Delete/Lock...Draft talk over in JPZ's thread....


We are planted at the big table in the big conference room. We are watching the man who should be paired with O.J. Mayo to give the Grizzlies the most electric backcourt in the NBA for the next ten years.
So will D Will, Parker, even Rondo and i hate rondo..

I like Rickys potential but he is gonna struggle A LOT on D... pretty obvious
Originally Posted by PAsSback

So will D Will, Parker, even Rondo and i hate rondo..

I like Rickys potential but he is gonna struggle A LOT on D... pretty obvious
How do you figure?
I dont think he is strong enough, nor is he use to the type of speed he will face in the nba.

I never said he wont develop his defense, but at first he gonna struggle... You think he is gonna come in right away and be able to handle CP's handlingability and quickness, or D Will's strength? NA...
Defensively he's gonna do no worse than Derrick Rose, Mayo, or even some other "established" veteran PG's (who will go unnamed)....

it's funny how people are straight up expecting the worst for this kid...of course he's gonna have his ups/down, but %$#*....most of us are basing ouropinions of him off of a small sample of youtube highlights or what we saw of him in the olympics. Obviously, the scouts see his immense potential. At onepoint, his flair was compared to none other than Pete Maravich. All I'm saying, is that for just about every negative people can think of when talkingabout Rubio on the defensive end, the same can be said for just about EVERY rookie heading in to the NBA this season.
Originally Posted by PAsSback

I dont think he is strong enough, nor is he use to the type of speed he will face in the nba.

I never said he wont develop his defense, but at first he gonna struggle... You think he is gonna come in right away and be able to handle CP's handling ability and quickness, or D Will's strength? NA...
Ok fine.

Veyr few guards are good defenders out of the gate and even less of them are good on the ball defenders.
Kid is right about Ty Lawson probably being the best PG of the class when it's all said and done. Rubio has the skill set to be a great PG but he'llend up being good...nothing more, nothing less. That Pistol Pete talk is nonsense.

Thabeet (Okafor was a much better prospect, kid has no offensive game)
Henderson (athleticism will be matched at the next level)
Curry (Eddie House kind of impact IMO, he would be a good pick late-first to the Cavs but not 8th overall)

Terrence Williams (can do it all, Iggy-type player)
Wayne Ellington (I like him over Henderson even though it won't end up that way in the draft)
Ty Lawson
Gani Lawal (can easily outplay his draft position which will likely be mid to late-first)

Who do you guys think ends up being the best out of Holiday, Evans, Jennings, and DeRozan?
People are really killing me acting like Rubio is going to just get straight dogged by other PG's in the league. Just like Rose was able to dog hisshare of opponents in the league and compete, Rubio should be able to do the same. There's a reason why he's the top star in Spain at the age of 18 andjudging by the type of prospects that have came out of Spain as of late, he's pretty top notch. Check out what Rondo did before the big three came around.Also, take a look at Nash, Kidd, Paul and D-Will when they were 18. I think this kid is lights of ahead of them when they were his age. I haven't been ableto watch him play as much as I've wanted to, but I've viewed some games online from the Olympics and when he was playing for DKV Jovenhud. Forget abouthim scoring and seeing how many assists he racks, you can basically watch him with the ball in his hands and making things happen for his teammates.
"He is by far the smartest player in the draft," Givony said. "His knowledge of the game, his overall feel -it's amazing. Wherever he goes, those fans are going to fall in love with him. He's such a fun player to watch, so unpredictable, so creative. To me, it's a no-brainer for a franchise like Memphis." From Newsday: "The Washington Wizards are the first team that seems to already be considering a trade with their pick at #5... Reporter Mike Jones cites insiders saying the veteran-laden Wizards, who already have enough immaturity with Nick Young, Javale McGhee and Andray Blatche, are not interested in bringing in yet another young player... So Ernie Grunfeld is expected to explore trade options that could bring in a veteran player to add to a mix that, when healthy, should be a playoff team... They need a poing guard, preferably someone with size who can defend"... The Wizards have a salary of 75 million next season thats 4 million over the luxury tax with the salary cap expected to go down this summer... The Grizz can help Washington save as much 10 million in salary and avoid adding a guaranteed lottery pick salary to a team that has 14 guaranteed contracts next season.... The Grizz can even facilitate a trade for Washington for a defensive guard and they also could use their middle level exception and still be below the luxury tax if they make a deal with the Grizz. Wizards Salaries on Hoopshype... Georgetown's Dejuan Summers has garnered some terrific buzz of late... He's been working out in LA and a number of Nba scouts have gotten back word that he's been excellent in workout's with James Johnson... Scouts say Summer is bigger, more athletic and more capable of playing the 3/4 than they saw in Georgetowns system..
This would be funny if the Grizzlies could make a deal with the Wizards by taking some of their big salaries to draft Jordan Hill at 5. Whatmakes it so funny is that it could actually happen and Memphis wouldn't have to give up Conley.
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

