DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

This video has me intrigued. These guys seemed like they really needed some time to process everything they just witnessed.
The Onion has weighed in....

 LOS ANGELES—Promising that it would be best to just buy a ticket and take care of the unpleasantness right away, a new Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice  promotional campaign launched this week reportedly urged filmgoers to simply get this whole thing over with. “Listen, you all knew this day was coming, so just go sit your *** in the theater, stare up at the IMAX screen for a couple hours, and be done with this **** once and for all,” said Warner Brothers marketing strategist Elizabeth Harris, who encouraged fans to make plans with friends right now so they could all bite the ******* bullet over opening weekend. “You know you can’t put this off forever, so just suck it up and plow through this thing as quickly as possible. Listen, you’re going to have to pay the piper now or at some point down the road on a commercial flight or during a broadcast on TNT, so you might as well just pony up the extra 10 bucks for 3D and never think about it again.” At press time, Warner Brothers had reportedly kicked off a last-minute Batman V. Superman  media blitz in major markets advising audiences to just bend over and take it like a champ.
the part about watching it now or down the road on a plane or TNT is too real.
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"Justice League is a little bit lighter because some of these characters, you have Flash, tend to be a little more comedic I'd say," producer Deborah Snyder confirms then director Zack Snyder adds: "One of the things that lightens it is having The Flash or having characters that are more optimistic. This movie is in particular is two characters who are in a crisis of conscience which sort of draws them together."
Movie is dope. Is it the best? No but they built the universe nicely.

"Justice League is a little bit lighter because some of these characters, you have Flash, tend to be a little more comedic I'd say,"  producer Deborah Snyder confirms then director Zack Snyder adds: "One of the things that lightens it is having The Flash or having characters that are more optimistic. This movie is in particular is two characters who are in a crisis of conscience which sort of draws them together."
To those reviews that say this movie lacks humor, or that it's too dark...what did they expect? As much as we all love the MCU, these guys are not that and I think critics/average fans are kind of expecting that kind of vibe now when it comes to CBM's.

It is refreshing to see that Deborah Snyder refer to the Flash as being a little comedic, I hope whenever we do get Hal that he fits in that same category.
Movie is dope. Is it the best? No but they built the universe nicely.

Is there a post credits scene?

@RFX can you give us your thoughts on Luthor?
everyone been low key on Lex he prolly sucks.

as soon as i saw them cast eisenberg the first thing i thought of was when they cast topher fn grace to play eddie brock aka venom in SM3.

it was another one of those scenarios where they cast someone who looks nothing like the character and try to convince everyone to trust their decision.

the only thing im excited for is seeing ben as batman (which i didnt think i would) and im gonna geek when i see aquaman too, if i even see him.
Not at my theater but I'm in middle east they don't show post credit sometimes.

This dude luthor just didn't work I do not know what eisenberg was thinking dude was looking like jim carey
I forgot the movie is releasing this week. Haven't really been excited about the film, but maybe I'll check it out this weekend.
When the initial flurry of bad reviews came in, I was super hyped to watch the movie right away cuz I was damn curious.

But after they kept coming in one after the other after the other, it started weighing me down a bit. It's to the point where if I had not already bought my ticket, I might've not seen it tonight. Maybe I'd have gone to msg to watch the bulls get their *** kicked again :x
I saw on tues at a screening, I still don't know if I liked it or not. the plot was rushed and all over the place and lex Luthor was badly miscast. Affleck did well as batman tho. no spoiler alert ,but there are no additional scenes after credits.
I liked the movie, but I'm a dc head so maybe im biased.

They failed with luthor but I can live with it cause thats whay we ahve ti live
Movie is dope. Is it the best? No but they built the universe nicely.

Is there a post credits scene?

@RFX can you give us your thoughts on Luthor?

I honestly had no problem with him anymore, he was the one cast I had the most worry but I can accept that it is a different take and that it is Lex Luthor Jr. He was skittish at times and frantic but then he also has a reserved state where he could be evil, I don't know, not many will agree with me but the way I see it is this is also a somewhat of an evolution for him. I don't want to spoil it much but it seems like he is still trying to portray a certain image to the public (kind of evident when he got a bit carried away in a speech) while hiding his true self (an angry man) which reveals itself in the end and was actually a bit frightening. It did feel like it is also a set-up for the future and you could see the possibilities there after his last scene.

I liked him for what it is, I don't think they said his dad died so it would be awesome if they just quietly cast Cranston as Lex Sr. in JL or a true MoS sequel and the two Luthors could have epic speeches against each other by getting Tarantino to direct it and write it (we can only dream).

I do think people are 50/50 on Eisenberg as Lex just like the critics and general audience are divided on the film itself.

And no post credit scene but I do hope they add one (doubtful now) like they did to Deadpool.
I like jesse as a actor, its he choice on how be played luthor is just was silly to me and random
I honestly don't even think it's his choice to play like that, I think he was cast because they wanted Luthor portrayed like that.

Weren't you at least hopeful in his last scene though? Seems like that was the Lex everyone wanted and he looked like he could pull it off then.
I honestly don't even think it's his choice to play like that, I think he was cast because they wanted Luthor portrayed like that.

Weren't you at least hopeful in his last scene though? Seems like that was the Lex everyone wanted and he looked like he could pull it off then.

Beyond the look what we we really see? I am on mobile so I can't spoiler but all that did was set up......you know..lol
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