DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

:rofl: @ them assuming that the audience are full on idiots that can't comprehend a complex story

I'm actually excited about the story if that's the case
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:rofl: @ them assuming that the audience are full on idiots that can't comprehend a complex story

I'm actually excited about the story if that's the case

Same. But we all know them Marvel showings be full of 8 year olds. So it's a legitimate worry from the perspective of a storyteller who's also trying to capitalize/catch up to a flourishing CU.

The same issue as YJ being cancelled because of the lack of toy sales :smh:
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with Snyder directing

and I just watched sucker punch this weekend too

dudes literally just need to make live action versions of their animated movies
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:rofl: @ them assuming that the audience are full on idiots that can't comprehend a complex story

I'm actually excited about the story if that's the case

I could see their concern because they have a lot riding on it and they need to be a huge hit. But I do think the biggest concern might just be the director, I do love Snyder and loved Watchmen but I am concerned how he pulls off a more complicated storyline. Hell I love MoS but I do think the flashbacks just makes the film more complicated, he definitely could have pulled it off better and more would have liked that film. Still curious if someone has editted that film in order and see if it's a much better film, I'd definitely check it out. Deadpool did the flashbacks right because it didn't feel like all over the place or going back in forth through different ages.

I'm just not sure Snyders up to the task and again I am a big supporter of him as most of you guys know.

WBs going to need someone like Nolan to pull of an Inception-like film if the story truly is that complicated.
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deep :rofl:

with Snyder directing :rofl:

and I just watched sucker punch this weekend too :rofl:

dudes literally just need to make live action versions of their animated movies :smh:

They said "deep story that was written by an Oscar winner", not "deep story that was written by Zack Snyder"

Man yall boys consistently confuse/conflate screenwriters with directors and their specific impacts on the plot of a movie :lol:
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with Snyder directing

and I just watched sucker punch this weekend too

dudes literally just need to make live action versions of their animated movies
They said "deep story that was written by an Oscar winner", not "deep story that was written by Zack Snyder"
who is directing again?

and watchmen had "deep" writing too
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with Snyder directing

and I just watched sucker punch this weekend too

dudes literally just need to make live action versions of their animated movies
They said "deep story that was written by an Oscar winner", not "deep story that was written by Zack Snyder"
It's more compelling than saying "deep story that was written by Zack Snyder."

Snyder's writing =

His directing is still shoddy imo.

Just let Batfleck take the reins and bring in his writing team.
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The writer is from Afflecks writing team.

I still believe that BvS will be better just because Terio re-wrote Goyers OG script.
:rofl: @ them assuming that the audience are full on idiots that can't comprehend a complex story

I'm actually excited about the story if that's the case

same here, but I felt like TDK delivered a more complicated story(morals, having to lie,etc) than anything Marvel as put out and that made a Ton of money. Was there that concern when that movie was being made???

I hope this movie def delves deeper story wise, been yearning for it.
My lil cousin and his 7/8 year old friends LOVE MCU

they have zero interest in DC or FOX movies. They arent bright and colorful. Too dark
Doesnt grab their attention.
:rofl: @ them assuming that the audience are full on idiots that can't comprehend a complex story

I'm actually excited about the story if that's the case

same here, but I felt like TDK delivered a more complicated story(morals, having to lie,etc) than anything Marvel as put out and that made a Ton of money. Was there that concern when that movie was being made???

I hope this movie def delves deeper story wise, been yearning for it.

I think the thing with TDK is they probably wasn't expecting it to make a billion, it is following up BB that only made $375m worldwide so their expectations might be around ~$500m for it (budget only increased by $30m from BB to TDK). These days the expectations for a successful CBM is higher because Marvel has set a standard so those concerns are always going to be looming no matter what but also keep in mind that we are talking about rumors, actually a rumor that debunked the other rumor :lol:

Also, I think TDK really rode on Ledgers performance first, versus Batman next and the story third but I will say the movie being really goo storywise did push it further in the box office. Plus it was Nolan, he did Memento beforehand so he has a history of making a good storytelling film.
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I'm glad David Goyer is gone. As much as I loved man of Steel, I felt like the script was holding the movie back. I like Zach Snyder as a director. And I think if given a proper script he will Excell. So I'm confident Chris Terrio's script will be magnificent
How complicated can this film be?

Superman and Batman don't trust each other. They fight. Wonder Woman is that neutral party. Lex is that dude lurking in the cut trying to play the two like puppets. He creates Doomsday. Eventually, all the heroes get together to fight the bad guy.

