Delete/Lock...Draft talk over in JPZ's thread....

Draft Rubio, Trade Conley for Outlwaw, trade for Gay+Warrick+filler for Amare

I want to see Juice and Gasol do extremely well in the league and I want to see both of them stay in Memphis.
outlwaw, as in travis outlaw?
portland already have enough pgs with bayless, and blake. granted, they want to trade blake, but eh.
and how does gay's contract look like? if its not an expiring, dont plan on the suns taking it
Originally Posted by BangDak

outlwaw, as in travis outlaw?
portland already have enough pgs with bayless, and blake. granted, they want to trade blake, but eh.
and how does gay's contract look like? if its not an expiring, dont plan on the suns taking it
Blake/Bayless is a decent combo but if POR wants to get to the next level they need an upgrade at that position. Conley would not be that upgrade

Devin Harris wants to draft..

Nets point guard Devin Harris is hoping that the team uses the 11th pick on Syracuse guard Jonny Flynn.
"I've watched him a lot. He's tough, can do a lot of different things on the floor. He can score when you need him to. He handles the ball.He's quick. He's strong, can run a team," Harris told the New York Post on Saturday.

A number of people believe that New Jersey needs a third point guard, and Harris agrees.

"We need a third point guard," Harris said, mentioning the team's other needs as well, "athleticism, somebody who brings toughness, grit.I read about the power forward from Wake Forest [James Johnson] as a possibility."
The Nets worked well late last season when Vince, Dooling, and Harris all started.

The third point guard is not far fetched when it comes to the 11th pick especially if it is Johnny Flynn.

I know some reports have hill falling especially if once the top 5 picks are taken, teams from 6 through 10 do not really need a Power Forward. (I think hewill be gone by then but those "two years in a row" articles are beginning to pop up for the Nets especially with last years draft.

If the Boozer talks are true. (He has a home in Jersey) than I have no problem drafting a point with that pick.

If Hill falls and is there, you do not pass on Hill for Flynn when you can sign a point guard undrafted or invite players back that they had once before forsummer league (Jaycee Caroll or Marcus Williams maybe)

The Nets are also talking about getting another pick in the first round and I have a feeling that if in the early 20s Hansbrough is there, than the Nets willtry and get him while also drafting Flynn with that other pick.

I rather have Clark or Johnson (I made it know before that Blair's knees scare me not his height) with the 11th pick but it is understandable to pick Flynnif he is there and then go for tyler.
looks more and more like the raptors are taking derozan at 9.

the teams above them only seem to be showing marginal interest in him.

and with the hiring of mark iavaroni as an assistant, it looks like bc finally got the next head coach he wanted in the first place.
Clips On Trading First Pick: Never Say Never

Clippers coach Mike Dunleavy wouldn't completely rule out trading the first overall pick when commenting on it Saturday.

"You can never say never about anything," Dunleavy said. "I don't know who the players are in this league who may fit that category.Obviously, if the word 'LeBron' was spoken by anybody, the door would open, clearly.

"Most of the time a pick like this, 99.9% of the time you would keep it."

Blake Griffin, the top prospect in this year's NBA Draft, worked out for the Clippers on Saturday.

Mike Dunleavy would
Hope Jonny doesn't end up in NJ but he has really shot up the boards. The knicks would be good.

And whoever gets James Johnson gets a steal.

Don't put too much in Rubio. I don't see him ever being a star.
I would welcome Johny Flynn to NJ but would he get a lot of playing time, or are we going to try and develop him into a Dooling type player?

So are starters are going to be


How do NJ fans feel about Amare? Would you guys like him or do you think he would stunt the growth of Brook? I think if he isn't gone by the deadline Ithink we should trade:

'09 drafted player
Trenton Hassel

Matt Barnes/Grant Hill

It should work because Amare is gone after this year and so are Simmons and Trenton and they both equal out at 15 mil. Yi or Sean would compliment Shaq wellTHIS YEAR to put PHX into one more play off run with Yi's offensive and he doesn't need to be around the basket and Sean with his Defensive anddoesn't need to score. They will also get who we picked in the '09 Draft so thats to pieces to start a small rebuilding phase in '10 when you loseboth Nash and Shaq. Looking at it PHX is going have 60mil come off the cap in '10 with Nash, Shaq, Amare and JRich

So now our starters could look like in february

Yi/Sean(who ever stays)
Ryan anderson

We would be able to Match up with ANYONE in the league with how that roster is built, all we would need is a defensive stopper to come off the bench. Maybe CDRwill develop into that? Our lineups would be endless and we could play anyway we want. Big, small, quick, slow, fastbreak, defensive, 3 point shooting.

