"Dear Jesus, I masturbated yesterday and betrayed you....but check out my new shirt"

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

Originally Posted by htownhooper31

Originally Posted by Face82

Sidenoted: if your rubbin one out and you have a nice load...of course it's gonna land on your chest or gut. Might even hit you in the face. You be sittin there like
"What have I just done" after it's over.

The hell? Good thing I fap on a pretty consistent basis so I don't have to worry about that.

hahahahah this reminds me of the crackaritz story; about going a week without fappin and shoot at the wall and than watch it ricochet like its filled with air lol
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Longest i've gone on was a month...takes alot of will power[/color]
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

RKO2004 wrote:
It doesn't matter to YOU. You will be held accountable of your sins come judgment day. We all will. Believe all you want that nothing = nothing. I hope you realize you errors well before then.
What's weird is that I was kind of thinking the same thing for you. Only instead of me hoping you "realize your errors", I was hoping you are 'blessed' with a moment of clarity before you pass. Just that faintest of moments on death's doorstep where you realize that even with all of your zealous pulpit stomping you are in the same position as the worst of people. Your "educating" has been all for naught. Your christian-conversion-tokens won't be cashed in for a larger prize. I hope your own religion-rambling poop and piss factory of a body somehow finds it's way through the cobwebs of all the nonsense that you have been spewing in the name of actual good. I hope that clutching of "the good word" gets loosened by the realization that Lobotomybeats is not any less quality of worm food than you are. THAT is my hope for you.

I don't believe He hates anyone unlike you because you def have hate behind your words. No ifs ands or buts, you probably hate me but thats cool because I'll continue to pray for you and wish you the best.

No, no hatred here. I just kind of feel sorry for you.

i dont think rko was trying to say he was better than you or any cause we all sin and fall short so none of else are better than the rest
What's weird is that I was kind of thinking the same thing for you. Only instead of me hoping you "realize your errors", I was hoping you are 'blessed' with a moment of clarity before you pass. Just that faintest of moments on death's doorstep where you realize that even with all of your zealous pulpit stomping you are in the same position as the worst of people. Your "educating" has been all for naught. Your christian-conversion-tokens won't be cashed in for a larger prize. I hope your own religion-rambling poop and piss factory of a body somehow finds it's way through the cobwebs of all the nonsense that you have been spewing in the name of actual good. I hope that clutching of "the good word" gets loosened by the realization that Lobotomybeats is not any less quality of worm food than you are. THAT is my hope for you.
Oh yeah we're all going to the ground first when we die. But there will be a day of judgment where we all we be held accountable believe it ornot. Christian conversion tokens? Hilarious. But I don't do what I do just to claim a prize, I do what I do because of what I want you all to avoid. Letsget that fact straight. Moment of clarity? Your right I will be in the position of getting ready to take a dirt nap then in the future I will be heldaccountable just like YOU. Avoid it all you want. You can play the "I'm too cool for God" role if you want but don't say you were neverwarned.

No, no hatred here. I just kind of feel sorry for you.

That feeling is mutual. I feel sorry for you as well. But don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for the people who don't have a direction in life. Feelsorry for those who don't have a meal to eat. Feel sorry for those who are going through trials and tribulations and are not strong enough to handle them.I am the last person you should feel sorry for. I know the message and I'm trying to deliver it.

I'm not perfect just like you. I have red blood as you do. I eat, breath and sleep as do you. We WILL be held accountable for our actions in life.

I have a offer for you and the others who give you lols. How about I post some things written thousands of years ago and match them with whats going on now?Though I'm sure you and yours will come and say "Oh the bible is so vague it could be talking about anything" but if you would like I'llstill post them?
oh, i didn't know that movement was this widespread...

one of my exes is a model, i think she's the purple "ex-diva" girl. real talk

but yeah i agree that, for people with conviction, masturbation affects the mind.

u get that urge, try to fight it, give in, then its like damn i tried. i feel pretty bad afterward.

and i also agree that it takes alot of willpower. tryin to be celibate AND not fap? they say its not easy tryin to live the right way & i believeit

edit: wow, didn't know there were 50 billion of the same purple shirt girls...
Originally Posted by Black Entourage inc

oh, i didn't know that movement was this widespread...

one of my exes is a model, i think she's the purple "ex-diva" girl. real talk

but yeah i agree that, for people with conviction, masturbation affects the mind.

u get that urge, try to fight it, give in, then its like damn i tried. i feel pretty bad afterward.

and i also agree that it takes alot of willpower. tryin to be celibate AND not fap? they say its not easy tryin to live the right way & i believe it

edit: wow, didn't know there were 50 billion of the same purple shirt girls...
Yeah living right is hard. Especially when you have people waiting on you to fail and do wrong so they can tout their horn and say "Ha habible thump now". But you just have to keep at it and so does everyone else, especially those of us with the net who can type in a few words and bang theporn world is at your fingertips.

