Debunk Mynths about your City/State.....

I'd chime in, but most people don't even know where Nebraska is...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Originally Posted by INS

Boston is super racist, mob life.

*it's still racist*

I can confirm this with you as well.. man walking around Boston people always stare at you for no reason and are rude as hell.
I can't tell if people in Boston were racist or just terrible people in general, cause outside of school they treated my white friends like crap too
My boy had to keep a baseball bat in his trunk cause townies kept messing with him

anyone who can chime in on this some more id appreciate as i may move there this year for a job. from my experience, the city is a bit more segregated than i thought. new england in general is very white especially heading north into nh, maine, vt, or even central western mass. my gf is white and is from there and i can tell you, i am usually the token minority. ive gotten used to it but not 100%.

but certain areas i gather i wouldn't want to chill/live in (south boston, lowell, ....dorchester

born and raised in ny, boston is trash by comparison.

......but philly is worse. just moved out after 5 years, and id never live there again. north philly
Originally Posted by Gmbybryant

Santa Clarita, California. It's outside the Valley, and many people believe it to be a minority friendly suburb which is false. It's also advertised as "awesometown" which is false. The drugs you can buy from soccer moms are quite plentiful and good tho.

I moved out there from N.Carolina to play BB at CoC. Santa Clarita is the most racist places I've ever experienced. A nice place as far as looks except Canyon Country. Still had a blast while I was out there.
Dayton Ohio is too worthless to have myths made up about it..So I can't debunk anything..Cause as yall know Ohio=L's
I cant really debunk anything from my city/state since moving to Orlando from Chicago back in 99 I've seen this state give George Bush the white house our economy based on property value collapse and Casey Anthony walk after killing her child , yep there's a bunch of morons living here. and to homey on the first page saying Disney is far from the O , Really? it's like 10 minutes down I-4 w
Originally Posted by natch johnson

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

-Arizona is most certainly a racist state. Both the government and people have racist attitudes.
-Despite the media saying otherwise, we are not all illegal immigrants or conservative white people

You obviously live in Tucson which is a dump and completely different from Metropolitan Phoenix. There is a good amount of illegal immigrants, a lot of conservative white people and it is certainly not a racist state.

Wildcat is right, AZ is blantantly racist. I won't even go into it. But phoenix/maricopa is super racist. Never seen so many ignorant @!* whites and blatant supremacists.You must be sheltered
I've lived in Boston my whole life but when you say 'Boston' there's so many different areas where the attitude is different in each one. Ya white townie dudes in South Boston are probably going to be racist. Get a spot in a suburb-like area in Hyde Park and you will experience no racism. Move to Mattapan , you wont experience racism because everyone is black until you cross that line into Milton
Other than that there's hella places to live where you're close to the city, technically in Boston, but not actually living in the city. West Roxbury for example.

Boston is a great place to live

PM me if you need any help once you arrive fams
not everyone gets robbed or killed on the L train...

people in the street dont start dropping f bombs if you bump them in the street...

all yellow cabs dont obey traffic rules...
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by twozerosix

Seattle doesn't rain that much. NY gets more rain per year than Seattle.

but NY gets way more sun.....
lol maybe barely any more sun but way more
your tripping. sorry but seattle is the most underrated city in America and LA and NY are overrated
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

I can confirm this with you as well.. man walking around Boston people always stare at you for no reason and are rude as hell.
I can't tell if people in Boston were racist or just terrible people in general, cause outside of school they treated my white friends like crap too
My boy had to keep a baseball bat in his trunk cause townies kept messing with him

anyone who can chime in on this some more id appreciate as i may move there this year for a job. from my experience, the city is a bit more segregated than i thought. new england in general is very white especially heading north into nh, maine, vt, or even central western mass. my gf is white and is from there and i can tell you, i am usually the token minority. ive gotten used to it but not 100%.

but certain areas i gather i wouldn't want to chill/live in (south boston, lowell, ....dorchester

born and raised in ny, boston is trash by comparison.

......but philly is worse. just moved out after 5 years, and id never live there again. north philly

Boston is a great city because it is tiny and you can get around easy. You can live where ever you want but just keep in mind it's what you will see. You live in anything past Dorchester and Roxbury, Mattapan, Hyde Park.etc people are about that life. But people wont @%$# with you unless you @%$# with them. They will mean mug the @%$# out of you. There is violence all over the city, you just have to realize there is no escaping it because all the neighborhoods are close together you can go from dorchester to Roxbury to Southie with in a few blocks. Word to Columbia RD.  There are nice areas if you are looking to escape or have a greater sense of security surrounded by less of the hood. Savin hill is really nice but it's off the highway, you can choose to go to the outskirts of Boston and live in brighton, alston, brookline. These places are more of a college/ hipster/ money out the *+* type places. If you want to stay ing the heart of the city just live by Fenway, the South end.... which is nice but still a little hood. Honestly best place to chill in Boston is my couch playing COD

You have been watching the Fighter? haha Lowell in 40 minutes north of Boston.
I dont know what people think about people from NC so I wouldn't know what to debunk.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by sillyputty

San Francisco is full of gay people.

I bet the percentages of gays here are no bigger then other major cities.

 its the american capital of homosexuality tho

yall serious?

How many times have you been there?
everything you hear about Indiana is prolly true. and Gary will hold on to the "birthplace of michael jackson" moniker for-ev-er
Originally Posted by THE QBZ

I Live In Texas wrote
Originally Posted by IheartDrums

shiiiitt east austin around 12th street and Chicon is rough as hell. you go to rundberg and find any drug, prostitute, and get stabbed all in the same 10 minutes. 
True story. I don't know much about 12th/Chicon being rough as it used to be (I see rich ladies walking their poodles around there at night), but Rundberg is still as sketchy as ever. And I still don't feel easy when going to Dove at night..
don't let indie music blogs/magazines corrupt your view of Austin, bros.
my momma stay on dove seriously how many car can you fit in the yard/street ....austinites know what im talking about in the hood

Stay OFF of Riverside

Wat yall know bout Tejano ranch

Juan in a million

My dude, i live on riverside.

