Delete/Lock...Draft talk over in JPZ's thread....

I can see it now...

With the 5th pick...The Washington Wizards select...

Tyler Hansbrough from the University of North Carolina

*riot of King Assassination proportion in DC ensues*
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I can see it now...

With the 5th pick...The Washington Wizards select...

Tyler Hansbrough from the University of North Carolina

*riot of King Assassination proportion in DC ensues*


With the way things have been going for NY lately, I expect for them to get nither Curry or Flynn. Knowing how their drafts go, they would be selecting GeraldHenderson.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

What's this rumored deal going around about Memphis trading Jaric and no.2 pick for Martin and no.4 pick? With that assumption, it would mean Memphis would be moving OJ to the point. From the Kings standpoint, they would be building around Rubio, Thompson and Hawes. Moving Martin for Jaric saves them almost $7 million over the next 2 seasons and then $25 million in 2011-2012 when they would be able to be free agent players and take on salary again.

I don't know how true this rumor is, but its coming from the Kings side. I just heard about it though. IMO, this still wouldn't fix the Grizz PF problem and how well would OJ and Rudy be able to adjust having a scoring SG like Martin on the perimeter? OJ would probably have an easier time adjusting than Rudy.

Wow, if this is true then Petrie must really be in love with Rubio. crazy how much can change in a year. Last offseason everyone had high expectations ofmartin and I thought he was going to be with us for a long time. It would make more sense for memphis to want either thompson/hawes instead since they need apf more than a scorer.
Originally Posted by slickrick916

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

What's this rumored deal going around about Memphis trading Jaric and no.2 pick for Martin and no.4 pick? With that assumption, it would mean Memphis would be moving OJ to the point. From the Kings standpoint, they would be building around Rubio, Thompson and Hawes. Moving Martin for Jaric saves them almost $7 million over the next 2 seasons and then $25 million in 2011-2012 when they would be able to be free agent players and take on salary again.

I don't know how true this rumor is, but its coming from the Kings side. I just heard about it though. IMO, this still wouldn't fix the Grizz PF problem and how well would OJ and Rudy be able to adjust having a scoring SG like Martin on the perimeter? OJ would probably have an easier time adjusting than Rudy.

Wow, if this is true then Petrie must really be in love with Rubio. crazy how much can change in a year. Last offseason everyone had high expectations of martin and I thought he was going to be with us for a long time. It would make more sense for memphis to want either thompson/hawes instead since they need a pf more than a scorer.
I thought it was #4, #23, and someone else for the pick and Jaric? It's been awhile since I got any draft news related to the Kings. Alwaysabout finding a head coach right now.
Originally Posted by slickrick916

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

What's this rumored deal going around about Memphis trading Jaric and no.2 pick for Martin and no.4 pick? With that assumption, it would mean Memphis would be moving OJ to the point. From the Kings standpoint, they would be building around Rubio, Thompson and Hawes. Moving Martin for Jaric saves them almost $7 million over the next 2 seasons and then $25 million in 2011-2012 when they would be able to be free agent players and take on salary again.

I don't know how true this rumor is, but its coming from the Kings side. I just heard about it though. IMO, this still wouldn't fix the Grizz PF problem and how well would OJ and Rudy be able to adjust having a scoring SG like Martin on the perimeter? OJ would probably have an easier time adjusting than Rudy.

Wow, if this is true then Petrie must really be in love with Rubio. crazy how much can change in a year. Last offseason everyone had high expectations of martin and I thought he was going to be with us for a long time. It would make more sense for memphis to want either thompson/hawes instead since they need a pf more than a scorer.

I think trading Martin may be for financial reasons.
I think trading Martin would mean alienating Sacramento fan base and solidifying the eventual move out of this city. That would be a big FU to the city ofSacramento if they gave up Martin for an unproven rookie and an expiring contract.
nicedude- okay that makes alot more sense. and damn you know its bad when the maloofs are looking to cut costs by trading martin. I know its tough but I alwayskind of put them in the same category as cuban where they will do anything to win.... even though its been a while since we actually competed at a high level.
Regarding Blair:
Although being red-flagged isn't necessarily a death knell to your draft stock (remember all the concerns about Greg Oden two years ago), it could deter a team in the lottery from taking the risk.

After the Oden fiasco, im pretty sure it will hurt him

Bigmike23 wrote:
France's Nando De Colo earned some buzz in his workout as a potential second-round sleeper. "When you see him compared to some of the top college talent, he really looked like he belonged," one NBA scout told me.