Who do you guys think ends up being the best out of Holiday, Evans, Jennings, and DeRozan?
DeRozan and Jennings have the highest ceiling imo...

I think that Evans will be the best of those four though. His game is suited for the NBA more so than collegiate basketball.
^ DeRozan needs a lot of work on his jump shot.

You see Evans as a point or 2-guard in the league?

Haven't seen enough of Jennings to judge. Wish he qualified for the U of A though, would have helped while also holding back Nic Wise.

I think Holiday will be decent but I agree that his potential doesn't seem to be as much as the other three I mentioned. It's weird that Holiday'sname is flying up the boards. He once was a mid to late-first prospect and now scouts are talkin' lottery for the kid.

As for the whole Ellington vs. Henderson debate, you can disagree but at least make an argument. Like I said, Henderson's biggest asset is his athleticismwhich will be matched at the next level. His jump shot is still streaky. He had one very good year (the one that just passed), that doesn't make me abeliever. Whereas Ellington has been more consistent IMO while still showing out in the tourney during UNC's championship run.
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

^ DeRozan needs a lot of work on his jump shot.

You see Evans as a point or 2-guard in the league?

Haven't seen enough of Jennings to judge. Wish he qualified for the U of A though, would have helped while also holding back Nic Wise.

I think Holiday will be decent but I agree that his potential doesn't seem to be as much as the other three I mentioned. It's weird that Holiday's name is flying up the boards. He once was a mid to late-first prospect and now scouts are talkin' lottery for the kid.

As for the whole Ellington vs. Henderson debate, you can disagree but at least make an argument. Like I said, Henderson's biggest asset is his athleticism which will be matched at the next level. His jump shot is still streaky. He had one very good year (the one that just passed), that doesn't make me a believer. Whereas Ellington has been more consistent IMO while still showing out in the tourney during UNC's championship run.

I see Evans as a combo guard. He will fit well beside a smaller guard and can run either position. I think he'll be more effective as a two guard thatcan run the one rather than vice versa.

As for the Ellington-Henderson debate, I would much rather have Ellington just because he's a late first pick. Taking a chance of him is a lot less of arisk than spending a lottery pick on Henderson who could probably be the next Dahntay Jones.

What are your thoughts on Jordan Hill? If Memphis were to get a 2nd lottery pick from the Wizards, I would like to take him. He has the tools to be a good PFin the league, and I think he is already one of the better rebounders in the draft.
Can anyone explain why so many people are high on Steph Curry and not on Patty Mills who took him to town in the NIT tournament ?
What are your thoughts on Jordan Hill? If Memphis were to get a 2nd lottery pick from the Wizards, I would like to take him. He has the tools to be a good PF in the league, and I think he is already one of the better rebounders in the draft.
Got to watch him a lot being an Arizona fan and all. He really came on this past year and I wonder how well he'll transition against the bigsat the next level. Basically I'm concerned that Hill isn't ready for the level of competition awaiting him.

Once again I consider this draft class relatively weak and I would rate a lot of prospects based on where they are selected. I feel like there will be A LOT ofreaches on draft night. Let's take Jordan Hill for example: if he goes later in the lottery that's a good pick, but top 5 is pushing it IMO.