And I work literally directly across the street from Jaun in a million. At Alffs florist. Drop by sometime.

Summit at my job.
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

Miami is not a bunch of drug lords and bikini-clad women walking around everywhere.

Normal people, living normal lives make up the majority of it.
what about miami beach tho? is that the same thing as miami?
You will not get robbed in Detroit, chances are if you come to "Detroit" you probably wont really ever visit the city because everything cool is really in the burbs but everyone just identifies with Detroit, like im not from Detroit and i dont live in Detroit but i live close enough and no one would understand if i said Rochester Hills, but yea, downtown Detroit is probably the only place i would go in Detroit to hangout, or a relatives house, but to just chill like in the hood is a no no like any other hood, downtown is really the only safe/cool place to be flashy and hangout and not really worry about getting robbed

Originally Posted by THE QBZ

I Live In Texas wrote
True story. I don't know much about 12th/Chicon being rough as it used to be (I see rich ladies walking their poodles around there at night), but Rundberg is still as sketchy as ever. And I still don't feel easy when going to Dove at night..

Stay OFF of Riverside

and honestly, i dont think riverside is that bad. They are cleaning it up alot cause UT is so very important to austin and there are a TON of students that stay on riverside. I read it in the magazine that they are tearing down all the ghetto looking places and going to turn riverside into a really nice part of town. It might take it awhile.
Predominately, Texans in either Rural or Metropolitan areas DO NOT OWN Horses, Farms, Cows, Sheep, etc. Now, we are Texans, so Cowboy boots, hats and Wranglers are seen on a semi regular basis, but for the most part, Texans are somewhat like Californians. We have become WAAAAAAY more Urbanized in recent decades. So, to (National) Fox Sports and other broadcast companies that want to showcase our city as Cowtown during intro packages to whatever Sports coverage is going on (Texas Rangers, Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks) STOP IT!!!!!!!! We don't all herd Cattle and/or come out of the womb with a branding iron in hand and cowboy hat to top it off!
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I bet the percentages of gays here are no bigger then other major cities.

 its the american capital of homosexuality tho

yall serious?

How many times have you been there?

3 times.


its most certainly the hub of homosexual rights......has been since the 60s......

you for serious or are you just upset you think it means something?


In the 1970s, the city became a center of the gay rights movement, with the emergence of The Castro as an urban gay village, the election of Harvey Milk to the Board of Supervisors, and his assassination, along with that of Mayor George Moscone, in 1978.[sup][50][/sup]

The city's large gay population has created and sustained a politically and culturally active community over many decades, developing a powerful presence in San Francisco's civic life. One of the most popular destinations for gay tourists internationally, the city hosts San Francisco Pride, one of the largest and oldest pride parades.

Public nudity is legal so long as the individual is not sexually aroused and places a towel on their seat.[sup][100][/sup]

According to the 2005 American Community Survey, San Francisco has the highest percentage of gay and lesbian individuals of any of the 50 largest U.S. cities, at 15.4%.[sup][144][/sup] San Francisco also has the highest percentage of same-sex households of any American county, with the Bay Area having a higher concentration than any other metropolitan area.[sup][145][/sup]

Originally Posted by bigsupa

not everyone gets robbed or killed on the L train...

people in the street dont start dropping f bombs if you bump them in the street...

all yellow cabs dont obey traffic rules...
This. After Broadway Junction its nothing but goonies but even that doesn't mean you'll get jumped or anything, most people just commuting back home or to work like you are.
Originally Posted by INS

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I can't tell if people in Boston were racist or just terrible people in general, cause outside of school they treated my white friends like crap too
My boy had to keep a baseball bat in his trunk cause townies kept messing with him

anyone who can chime in on this some more id appreciate as i may move there this year for a job. from my experience, the city is a bit more segregated than i thought. new england in general is very white especially heading north into nh, maine, vt, or even central western mass. my gf is white and is from there and i can tell you, i am usually the token minority. ive gotten used to it but not 100%.

but certain areas i gather i wouldn't want to chill/live in (south boston, lowell, ....dorchester

born and raised in ny, boston is trash by comparison.

......but philly is worse. just moved out after 5 years, and id never live there again. north philly

Boston is a great city because it is tiny and you can get around easy. You can live where ever you want but just keep in mind it's what you will see. You live in anything past Dorchester and Roxbury, Mattapan, Hyde Park.etc people are about that life. But people wont @%$# with you unless you @%$# with them. They will mean mug the @%$# out of you. There is violence all over the city, you just have to realize there is no escaping it because all the neighborhoods are close together you can go from dorchester to Roxbury to Southie with in a few blocks. Word to Columbia RD.  There are nice areas if you are looking to escape or have a greater sense of security surrounded by less of the hood. Savin hill is really nice but it's off the highway, you can choose to go to the outskirts of Boston and live in brighton, alston, brookline. These places are more of a college/ hipster/ money out the *+* type places. If you want to stay ing the heart of the city just live by Fenway, the South end.... which is nice but still a little hood. Honestly best place to chill in Boston is my couch playing COD

You have been watching the Fighter? haha Lowell in 40 minutes north of Boston.

People will $!*$ with you for no reason around here... they wont shoot you for no reason though or stab you... 
southie and charleston people will $!*$ with you for no reason if your not white and your in their area... the white people im talking about.. they will jump you with bats.. break ya legs.. everything.. they are racist.

Cops will harass you if your not white and not in the city....
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