Dear John / Valentines Day

I for one hate chick flicks.
But who's really going in on this movie trying to analyze Channing Tatums acting ability...really.
I wouldn't be surprised if they threw in a dancing sequence in between letter reads..
I want to see both of them. I heard Dear John was a good movie but ended badly. Valentines day comes out the 12th and I can't wait for that one!
Girl dragged me to Dear John. Amanda Seyfried looks like a young Michelle Pfeifer with NONE of the sex appeal. And Dr. Dobak from Step Brothers killed it as Rainman-lite. But God it was brutal.
so what is Valentine's Day about? all i ever see are a bunch of celebs listed in the movie but i have no clue what its about
oh man....

please take advice from me...i watch A LOT OF MOVIES....and i went to go see dear john...about 20 minutes in, I couldn't take it anymore....its probably the fastest I have ever walked out of a movie...(close second: date movie and bruno).

worst acting ever, dumbest things happen, she loses a bag and he jumps into the water for it...omg they fall in love very shortly after....far fetched story...NO WHERE CLOSE TO NOTEBOOK...which i loved and only reason I went to go watch....

so we walked out of dear john and went to watch leap year....couldn't take that crap either walked out of it too...

movie season is horrible right now...not to watch...

I recommend anyone on V-day who hasn't watch it's complicated to watch it....had me dying, it was fun and nice...

for the love of GOD please don't watch dear john though lol
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by GucciMane

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

ewww that movie Dear John looks so Notebook

The women who wrote Notebook also wrote Dear John
It was a man who wrote it.
..I was just gonna post that..Nicholas Sparks wrote it *didn't read the book my girl did* *google him if you don't believe us*

Valentines day is filled with Star Power..can't wait to see looks like it will b good..
500 Days of Summer was one of last years best films. None of these look interesting.

I'm hyped for Wolfman though
just went and watched dear john... it was alright nothing id recommend

been waiting to go see v day tho
I gotta admit, Valentine's Day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it.
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