We could even go after Bosh but I don't think TO would trade him into the division.
I'll pick him anyway and force him to stay overseas if he's that arrogant to do it which I don't think he is.
No team is stupid enough to waste a #2 pick on someone who will stay overseas. Rubio is very young and could just enter the draft again next yearand I guarantee you teams will still be interested. Memphis on the other hand wouldn't gain a thing by picking Rubio if he won't play for them besidesgetting a chance to demonstrate their own arrogance and willingness to bully a Euro. It's not like Yi--Rubio has to pay $7 million of his buyout to play inthe NBA. If I'm paying $7 million of my own money, I'd feel like I had the right to turn a team down if I didn't like them. #2 picks don't comearound very often. If I'm Memphis I think things through rationally and really consider a deal with the Kings for #4.
Only way I trade the 2 pick if I'm the 2 pick is if the take Jaric and they get JT and Donte Greene
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Off-topic, but Lorenzen Wright provided me with one of the funniest stories I've ever read:

"Lorenzen Wright and Jerry West verbally went at it big time in late August regarding the center's demand to be traded. The tension chilled a bit when the Grizzlies president called several teams as Wright watched, just to educate him on how little interest there was in him. Obviously, the moment West can trade him for anybody of vague import, Wright will be out of Memphis."


Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

his agent did.
you really expect a player to come out and say, "hey i dont want to play for you?"
a lineup of gasol, thabeet and boozer would be scary and intimidating, but this team will be spending all its money on starters that they cant even have a decent bench.
People claimed his agent said that, but it was clear that Chris Wallace talked to Dan Fegan and he told him "He doesn't mind Rubio playing in Memphis as long as they weren't committed to Conley at PG." That's exactly what happened with that. The fact is, Memphis shouldn't back down because the guy says he's not going to play in our city. I'll pick him anyway and force him to stay overseas if he's that arrogant to do it which I don't think he is. Same situation with Yi and Milwaukee.

That's another concern with the bench. If Memphis did go out and sign Boozer, they will have to extend Rudy (if they keep him) that next summer. Then you would have to extend Conley, Gasol and OJ soon after that. If Memphis were to get Boozer, they would have to be going into playoff contention next season or at least close to it. They should be in the playoffs competing for a spot in the West Finals or barely missing it by 2010-11 IMO.
his agent doesnt mind? since when do the agents decide
even so, conley is shaping up to be a nice point guard. i dont know why they would trade him.
the thing is, he may not be arrogant enough to do it, but is REQUIRED to pya 8mil dollars to his buyout if he wants to stay. why would he pay to play for a team he doesnt not want too? w/e, enough of this speculation.
imo, trade gay. he doesn't help this team at all. the pau trade wasn't that bad at all. they basically swapped pau and marc, while pau was an instant impact whil marc was perfect for a team rebuiliding, trying to learn the fundamentals. plus, they got cap space.
you're reaching with the playoffs predictions bro.

Exactly. That's the only person who's been talking as far as these sources go. So, now people know what I mean by these sources. Wallace and Gasol wentto Spain to visit Rubio and his family sometime early last week. With Gasol going, its obvious Memphis is really trying to bring Rubio in to be their startingPG.

The thing with Rudy is that his extension is coming up and I don't think Memphis would want to pay him max money knowing he's not a franchise player.That's the reason they went the route of trading Pau away. Pau was with Memphis for basically 7 1/2 years. Pau was a great player, but not a player tobuild a franchise around which is why he was traded. He got max money, but Memphis lacked that franchise type player. I've seen Gasol in clutch situationsseveral times and he didn't perform. OJ will be that type of player for Memphis and show signs of it only during his rookie year. It's not that Memphisis willign to stick with a player long term because they kept Pau for 7 1/2 years and gave him his max deal, but if that player can't perform after givennumerous chances then he will be traded.

Now, there could've been a chance of Memphis still getting OJ and keeping Pau because they were headed in the same losing direction that season he wastraded. Memphis traded Miller, Love and Cardinal for OJ basically. Pau next to OJ would've been
and that's what Pau was missing. A perimeter player of OJ's caliber, andthats why he's playing so well in LA because he's playing next to the best perimeter player in the world. Rudy didn't work well with Pau becauseRudy is the same thing Pau was. He's not a franchise player, just a good player that's more of a 2nd option than 1st.
I really hope the front office doesn't extend Rudy this off-season.