As a Memphis fan, who would you like to see them take if they stay put at 2nd overall? Rubio or Thabeet?

Can anyone explain why so many people are high on Steph Curry and not on Patty Mills who took him to town in the NIT tournament ?
March Madness 2008. Curry gets so much credit as a scorer and more importantly as the kid who carried Davidson and put them on the map in theprocess. Seems like he's going 8th to New York which is shocking to me. I'll say it time and time again, Stephen Curry is a late-first round prospect.

How the PG will probably go:
1) Rubio
2) Jennings
3) Flynn
4) Lawson
5) Maynor
6) Mills

1) Jennings
2) Lawson
3) Rubio
4) Maynor
5) Flynn
6) Mills
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

^ DeRozan needs a lot of work on his jump shot.

You see Evans as a point or 2-guard in the league?

Haven't seen enough of Jennings to judge. Wish he qualified for the U of A though, would have helped while also holding back Nic Wise.

I think Holiday will be decent but I agree that his potential doesn't seem to be as much as the other three I mentioned. It's weird that Holiday's name is flying up the boards. He once was a mid to late-first prospect and now scouts are talkin' lottery for the kid.

As for the whole Ellington vs. Henderson debate, you can disagree but at least make an argument. Like I said, Henderson's biggest asset is his athleticism which will be matched at the next level. His jump shot is still streaky. He had one very good year (the one that just passed), that doesn't make me a believer. Whereas Ellington has been more consistent IMO while still showing out in the tourney during UNC's championship run.

I see Evans as a combo guard. He will fit well beside a smaller guard and can run either position. I think he'll be more effective as a two guard that can run the one rather than vice versa.

As for the Ellington-Henderson debate, I would much rather have Ellington just because he's a late first pick. Taking a chance of him is a lot less of a risk than spending a lottery pick on Henderson who could probably be the next Dahntay Jones.

What are your thoughts on Jordan Hill? If Memphis were to get a 2nd lottery pick from the Wizards, I would like to take him. He has the tools to be a good PF in the league, and I think he is already one of the better rebounders in the draft.
If the Hornets are able to draft Evans he would do the same things as pargo
I don't get why nobody talks about how deep a PG draft this is. I just came across this dude that's supposed to get drafted in the 2nd round mostlikely named Rodrigue Beaubois, a PG from France. I think he has a chance to be atleast a solid backup.

So with that you got:

Toney Douglas
Curtis Jerrells - this dude is the sleeper of the draft to me
AJ Price
Tyrese Rice
Sergio Llul
AND possibly Calathes
As a Memphis fan, who would you like to see them take if they stay put at 2nd overall? Rubio or Thabeet?
I would much rather have Rubio. The way I look at it is your either can get a potential franchise changing PG or a potential defensive center (atbest). Franchise changing PG's have been able to make huge impacts on teams and that's what I would rather have.

As far as the PG's in the draft go, Rubio has been playing professionally 4 years over Jennings 1 year making him more of a sure pick. I think Jenningswill be a bust in the league and I've never really liked him as a player. He will have his games, but I don't see him being a consistent player at all.I do think Ty Lawson will surprise some people kinda like what DJ Augustine did last season with the Bobcats along with Maynor, Flynn and Patty Mills.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

As a Memphis fan, who would you like to see them take if they stay put at 2nd overall? Rubio or Thabeet?
I would much rather have Rubio. The way I look at it is your either can get a potential franchise changing PG or a potential defensive center (at best). Franchise changing PG's have been able to make huge impacts on teams and that's what I would rather have.

As far as the PG's in the draft go, Rubio has been playing professionally 4 years over Jennings 1 year making him more of a sure pick. I think Jennings will be a bust in the league and I've never really liked him as a player. He will have his games, but I don't see him being a consistent player at all. I do think Ty Lawson will surprise some people kinda like what DJ Augustine did last season with the Bobcats along with Maynor, Flynn and Patty Mills.
I've read a couple of places that people are almost positive the Grizz will be taking Thabeet. As a follower of the team have you been hearingthese same rumors?
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

As a Memphis fan, who would you like to see them take if they stay put at 2nd overall? Rubio or Thabeet?
I would much rather have Rubio. The way I look at it is your either can get a potential franchise changing PG or a potential defensive center (at best). Franchise changing PG's have been able to make huge impacts on teams and that's what I would rather have.