I have a good analogy for this. For us with conviction, it is the equivalent of a alcoholic slipping and getting drunk.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I have a good analogy for this. For us with conviction, it is the equivalent of a alcoholic slipping and getting drunk.
Young children masturbate. You're gonna explain to your little four-year-old why it's sinful to play with his winky?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Black Entourage inc

oh, i didn't know that movement was this widespread...

one of my exes is a model, i think she's the purple "ex-diva" girl. real talk

but yeah i agree that, for people with conviction, masturbation affects the mind.

u get that urge, try to fight it, give in, then its like damn i tried. i feel pretty bad afterward.

and i also agree that it takes alot of willpower. tryin to be celibate AND not fap? they say its not easy tryin to live the right way & i believe it

edit: wow, didn't know there were 50 billion of the same purple shirt girls...
Yeah living right is hard. Especially when you have people waiting on you to fail and do wrong so they can tout their horn and say "Ha ha bible thump now". But you just have to keep at it and so does everyone else, especially those of us with the net who can type in a few words and bang the porn world is at your fingertips.

I have a good analogy for this. For us with conviction, it is the equivalent of a alcoholic slipping and getting drunk.

that is no were near a good analogy. drinking has no medical benefits, plus its putting toxins into your blood stream.

maybe if you used something related to sex then i could understand, but even that would be a reach
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I have a good analogy for this. For us with conviction, it is the equivalent of a alcoholic slipping and getting drunk.
Young children masturbate. You're gonna explain to your little four-year-old why it's sinful to play with his winky?
I'm going to explain to him to leave his winky alone. I wont go into full detail because mentally He wont be ready for all that. But I willtell him the side effects and problems that come with playing with his winky. Wait a minute, what young children are you around that masturbate? I know kidsplay around down there but masterbation as in pleasing themselves?

that is no were near a good analogy. drinking has no medical benefits, plus its putting toxins into your blood stream.

maybe if you used something related to sex then i could understand, but even that would be a reach
Really? That was a bad one? Even though they both do damage of some sort?

I wonder how many NT'ers look for me to fail
Originally Posted by RKO2004

that is no were near a good analogy. drinking has no medical benefits, plus its putting toxins into your blood stream.

maybe if you used something related to sex then i could understand, but even that would be a reach
Really? That was a bad one? Even though they both do damage of some sort?

masturbation RARELY does any damage of any sort, unless you have a physiological problem, which has nothing to do with masturbation. He'sprobably doing more harm to himself mental and physically by not masturbating. Your body wants you to masturbate. sperm builds up. Over 90% of people in thisworld masturbate.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Wait a minute, what young children are you around that masturbate? I know kids play around down there but masterbation as in pleasing themselves?
Yeah, kids do masturbate at a very young age for pleasure. This is a fact. Also, there are plenty of physical benefits to masturbation.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

that is no were near a good analogy. drinking has no medical benefits, plus its putting toxins into your blood stream.

maybe if you used something related to sex then i could understand, but even that would be a reach
Really? That was a bad one? Even though they both do damage of some sort?
masturbation RARELY does any damage of any sort, unless you have a physiological problem, which has nothing to do with masturbation. He's probably doing more harm to himself mental and physically by not masturbating. Your body wants you to masturbate. sperm builds up. Over 90% of people in this world masturbate.

I don't care what the percentage is. I for one can admit it leads to more and more of it, porn and even premarital sex. My body tells me tohave sex with my girl when but that doesn't mean I should do it. "Everybody does it dude"
People also have inner rage to hurt but should they do it?

Yeah, kids do masturbate at a very young age for pleasure. This is a fact. Also, there are plenty of physical benefits to masturbation.

Just because it feels good doesn't mean you should do it. What physical benefits come from it?

Here's what it can lead to...

