DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Umm, I want to get stranded on that island. They'd probably make me a slave / servant though. I'd be the shortest one there. Futurama Snoo-Snoo episode come to life.
Umm, I want to get stranded on that island. They'd probably make me a slave / servant though. I'd be the shortest one there. Futurama Snoo-Snoo episode come to life.

The Nolan trilogy is amazing IMO, I loved all 3 movies, and don't feel like the third gets enough credit for basically being the backup plan after Heath passed.

Bane was the **** too.
As far as the Batman trilogy, I like Dark Knight and it's mostly because of Heath as Joker. He absolutely makes this movie. I wish they woulda cut the Two Face **** at the end. Batman Begins is great, I didn't appreciate it as much as first. TDKR is mehhhhhhh and makes you realize how Nolan makes movies too damn long. It dragged.

This looks good. I hope they do Diana right.
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Nah, I think after good reviews of WW in bvs that her solo movie can be good. Can't be a flop if it's not even released yet. It's 2016, what year we supposed to be ready?
Nah, I think after good reviews of WW in bvs that her solo movie can be good. Can't be a flop if it's not even released yet. It's 2016, what year we supposed to be ready?

Doesnt matter.

Female leads dont flourish.

Has there ever been a female lead that did numbers?
i don't care how much money it makes. I care if the movie is good. Look at Jessica Jones on netflix. Really good show. Make WW a bad mofo like Xena was and it's all good to me.
Come to think of it, there's actually plenty recently with female lead that did good box office numbers. Hunger Games, Maleficent, Gravity, Twilight (movies terrible but those YAs can't be stopped). Does Frozen count? :lol:
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R-Rated, $40m budget, $463m worldwide BO

Lucy did numbers like that!?

Damn. Didnt know that.

The other movies you named are geared towards the right demographics.

But maybe your right.

Maybe its just me [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Female leads in action movies have never seemed to rock well.
Not one review has brought down my anticipation of this movie!

I'm glad the day has finally came, I'm very excited to go see this tonight!!
Here's a pretty good (i thought) review/take on the movie (or more so an analysis)?


Myth, Heroism And Guns: Why Batman V Superman Might Be One Of The Most Fascinating Superhero Movies Ever Made

Disclaimer: While there aren’t any real spoilers in here, some of the talk about the themes of the movie could be considered spoiler-y by the most sensitive.

So, Batman vs Superman reaction has been all over the place since review embargo lifted. Initial fan screenings have been pretty positive, while critics have given the film somewhat of a mauling. I myself was not overly excited about the movie, only categorising Man of Steel as ‘fine’, though I wanted to give it a fairer shake than the loud naysayers who have dogged the movie in the run up to the film. I wouldn’t say that I had any major expectations of the movie, but I often find that I get a little more than most do out of Zack Snyder‘s back catalogue, so I was hopeful.

Now that I have seen it, I’m happy to report back that seems to be the case here. I personally found it to be one of the most fascinating Superhero movies I’ve ever seen, and also, really quite good to boot. Let’s hop to why. What I think makes the film so fascinating is in the creative, and hell, I’ll say it, artistic choices Snyder makes with the material. There isn’t a Superhero movie that feels like this. It’s certainly extremely self-serious and poe-faced, but these things are not flaws, like I have seen posted in a plethora of reviews. This is just the brush that Snyder is using to paint his picture. Some might see this as joyless, especially in the face of Marvel’s colourful own Superhero outfit, or even Star War‘s rejuvinated, adventurous palette. Batman V Superman is another beast though. It’s pure opera.

In the early 2000s, in the wake of 9/11 and increasing terror concerns, there was a real fascination with making things “dark” and “realistic” in Hollywood. Both of these things we’re kicked into overdrive with Christopher Nolan‘s own Batman movies, and was cheaply imitated in various franchises for years after. Again, this absolutely is not that.

There has been much talk in thesis papers, the blogosphere and even reference in films themselves of superheroes as modern mythology. During the credits of Avengers: Age of Ultron, there were marble recreations of the heroes trying to invoke the link, but in honesty, I now find the Marvelverse much more ‘realistic’ (Colorful, but real. after seeing where DC is headed with the tone in their first big cross over movie.

Batman v Superman really is the strongest I’ve ever seen this link between mythology and the Classics made in a superhero film. Everything about the film is, again, operatic. Nothing here feels real, but it isn’t supposed to. This is all pure mythology unfolding before our eyes. The film is not shy about this link either. It leaks from every pore. There is literal talk of mythology, such as the tale of Prometheus (poorly) told by Lex Luthor at one point in the movie. There is also consideration of Superman as a god throughout the film, less so in the nature of a benevolent Christian creator, but the physical, flawed and dangerous deities of Norse, Greek and Roman religions. Even in the soundtrack, (which you can listen to on Spotify right here), there isn’t a lot of subtlety here. It’s melodramatic, it’s overbearing and rhapsodic. Just listen to Lex Luthor’s theme in The Red Capes Are Coming, It’s pure theatrics. Batman v Superman isn’t a jaunty blockbuster. It’s a thesis on the nature of mythology, and the nature of mythology of these characters specifically.

