December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Catching up on my Dynamites since I'm a few weeks behind.

This Shida v. Britt Baker match was easily the best women's match in AEW history.

Britt (who I don't know if you know this guys is also a dentist :emoji_astonished:) was wearing the crimson mask.
According to the Wrestling Observer, NBC and FOX have reportedly told the WWE that they can pretape their shows that would lead up to July 8th and they will not be penalized any money from their tv contracts.

The final live show would be April 25.
Savage vs Steamboat did absolutely nothing for me.
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I can't remember a Melina match really if it wasn't w/ Mickie James (whom I really liked), those were the bathroom break years for Women's matches in WWE. Alicia Fox had a memorable year back in 14'-15'. Great content from during that time from her. Should've won the Women's Championship during period.
Sasha it was slow motion art . It was mind blowing in the anticipation of the 2 competitors reputation alone , and it was a broadway play in terms of visual motion . Same with Hogan and Andre
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