metal Men

No particular order for them, except #s 1 & 2. I would probably die if I ever got an Enemy Ace movie...

JL 1 and 2 are basically adaptations of New Gods
Does D.C. Have some of the better scenes from either franchise?

Of course Marvel has the better films, but Supes first flight scene and WW taking off her coat/ robe>>>

Some epic moments.
Avengers group shots are epic

View media item 2456748

then there's CW gif below doesn't even have Spidey in it yet
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No Man's Land could be up there with a lot of marvel scenes

WW definitely has one of the best signature moments

Her taking off the robe and climbing out the trench is up there with

Hulk's I'm Always Angry
IM's transformation after falling out the window
Spider-Man's Hey Guys
Avengers circle shot of course
Vision picking up the hammer

Cap sadly doesn't have that epic signature moment yet. I bet my nuts off its coming in IW. (Cap also picking up that hammer)

Supes first flight scene was not an epic moment for me. Effects was cool but it gave me no feels. I don't even think of that when I think of MoS. First image that always come up in my head when I think of MoS is pops getting washed by that tornado :lol:
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You right about the first A1 group shot and Hulk transforming as well.

That's probably my number one. I'm a huge Hulk fan. Can't believe I forgot about it. Seeing that in theaters had the theater rocking :wow:

But jor-el talking while he was jumping was so cool too. Especially with that epic music.

Visón looked really majestic too. Especially when he started phasing and WM was like, what the :lol:

Damn. I'm starting to remember a lot now :lol:
Tony suiting up for the first time in the mark3

Thor getting the enchanted mallet back and his armor coming on.
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