Yo this man is�kinda nice�
�Please check that pass at 49seconds into the video...I had to rewind it to make sure that really happened
IMO that Martin deal won't work. The grizz already have two players that score and Juice is already turnover prone at the one, and Juice is naturally a 2.Even coach hollins has said that OJ is in fact a two. Hopefully, they leave it at that.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

IMO that Martin deal won't work. The grizz already have two players that score and Juice is already turnover prone at the one, and Juice is naturally a 2. Even coach hollins has said that OJ is in fact a two. Hopefully, they leave it at that.
I believe the best thing for them to do would be to bring Martin off the bench for instant scoring like Ginobili. He would definitely be one ofthe best sixth men in the league. I'm pretty sure OJ wouldn't have the off the bench role, but it fits Martin perfectly.
And martin a NBA vet who has done way more then oj will agree to come off the bench?

Like dude said that trade doesn't work because oj is not a pg
Ricky Rubio is coming to America! Well, he is visiting four teams with his mom. Memphis, OKC, Sacramento, and New York. No workouts, just meetings I think.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

LOL @ you thinking Kevin Martin should or would come off the bench.
And martin a NBA vet who has done way more then oj will agree to come off the bench?

I believe if a 3-time Italian league MVP, 3-time NBA Champ, 1-time all-star, 1-time All-NBA 3rd team, and 6th man of the year in Ginobili can come off thebench, Kevin Martin can. It's not a far-fetched idea and I can say that later in his career he would probably end up being a sixth man because of how badhis defense is. He will never be a game changing SG, but he can definitely light it up which would probably fit best off the bench especially if a team has twoscorers already in the lineup.
@ you thinking that putting Martin onthe bench is like putting Kobe on the bench or something.

It doesn't matter if Martin is a vet or not, what has he accomplished? He's just a scorer in the league. Would he rather have as many shots as he wantcoming off the bench, or would he rather have share the load with OJ and Rudy? Either way, it was just a rumor probably wasn't even a serious deal, but Icould see OJ playing point. Having Rudy at SF wouldn't make things better because him and Martin aren't even good defenders. OJ would probably improvedefensively because he would be guarding more players his size or smaller.
I don't see Kevin Martin coming to Memphis, let alone coming off the bench

And Juice ain't playing PG, at least full time. He's too offensive minded and dominates the ball, it be like Steve Francis in Houston circa 2001. Iwouldn't be against Juice running PG in spots like Wade or BRoy do though.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

I don't see Kevin Martin coming to Memphis, let alone coming off the bench

And Juice ain't playing PG, at least full time. He's too offensive minded and dominates the ball, it be like Steve Francis in Houston circa 2001. I wouldn't be against Juice running PG in spots like Wade or BRoy do though.

he didn't ball hog his rookie season (imo) like i thought he was. Him and Kevin Martin would do damage. The league is combo guard dominate + fast breakoffense (like Memphis is supposed to be running imo) so a "true" PG isn't really need cuz Juice's ball handling is enough imo
It's not that Juice ball hogged, just that he needs the ball in his hands to be effective. I can't see it working in the long run having him, Martinand Gay all on the same team.

That's just me. He's a SG through and through.
Ginobili being european is use to the idea of coming of the bench or being shuffled around in the line up especially if it's coming from hall of fame coachGreg Poppavich.

You think Kevin Martin who him, his mom and his agent belive is a starter will come off the bench? You think that a rookie coach will have the gravitas to dothat?

You're kidding right?
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

What's this rumored deal going around about Memphis trading Jaric and no.2 pick for Martin and no.4 pick? With that assumption, it would mean Memphis would be moving OJ to the point. From the Kings standpoint, they would be building around Rubio, Thompson and Hawes. Moving Martin for Jaric saves them almost $7 million over the next 2 seasons and then $25 million in 2011-2012 when they would be able to be free agent players and take on salary again.

I don't know how true this rumor is, but its coming from the Kings side. I just heard about it though. IMO, this still wouldn't fix the Grizz PF problem and how well would OJ and Rudy be able to adjust having a scoring SG like Martin on the perimeter? OJ would probably have an easier time adjusting than Rudy.
Would the Grizzlies still be under the cap if they took Martin's contract? I like that Martin would bring perimeter shooting and doesn't need to dominate the ball to score, but I don't know if Martin, Mayo and Gay could work. That's unless they're shopping Gay for a PF
don't think to much into this rumor. No way in hell would this ever go down

Now maybe Garcia or one of our expiring contracts and the #4 for Jaric and the #2
i still dont see it happening.
griz. needs to move rudy imo. just doesn't seem to fit well...
Not to deter your argument, but Argentina is in South America, not Europe. Carry on though.
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