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I don't care what the percentage is. I for one can admit it leads to more and more of it, porn and even premarital sex. My body tells me to have sex with my girl when but that doesn't mean I should do it. "Everybody does it dude"
People also have inner rage to hurt but should they do it?

comparing masturbation to violence is absurd. Porn? well it depends on your taste. Personally, im sure most people dont need porn to masturbate. and itsdefinitely not an everybody does it type thing. over %90 is a very significant number.

masturbation does not equate porn. thats a whole different subject.

But hey, who am i to tell you how to raise your kid? I certainly dont want to see you fail, but it would be a shame to install the wrong messages into yourchildren is all im saying. A male will most likely do it anyway, so good luck with that.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I don't care what the percentage is. I for one can admit it leads to more and more of it, porn and even premarital sex. My body tells me to have sex with my girl when but that doesn't mean I should do it. "Everybody does it dude"
People also have inner rage to hurt but should they do it?

comparing masturbation to violence is absurd. Porn? well it depends on your taste. Personally, im sure most people dont need porn to masturbate. and its definitely not an everybody does it type thing. over %90 is a very significant number.

masturbation does not equate porn. thats a whole different subject.

But hey, who am i to tell you how to raise your kid? I certainly dont want to see you fail, but it would be a shame to install the wrong messages into your children is all im saying. A male will most likely do it anyway, so good luck with that.
Right which is why I would hold off for a while telling him/her about certain stuff. For example if I knew my son was messing around with himselfI would tell him to cut it out if He was on the younger side of things. But once He reaches a certain age then of course I'm to have to tell him what He isdoing. I don't want to expose him to too much too soon because it can put the child in a state of mind where they are set for failure and confusion. Yeahboys are alot more prone to do it, I guess since ours has a visible reaction to stimulation it calls us. Now masturbation is not on the same as murder and suchbut it certainly can lead to problems.

And the "fail" line wasn't towards you but those who sit and wait foe me to slip up. I'm sure you've had them. If you haven't thenyou will.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I don't care what the percentage is. I for one can admit it leads to more and more of it, porn and even premarital sex. My body tells me to have sex with my girl when but that doesn't mean I should do it. "Everybody does it dude"
People also have inner rage to hurt but should they do it?

comparing masturbation to violence is absurd. Porn? well it depends on your taste. Personally, im sure most people dont need porn to masturbate. and its definitely not an everybody does it type thing. over %90 is a very significant number.

masturbation does not equate porn. thats a whole different subject.

But hey, who am i to tell you how to raise your kid? I certainly dont want to see you fail, but it would be a shame to install the wrong messages into your children is all im saying. A male will most likely do it anyway, so good luck with that.
Right which is why I would hold off for a while telling him/her about certain stuff. For example if I knew my son was messing around with himself I would tell him to cut it out if He was on the younger side of things. But once He reaches a certain age then of course I'm to have to tell him what He is doing. I don't want to expose him to too much too soon because it can put the child in a state of mind where they are set for failure and confusion. Yeah boys are alot more prone to do it, I guess since ours has a visible reaction to stimulation it calls us. Now masturbation is not on the same as murder and such but it certainly can lead to problems.

And the "fail" line wasn't towards you but those who sit and wait foe me to slip up. I'm sure you've had them. If you haven't then you will.
Awww, RKO you poor martyr. Martyr Povich? Martyr McFly? Jimmy Martyr? We should have your cross back from the shop any day now.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

What's weird is that I was kind of thinking the same thing for you. Only instead of me hoping you "realize your errors", I was hoping you are 'blessed' with a moment of clarity before you pass. Just that faintest of moments on death's doorstep where you realize that even with all of your zealous pulpit stomping you are in the same position as the worst of people. Your "educating" has been all for naught. Your christian-conversion-tokens won't be cashed in for a larger prize. I hope your own religion-rambling poop and piss factory of a body somehow finds it's way through the cobwebs of all the nonsense that you have been spewing in the name of actual good. I hope that clutching of "the good word" gets loosened by the realization that Lobotomybeats is not any less quality of worm food than you are. THAT is my hope for you.
Oh yeah we're all going to the ground first when we die. But there will be a day of judgment where we all we be held accountable believe it or not. Christian conversion tokens? Hilarious. But I don't do what I do just to claim a prize, I do what I do because of what I want you all to avoid. Lets get that fact straight. Moment of clarity? Your right I will be in the position of getting ready to take a dirt nap then in the future I will be held accountable just like YOU. Avoid it all you want. You can play the "I'm too cool for God" role if you want but don't say you were never warned.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]I would never play the "I'm too good for god role." That isn't me. I don't think I am too cool for god just as I don't think I am too cool for unicorns or faeries. Oh and just so you don't get your "condemning panties" in a bunch, I mean 'faeries' as in mythical beings with wings. Not the beings that shall be cast in to the pits of hell for sinful ways. I mean unless it is a gay faerie.[/color]

No, no hatred here. I just kind of feel sorry for you.