Seems pretty straight forward to me.

Those dudes making it seem like we're going to get an inception level plot or something lol
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I really don't get the concerns for the reaction to the movie and the amount that it is being talked about. It's perplexing.

Calling the movie deep and worrying about the audience's response makes it sound like they're bracing everyone for a ****** movie or a movie that was "too deep that's why you didn't get it" and that's why ppl don't like it. Stop the bull ****.

You're pushing Bats hard as hell. Why fear failure now? Them dudes at WB seem like *******. I mean unless we're getting a whole lot more of MOS with just bland story and stupid excuses for character development this should've been easy to do and get done. If families are going to see Deadpool no need to worry about this not being like a Marvel movie. Just make the best movie you can.

TDK was deep. TDKR wasn't anywhere as good but was even more deep with the themes and issues it addressed. This should've been the route WB was going so why act brand new?

I aint even the biggest fan of DC but this sense of panic just makes these guys look like clowns or it's that they know they didn't make a good movie.

But anyway, if Snyder is gone and they can come with a better replacement I'll be happier and more hopeful for DC movies in the end.
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I feel like fox and DC are getting exactly what they bargained for with all of this..

Fox should have seen whedon become available and the little remarks he made about marvel.. Go out and give him whatever he wants to have the control singer got with xmen

If DC basically made live action movies of their animated movies they would be in a perfect spot.. Except, now they are stealing portions of the dark knight returns with none of the other things that went into the movie (superman being a puppet for the government and the whole Cold War stuff.. The jealousy of the government)

- like I feel like they are doing that kinda with the suicide squad movie (batman attack on arkham)
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I see what you're saying about animated movies turned in to live action. DC not being smart enough to hire Bruce Timm and the like to pen the stories for film is sadly funny.

If they were making movies like the animated ones they'd be dominating.

I know one thing playing in to all of this gloom and doom talk about this movie when it hasn't even come out yet is the fact that they sat on it for a year after Marvel forced their hand with AOU and again with Civil War :lol: They got all antsy with a full year to think about it while also watching other superhero movies and the reactions to those movies.
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I don't know what they saw in snyder's body of work that it would be a good idea to give him a superman movie then put him in charge of setting up JL and possibly doing those movies in the future

Let him do the a live action dark knight returns.. Let him do a blade movie.. Let him down a spawn movie
Man of Steel was great, so it's a no brainer to let him keep going.

And people already *****ing about this film six weeks before it even releases, so even when it's really good people will still hate no matter what. They shouldn't even go watch it since they'll complain the whole ****** time anyways.
No it wasn't.

But you really gotta wonder, why is the movie getting talk about the ppl inside of WB/DC having concerns about it? That didn't even happen for the ASM movies for SONY and they were planning a whole slate of spinoffs until that blew up in their face.

Never happens to Marvel which is why they're printing money even after some movies that can be seen as bad.

Only FOX has had similar treatment and that's been for movies that weren't all that great to begin with but they don't even put in the same amount budget wise as the other studios do which is why they talk about keeping Singer on instead of ditching him.

Says a lot that this cloud of doubt surrounds DC movies.
Bruce Tim and Paul Dini writing the scripts :x :x :x
Whoah :lol: I aint say Paul Dini. Although yeah he was writing some of the cartoons.

I'd take a Timm & Dini script over Goyer though.

It was a whole laundry list though. Pretending like only unheard of screenwriters who've written a few movies you may have liked or directors who also write to me isn't the best or only way to go when it comes to superhero movies.

One of these studios will take the risk one of these days and it'll pay off.
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^ ^ ^

To be fair, these are all rumors. Yeah Sony didn't have those talks beforehand until it leaked and there were concerns up the wazoo.

I mean it really is all up to what is leaked it and how valid it is, from what I am seeing, it is pretty much just unknown "sources" confirming it and one of the rumors is pretty much clearing up another rumor.

At the end of the day, these people have different employees and all studios try their best to prevent leaks but it just can't be avoided. I mean look at all the rumors Gunn has to debunk, some of these sites just throws things at the wall and see what sticks.

No problem with discussing it and seeing point of views but I do think some take it as real hard facts.

And it has happened with Marvel, the problems with Edgar Wright with AntMan was pretty well documented. Those problems leaked maybe a year before he left the project. So it happens to the best of them.
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