DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

BVS and transformers are HUGE financial successes and both those films are in the process of being forgotten. Batman himself quit on the “success” :rofl:
I think the shared universe has been dropped for the most part. You will probably still get easter eggs here and there( like in Aquaman) but as for full-fledged crossovers ( like Marvel)....HIGHLY doubt it
I don’t think they know what they want to keep and what they want to throw out. They know now that WW in BVS was a huge mistake becuase they’re not tossing out that goldmine. WW being good was the worst thing to happen to DC. They now can’t get away from the trash that is the DCEU :lol:
Think they're going see how it goes and then build when they get some sorta traction

Basically play it like phase 1 of MCU without working towards something, which they should have done

Both WW and aquaman both have had to blatantly ignore things from previous films
I think the shared universe has been dropped for the most part. You will probably still get easter eggs here and there( like in Aquaman) but as for full-fledged crossovers ( like Marvel)....HIGHLY doubt it
You know if they had simply started as separate standalone movies and focused on getting directors that just wanted to make a good movie for the specific hero they'd be in a much better place.

That one dark tone Snyder established greatly hurt WW and Superman.
Maybe it's just me but I don't see it happening...and at the same time, I don't mind WB/DC having separate franchises off on their own island(s) if it means a chance for better films..

Let Marvel continue with the shared universe concept. They have done a good job...

Put it like this, Feige and crew ( MCU) are like that team that is dominant to the point where the particular fan of another organization would say, "how is it possible that my team can't have that type of structure, the right ingredients, and the personnel?..."

They are an anomaly( I have said this ad nauseam),exception not the rule..and at the same time THEY TAKE IT SERIOUSLY when it comes to quality...

They are like the New England Patriots.....everyone can't be like the New England Patriots( long term success( 10+ years MCU/ 18+ years NE), have their architects in place( Feige/Belichick), answers to one person and that person doesn't mettle( Iger/ Kraft)... anomaly ,exception not the rule (hate to use that comparison but it adds up in spades....)

I disagree.. and I think it's easier for DC to accomplish it because they have multiple known entities going in

Marvel at best was dealing with b list and had to hope it would land.. even a bad BVS almost made 900 mill, imagine if they made a good movie

Hell I'd say the same for transformers and other big moneymakers.. DC should be able to count on superman, batman and WW making 900 mill range and JL films making 1.5 or so.. then other guys somewhere above 700 or even 800, like aquaman, green lantern, flash and maybe Martian manhunter and shazam.. and then can do suicide squad move and teen titans

DC of all the CBM entities should have been taking its time and trying to get it right because they have the whole roster to work with
Expecting Wonder Woman to make 900 million is crazy. It’s her first big screen debut with an unknown actor. They made 800 million. 400 domestic it was the 3rd best domestic movie on 2017. That’s a success
Expecting Wonder Woman to make 900 million is crazy. It’s her first big screen debut with an unknown actor. They made 800 million. 400 domestic it was the 3rd best domestic movie on 2017. That’s a success

WW made 821 and I think that movie was first avenger/Thor 1 level at best

I think 900 mill is very doable
MCU is an anomaly...

Can't change my mind on that...sorry

I think it's unprecedented.. but by no means do I think it's an anomaly

I think DC and fox could have done something very similar.. and we'll see what marvel does as they add the fox characters

Wasn't much a fan of Sony trying to do a spiderverse.. but love if they continue on the animation side with it, like with the lego movies doing different stuff
that’s your opinion. I thought it’s better quite a bit of comic book movies. Definitely better IMO then Spider-Man homecoming

The movie had 3 villains and all were jokes

Literally turned the first 2 into a Boris and Natasha act

And ares was just another steppenwolf/doomsday big dark grey guy for the 3rd act
MCU is an anomaly...

Can't change my mind on that...sorry
Yeah but not in this comparison.

It's not even about doing as good as the MCU.

Technically speaking, a DC shared universe should've been doing better than the MCU.

They established a sound entertainment structure in animation and more importantly they have more "practice" in doing several stand alone Superman and Batman movies.

The MCU is anomaly in the sense they've gained this sustainable success with no trial errors or false starts. They came out the gate flourishing. Their overall goodwill even elevated weaker movies in their stable. DC though has a previous track record and history they should've learned from in doing multiple Batman and Superman movies. They have endless source material to make a shared universe between the two be seamless. With the MCU it was a straight up hype factor for every cameo and Easter egg that hinted to another Marvel hero or character since this was the first time

If anything, there's no good excuse for why BvS did not do a billi. It should've. If you center a DC shared universe around Batman and Superman it should exceed expectations.

It's Batman and Superman.
The movie had 3 villains and all were jokes

Literally turned the first 2 into a Boris and Natasha act

And ares was just another steppenwolf/doomsday big dark grey guy for the 3rd act
like I said imo WW is better then quite a bit of marvel movies. You act like marvel movies have all had great villains
The villain with the messed up face and the general are top 8 worst villian in these modern cbms
like I said imo WW is better then quite a bit of marvel movies. You act like marvel movies have all had great villains

Movie is better than 1 MCU movie, im3 because that's an abomination.. probably Thor 2 too.. max first avenger and Thor 1 too

Marvel movies, WW is definitely better then Im3, daredevil, Elektra, any f4 film, blade 3, Spider-Man 3, wolverine origins, x3, apocalypse, the 90s cap movie, ang lee hulk

I look at WW like I do IM2 or age of ultron, there were things to like but aspects of the movie weigh it down

Logan being the best of that type, where if you change the last 20 mins you have a top 5 CBM movie of all time.. TDKR also fits that
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