December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

I agree. I see what the young Mark is trying to say about the Velvet Underground but he would have had a better arguement had he said Floyd instead.
But basically everything you’re saying to him about the Beatles is what I’m saying about PAC

My guy! Animals and Meddle to me are the best.

And I see your point about Pac and understand why you think that..I just personally feel like he was overrated and that Cube and Short had deeper lyrics, could form rhymes better, and their music selection was better..I grew up in the era of subwoofers in the trunk and 2Pac Nutsack wasn't in anyone's top list to jam to in the car..

I'll say this about Velveteen Aboveground Swimming Pool, and I've heard several musicians use a similar sentiment: VU was the band you go and listen to and the next day you decide to start a band..The Beatles/Stones/Floyd/Zepplin were the bands that made you pick up an instrument in the first place..

See the difference..All are influential and all are due all the praise they get..But there's a select few that changed, not just the music world but, the entire world with their music..Velvet wasn't one of those bands..
What else would he be?

Brother Jemele, talk to me about the Nakano Bull..Where does she rank as far as an all time performer (women only..don't compare her to men)?..What do you think her legacy is within the industry both at home and in the States?
You think WWE acted like that for those group of guys?..I felt like they got pushed to the moon when the came in and continued to get pushed hard until they died/retired..

Now I'd probably agree with you if we're talking about a Booker T or a DDP or a Scott Steiner..

Not Rey, or even Dean/Saturn (those two I don’t think had a high ceiling there anyway), but Jericho and Benoit could and should have been elevated way before they were. Plus, those two weren’t a focus when they did become top champs. Benoit was lumped with Kane while HBK/ HHH were main eventing, and Jericho was never presented as THE guy despite beating Austin and Rock in one night. They added a “but...” to everything he was doing during that period, make him a joke, and of course saddled him with Steph. Eddie couldn’t get out of his own was with his release before he came back in 02.
AJ would be a good example.

Case Case , would you call AJ a WWE dude? Why/Why Not

I see what my fellow #Cheerio stan is saying..But it's not really the same thing..AJ, Joe, and Nak were all headlining shows in their companies before the E..They were multi time WHC (and IC in Nak's case which he made that belt on equal footing with the WHC) in their previous companies..Ron, Irvine, Benoit, and Eddie all held titles before coming to the E, but their success wasn't nearly on the level of what they achieved in WWE..

And IMO you can't put Kurt in this conversation..He was born in WWE and achieved more success in WWE than what he did in TNA (even though he was in TNA longer)..So his situation don't fit..He's like Flair..Yes Flair went to WWE and won the Rumble/WHC, but he was already a household name and multi time world champion before he ever came to NY..

AJ is definitely a TNA guy..
Not Rey, or even Dean/Saturn (those two I don’t think had a high ceiling there anyway), but Jericho and Benoit could and should have been elevated way before they were. Plus, those two weren’t a focus when they did become top champs. Benoit was lumped with Kane while HBK/ HHH were main eventing, and Jericho was never presented as THE guy despite beating Austin and Rock in one night. They added a “but...” to everything he was doing during that period, make him a joke, and of course saddled him with Steph. Eddie couldn’t get out of his own was with his release before he came back in 02.

They were still more successful and more well known once they came to the E..And they were given more respect in WWE than in WCW..They might not have been presented as the "golden boy" like an Austin or Rock or even Hunter, but Vince still gave them more shine than what Bischoff was giving them..
Case Case spitting factuals. Shouldn’t be that difficult of a concept.

Canadian Destroyer Canadian Destroyer the idea that Two Pac HAS TO BE top 3 is laughable. About as #LowShirai as IT gets. I understand if YOU like him and have him in YOURS though.
Before WWE, Rey Mysterio Jr. was recognized as the most prolific high flyer since Liger. He had that label for over a DECADE before coming to WWE. Sure, he didn't work at the Top of the Card consistently in WCW, but he was the talk of the wrestling WORLD for most of that time.

So nah, I ain't calling HIM a WWE dude. Nah.
Just watched the Owen Dark Side of the Ring.

Ain't that some real **** man :smh: seeing the clip that was used that night.... sheesh.
I always knew J.R. found out in his ear just seconds before the feed cut back to him, and I knew Martha wants nothing to do with the WWE again. What I didn't know until watching was that Oje also will never want his dad recognized by the company + the fact that some of the Hart family actually was against her suing. That's crazy to me.
Undertaker is in the running for Best Supporting character with HHH.

No way he is on a Mt. Rushmore.

Never had to carry the company on his back as THE #1. Nah.
Best gimmick in the history of a business of gimmicks holds a lot of weight, IMO.

Most respected dude in the company of the last 30 years. Maybe ever. Came out of Cena’s mouth too.

Wrestled with EVERYBODY.

I respect the opposing opinions though.
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