It asks us questions about the very nature of these characters. We’ve seen all of them a million times, interpreted differently each time. In film alone, we’ve seen the the Nolan Batman, the Joel Schumacher Batman(s) and the Tim Burton Batman. Add on top of that the popular animated series Batman, and by extension, the Arkham games Batman. We’ve also seen Bruce as a child in Gotham, and this is all before we even begin contemplating what we know of Batman from the comics. You could say the exact same thing for Superman, as well as Lex Luthor or Wonder Woman. Batman v Superman knows this. It knows we know this ‘mythology’, and subverts into a mixed cocktail of our modern pop culture and legend.

While I could apply this all over the movie, I’ll bring my focus to Batman, because there are a lot of things going on with the character that will definitely prove to be controversial. Namely, Batman kind of betrays the two things that make him Batman. He uses guns, and it’s pretty strongly inferred he kills people. These are two things that go against the tenants that make up this character’s fibre, at least in most iterations. Not so here. While I’m sure many will pass this off as Snyder and the scriptwriters just thinking, for asinine reasons, that it is ‘cool’ and makes it misguidedly ‘adult’, but I think there is more going on here. This is a very conscious decision by the creative team on the film. It’s not like they never read the source material. They know Batman doesn’t use guns and doesn’t kill people. It’s a creative choice, and again, is one I think is tied to the myth of this character. It’s subversion. The kind that comes when a character is so well established, such as we have seen countless times in comics. From your Earth 1 Batmans, to your The Dark Knight Returns, and perhaps most notably for this iteration, Flashpoint, it feels like it’s exploring a well versed legend, and presenting it to us in a new form.

I have heard a lot of criticism say that they think Zack Snyder hates Batman due to his portrayal. I don’t believe that to be true at all, but it’s not hard to see why it’s being read that way. For me, here is crux of it: I don’t think we are supposed to like Batman all that much here. He is a terror of the night. He’s fearsome in the way criminals find him fearsome, but perhaps for the first time in film history, he also is to us. When the light comes on and he is Bruce Wayne, we aren’t supposed to understand him as a good guy just out for justice. He is a veteran version of Batman consumed in the life he has lived, with many, many losses to his name. He is a man lost in his identity, apparently too eager to jump into the role of Batman, rather than that of being Bruce Wayne. I personally don’t think we’re meant to cheer this character. We’re meant to be worried about him, like a mad dog who is a little too consumed in his instincts, much in the way it was easy to feel off put by Frank Miller‘s The Dark Knight Returns Batman. There is even a fair amount of Alan Moore‘s Watchmen in here, with a distinct mistrust of Heroism in most forms. It makes for an utterly fascinating thesis, and one that I think is well worth mining as you watch.

Now, I hear you. It’s very strange for a movie to present a contradiction of its own existence, especially one that is meant to set up a multi-title franchise set around a superteam. To which I say, it totally is, and there is something artistically and intelligently daring about that. It’s the absolute anti-thesis of everything any superhero movies have ever taught us, and that is a bold move. And yes, I do believe all of this was conscious. I actually feel like Zack Snyder understands these characters much in the same way Moore and Miller did back in the 80s, when they turned these comic book archetypes on their head in the mainstream. This would be impossible if, again, the mythology of what superheroes and their values are wasn’t already well established in film zeitgeist. Some might argue that Batman v Superman is more akin to the 90s, when things were just dark for the want to appear artificially adult, but I think that is selling the work done in this film by the entire creative team extremely short. There is a very thoughtful core to this movie, and one that has given us what we supposedly ask for all the time of Hollywood, a creative and daring take. It may not be as morally appealing as most superhero movies, but I’m sure glad it exists.

Just to throw it out there: I certainly have grievances with the film. I’ll try and go into them at a later date!
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As I've said ad nauseam, I have no expectations for tonight's showing, but the barrage of horrid reviews has got me hyped :lol:

How early should I be leaving to get good seats tomorrow? Haven't seen a movie opening day in awhile

Reason why I only go to theaters with reserved seating.

That battle for seats you're going to deal with tonight won't be fun.

A Furiosa solo movie would be awesome.

Batman Begins because it had a better, streamlined plot.

I agree. 

Still enjoyed TDK over BB even though BB was better put together.

I fell asleep on TDKR.

Only part worth watching was his initial fight with Bane.

Other then that straight snooze fest.
I fell asleep too, but only because I went to a triple feature. All three movies on opening night. It was almost 3am when we left.:lol: :smh:
Lucy did numbers like that!?

Damn. Didnt know that.

The other movies you named are geared towards the right demographics.

But maybe your right.

Maybe its just me [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Female leads in action movies have never seemed to rock well.
I understand what your saying, and I understand the doubt of Gal playing WW but  WW has YEARS of history to this point, she's such a pop culture figure (much like Superman/Batman) that her name is already a recognizable  brand but her story has never been told in a movie platform yet...I'm not saying it's going to be a gold mine, but I wouldn't say it's gonna flop. If it pulled Thor like numbers, I think WB would be ecstatic.
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