Take a chance and wait till next summer. He'll be restricted anyways.
Originally Posted by JoeClear

Originally Posted by SCuse7

And whoever gets James Johnson gets a steal.
Why do you feel this way ?

I've watched James play the past 2 years at Wake and the guy could give people fits at SF in the league and blow by PF. He can step back and hit the 20 ftor post you up. He's got a quick first step and a nice set of handles to go with it. The guy is a sure thing in the league. The only thing he needs to workon is his basketball IQ, he started playing late so it sometimes gives him problems. As a 22 yr old sophomore James had no choice but to enter the draft or hewould've been a Sam Young.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

if Rudy was smart he would take that 1 year offer and get out of that hell hole

What's with your hatred towards Memphis? Every comment you have made about the team hasn't even been true.
It's like you're basing your opinion upon outside knowledge rather thanin-depth analysis. What makes Memphis a hell hole? I bet you think OKC is such a better team even though they lost more games than Memphis lastseason.
People fail to realize that if you place Durant with Conley inthe 2007 draft, where would each team be in terms of favoritism? It's crazy how much hatred is towards Memphis and the team has some great young talent andwill only get better.

In other news, Rubio is suing DKV Joventut because his buyout situation is unrealistic. I figured this would happen because he wants to come to the USA andplay, so no more of the "he's not going to come because of what team picks him." His buyout is 6mil, but he never even made 6mil in the 4 yearshe's been professionally.

The article is in Spanish, but its basically saying:

Rubio's Spanish agent has been talking with DKV Joventut about lowering the buyout so he can play in the NBA this or next year (he still has 2 years signed with Joventut).
After not reaching an agreement, they have decided to bring the lawsuit based on the difference between his salary (70,000 euros year plus 140,000 unilaterally added by the club last January knowing this could be an issue) and the buyout total (they say about $6,000,000).
This contract was signed by Ricky (or better his parents) when he was 15.
If DKV demands all 6 million up front, Rubio will just file an injunction and still come to the US to play, so all inall he will be in the NBA next season. I'll give it a 90-95% chance of it. I think they will be able to settle it in court with an undisclosed amountthough. If he didn't want to play for Memphis or OKC (or whoever people keep saying), he wouldn't be going through all of this because it woulddefinitely hurt him if he wanted to return and play. With the way he's going about this, he probably doesn't want to return to play.

Now, Memphis has the leverage.
what i was trying to say that rubio voiced his opinion through his agent.
but w/e. all we cna do is wait and see.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

I think they will be able to settle it in court with an undisclosed amount though. If he didn't want to play for Memphis or OKC (or whoever people keep saying), he wouldn't be going through all of this because it would definitely hurt him if he wanted to return and play. With the way he's going about this, he probably doesn't want to return to play.

Now, Memphis has the leverage.

Or they're paving the way for him to come to Sacramento?
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

if Rudy was smart he would take that 1 year offer and get out of that hell hole

What's with your hatred towards Memphis? Every comment you have made about the team hasn't even been true.
It's like you're basing your opinion upon outside knowledge rather than in-depth analysis. What makes Memphis a hell hole? I bet you think OKC is such a better team even though they lost more games than Memphis last season.
People fail to realize that if you place Durant with Conley in the 2007 draft, where would each team be in terms of favoritism? It's crazy how much hatred is towards Memphis and the team has some great young talent and will only get better.

i dont hate memphis i could care less about memphis, as of RIGHT NOW your team is a hell hole tho. the team sucks, front office sucks,owner sucks and fans caremore about the college team then they do the grizz

Great young talent? after mayo,gay and MAYBE gasol that team sucks +*%

OKC is in a better spot then memphis because they have a GREAT NBA player in KD and young talent around him
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

I think they will be able to settle it in court with an undisclosed amount though. If he didn't want to play for Memphis or OKC (or whoever people keep saying), he wouldn't be going through all of this because it would definitely hurt him if he wanted to return and play. With the way he's going about this, he probably doesn't want to return to play.

Now, Memphis has the leverage.

Or they're paving the way for him to come to Sacramento?
Yeah, Memphis needs to get rid of Conley if they want Rubio to play for them... Actually, I really need to hear from the dude himself. Of course,that won't happen until he is drafted and signed.
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