That feeling is mutual. I feel sorry for you as well. But don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for the people who don't have a direction in life. Feel sorry for those who don't have a meal to eat. Feel sorry for those who are going through trials and tribulations and are not strong enough to handle them. I am the last person you should feel sorry for. I know the message and I'm trying to deliver it.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]I feel terribly sorry for those people, I do. But the difference is they aren't preaching or telling people how to save them from the hell fires. Being poor and not having food to eat isn't embarrassing[/color].

I have a offer for you and the others who give you lols. How about I post some things written thousands of years ago and match them with whats going on now? Though I'm sure you and yours will come and say "Oh the bible is so vague it could be talking about anything" but if you would like I'll still post them?

Post em dude.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I don't care what the percentage is. I for one can admit it leads to more and more of it, porn and even premarital sex. My body tells me to have sex with my girl when but that doesn't mean I should do it. "Everybody does it dude"
People also have inner rage to hurt but should they do it?

comparing masturbation to violence is absurd. Porn? well it depends on your taste. Personally, im sure most people dont need porn to masturbate. and its definitely not an everybody does it type thing. over %90 is a very significant number.

masturbation does not equate porn. thats a whole different subject.

But hey, who am i to tell you how to raise your kid? I certainly dont want to see you fail, but it would be a shame to install the wrong messages into your children is all im saying. A male will most likely do it anyway, so good luck with that.
Right which is why I would hold off for a while telling him/her about certain stuff. For example if I knew my son was messing around with himself I would tell him to cut it out if He was on the younger side of things. But once He reaches a certain age then of course I'm to have to tell him what He is doing. I don't want to expose him to too much too soon because it can put the child in a state of mind where they are set for failure and confusion. Yeah boys are alot more prone to do it, I guess since ours has a visible reaction to stimulation it calls us. Now masturbation is not on the same as murder and such but it certainly can lead to problems.

And the "fail" line wasn't towards you but those who sit and wait foe me to slip up. I'm sure you've had them. If you haven't then you will.
Awww, RKO you poor martyr. Martyr Povich? Martyr McFly? Jimmy Martyr? We should have your cross back from the shop any day now.
Wow I put foe instead of for
, sheesh I always do something like that.

But Martyr? Ha you are a funny little guy. You are a George Carlin in the making with your funny sense of humor. You know what? You should do that. You shouldbe a George Carlin or Bill Maher type. See the one thing I've learned about people like you. You are literally just out to disprove what we believe andcrap on what we believe by any means necessary. But that's fine. I can deal with it.

So whats yur theory of life? Born, live and then die with nothing to follow? We don't have souls either right? Random scientific event billions of yearsago which over time formed into what we know today?
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]I would never play the "I'm too good for god role." That isn't me. I don't think I am too cool for god just as I don't think I am too cool for unicorns or faeries. Oh and just so you don't get your "condemning panties" in a bunch, I mean 'faeries' as in mythical beings with wings. Not the beings that shall be cast in to the pits of hell for sinful ways. I mean unless it is a gay faerie.[/color]
This guy here is hysterical. "Condemning" because I'm telling you what happens? No I'm just telling you what happens whensomeone warns you of this and even go as far as pleading with you and you show the disrespect you do. If you feel I'm condemning you then so be it, butI'm not. I'm warning you. And are you hinting that I believe "gays" will go to hell? Hmmm I wouldn't say that. I will say, its a sin andan abomination but I wouldn't go as far as saying they are going to hell. Remember we're judged by our hearts too. So all in all who knows. Thats notup to me.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]I feel terribly sorry for those people, I do. But the difference is they aren't preaching or telling people how to save them from the hell fires. Being poor and not having food to eat isn't embarrassing[/color].
Oh ha ha ha lol embarrassing. Dang good one. I told before, your the next God hating comedian, Man you have a bright future
. But you make it seem like I'm condemning you when I'm not. I said Iwant you to go to Heaven. Thats a big best wishes if you ask me.

Post em dude.

OK I'll be back...
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