December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell


Excellent callback


Gonna make a theme playlist sometime tomorrow, starting from whatever the WWE’s first wrestling album was all the way til these current Uncaged albums

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Kenny's never had a 5 star match with anyone other than Okada..And that's because Rainmaker is the best wrestler alive and carried Beta to those extra stars that Kenneth isn't used to getting..

BTW, did you catch the tag match Omega had this past week?
Would yall consider Kurt Angle to be a better performer than Shawn Michaels?
If I’m comparing 00s Kurt to 00s Shawn, I would say Shawn had the higher peak matches whereas Kurt was the more consistent performer would his work on TV and B-ppv matches.

There were a lot of times it seemed like Shawn was just passing time until Wrestlemania having weird midcard feuds with dudes like Chris Masters or doing weak DX crap. In general, I think Shawns second run is over romanticized because everybody loved his WM matches so much.

Rockers Shawn or 97 Heel Shawn is the best Shawn. Shame about that botched 96 Ace run though ( the 718 truth the 718 truth )
Kurt is overall better than Shawn to me..I was never a big fan of how HBK sells in the ring..
Yeah ECW Angle ended way too soon. Really wanted to see more from that. That was probably my favorite Angle theme & attires as well.
Wasn’t meant to be. Kurt during that time was perc’d up to levels that would probably have Shawn be like wyd bro.

I remember when Kurt was released, Vince legit came out with a press release that pretty much said he was on pills and needed to be in rehab. And then a wild Kurt shows up in TNA 2 months later...
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Wasn’t meant to be. Kurt during that time was perc’d up to levels that would probably have Shawn be like wyd bro lol.

I remember when Kurt was released, Vince legit came out with a press release that pretty much said he was on pills and needed to be in rehab. And then a wild Kurt shows up in TNA 2 months later...

True, forgot about that. But yeah it was good while it lasted.

KInda want to see what a Daniel Bryan NXT run would be like.
True, forgot about that. But yeah it was good while it lasted.

KInda want to see what a Daniel Bryan NXT run would be like.
Well...seeing as how he was able to to have the most tolerable Adam Cole match I’ve ever seen, he would do wonders for NXT. Just bring him in to produce all the main events so he can reign in all that finisher kick out nonsense.
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