December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

But he's also the guy that put the women's belt on a man, has his roster job to all the EVPs, makes his first champion an old out of shape WWE guy, his 2nd champion a boring WWE guy, and doesn't make his bookers write compelling story lines that make sense..Plus he ain't paying his roster near the money Vince is..
Yeah, less money because they don't have to be on the road 45-50 weeks a year. It does seem like a nice work environment and people like it there. Seems like the former wwe guys are happier too.
How old are you?..Better question, how old are your parents?..The Beattles are the biggest most influential musical artists of all time..End of discussion..And before you say it, I'm not even a Beattles fan..Don't like their music..But they influenced an entire globe and people in pretty much every single genre of music (with the exception of opera and probably Polka)..Rock n Rollers, rappers, country, Latin, and broadway artists have sited the Beattles as huge influences..
No they aren't, they're just the most popular. Velvet Underground is more musically influential than the Beatles, & so are a lot of those underground bands that were running rampant through The Village in the 70's. And 25.
But he's also the guy that put the women's belt on a man, has his roster job to all the EVPs, makes his first champion an old out of shape WWE guy, his 2nd champion a boring WWE guy, and doesn't make his bookers write compelling story lines that make sense..Plus he ain't paying his roster near the money Vince is..
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican do you consider Jericho a WWE guy?
Coming from the guy that participates in streaming parties for 69, A Boogie, and Desiigner :rofl: :rofl:
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No they aren't, they're just the most popular. Velvet Underground is more musically influential than the Beatles, & so are a lot of those underground bands that were running rampant through The Village in the 70's. And 25.

C'mon man you can't seriously think the VU was more influential than the damn Beatles..You're just trying to troll..No way can you say with a straight face that the music of VU has touched more peoples lives than that of the biggest selling act in the entirety of music..And then try to say the same thing about random underground bands from one small neighborhood in 1 city in America..You really need to stop and take a breath bubba..
Shere Khan is trying his best to be the most annoying mark in all of pro wrestling..H'es the Diddy of sports entertainment..
Literally no CEO or head of business is supposed to present info to fans via social media like he does. It’s what press releases are for. I’m pretty sure the the president of the Khan’s sports teams, the Jaguars or Fulham, don’t act like that.
Tough question. He has competed in just about every major company of the last 30 years.

I wouldn't call him a WWE dude but being in WWE afforded him a level of stardom that he wouldn't have gotten elsewhere.

Good question

He's by far a WWE guy..He never reached the level of success anywhere else..He was able to become main stream because of Vince and WWE..WCW, ECW, NJPW, and AEW combined didn't do as much for his career as WWF/E..
C'mon man you can't seriously think the VU was more influential than the damn Beatles..You're just trying to troll..No way can you say with a straight face that the music of VU has touched more peoples lives than that of the biggest selling act in the entirety of music..And then try to say the same thing about random underground bands from one small neighborhood in 1 city in America..You really need to stop and take a breath bubba..
I'm deadass, they literally changed how ppl even wrote music b/c of the things they touched on. Andy Warhol who is amongst the most influential modern artist to exist was even their manager. Sales are great, but influence is better.

Plus, historically underground artist are always the most influential the set the trends. I can guarantee you that just about any band you like wouldn't exist w/o them. Think of Dynamite Kid. The average wrestling fan that aren't nerds on a message probably doesn't know who the hell Dynamite Kid is, but that guys influence is everywhere. You almost can't watch a wrestling match w/o seeing his essence. & u can't say the same for a Hulk Hogan. There's no way a band like Nirvana would exist w/o The Velvet Underground.
He's by far a WWE guy..He never reached the level of success anywhere else..He was able to become main stream because of Vince and WWE..WCW, ECW, NJPW, and AEW combined didn't do as much for his career as WWF/E..
I see/hear all of that but I consider people to be WWE guys that were born and raised in that system. Formative years taking place in WWE.


People like Eddie/Rey/Malenko/Benoit/Jericho, they did way too much before landing in WWE for ME to call them WWE dudes.

But I get why someone would.
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RE: WWE Dudes

For example, I would NOT consider the "ROH dudes" to be WWE Dudes.

C. Alexander

I look at them as ROH dudes.
So then Rey, Jericho, Dean, Benoit, are all ECW guys?..
As I said with Jericho, since they moved around SO much before WWE, I don't even view them as belonging to ONE company.

Those dudes were in ECW, Japan, Mexico, WCW before coming to WWE well after they had been pros for 15 years.

Not calling them WWE dudes.
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