As far as the PG's in the draft go, Rubio has been playing professionally 4 years over Jennings 1 year making him more of a sure pick. I think Jennings will be a bust in the league and I've never really liked him as a player. He will have his games, but I don't see him being a consistent player at all. I do think Ty Lawson will surprise some people kinda like what DJ Augustine did last season with the Bobcats along with Maynor, Flynn and Patty Mills.
I've read a couple of places that people are almost positive the Grizz will be taking Thabeet. As a follower of the team have you been hearing these same rumors?

Yea, even on RealGM they have a poll where its like 56% taking Rubo and 44% think we'll take Thabeet out of like 5,000 votes. I don't know where peopleare getting this impression. If Memphis actually did this, I would give up on the team.
I just don't see it happening when Wallace likes to draft upon best talentavailable.
Lawson can be a decent back point guard but dude is not a starting pg in the league. He could play with an uptempo second string and be successful.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

As a Memphis fan, who would you like to see them take if they stay put at 2nd overall? Rubio or Thabeet?
I would much rather have Rubio. The way I look at it is your either can get a potential franchise changing PG or a potential defensive center (at best). Franchise changing PG's have been able to make huge impacts on teams and that's what I would rather have.

As far as the PG's in the draft go, Rubio has been playing professionally 4 years over Jennings 1 year making him more of a sure pick. I think Jennings will be a bust in the league and I've never really liked him as a player. He will have his games, but I don't see him being a consistent player at all. I do think Ty Lawson will surprise some people kinda like what DJ Augustine did last season with the Bobcats along with Maynor, Flynn and Patty Mills.
I've read a couple of places that people are almost positive the Grizz will be taking Thabeet. As a follower of the team have you been hearing these same rumors?

Yea, even on RealGM they have a poll where its like 56% taking Rubo and 44% think we'll take Thabeet out of like 5,000 votes. I don't know where people are getting this impression. If Memphis actually did this, I would give up on the team.
I just don't see it happening when Wallace likes to draft upon best talent available.

The is via hoops world about the Grizz possibly wanting to trade the #2.. not sure how credible this is though.

NBA PM: Grizzlies Trading #2?


By: Bill Ingram Last Updated: 5/21/09 5:19 PM ET | 7391 times read

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As the news came out this morning from ourfriends at Draft Express, that Ricky Rubio was upset at the way the NBA draft lottery turned out, arumor quickly followed behind that the Memphis Grizzlies would look to trade the pick rather than use it themselves. While Grizzlies GM Chris Wallace has beenopenly interested in Rubio, we're being told that the Grizzlies would rather have the $3 million they'd likely get from a team looking to move up, aswell as a slightly lower pick.

The first issue is, of course, Rubio's buy-out. In order for Rubio to come to the NBA he must first buy hisfreedom from DKV Joventut, which is proving to be a fairly cut-and-dried scenario. They want 6 million Euros and they won't negotiate. No payment plan, nopercentage of endorsements and contracts signed . . .pay it all, cash up front. Rubio is essentially DKV Joventut's version of LeBron James. They'renothing without him. For that reason, they want to keep him around as long as possible, and if they have to give him up they want to have the cash to bring inseveral players to replace him.

Assuming Rubio would be willing to come up with the cash - and his NBA team would only be able tocontribute $500K to the effort - it comes down to which team would be most fitting for his talents. It's a given that he'll want to start, butwe're not talking about another Derrick Rose here. A better comparison might be OKC's Russell Westbrook. He started slowly, but was quite good by thelast month or so of the season. As much as the Grizzlies were initially high on Rubio, the arrival of Lionel Hollins as head coach, his admiration for startingpoint guard Mike Conley, and Conley's emergence under Hollins' direction make it less likely that Memphis would even want to explore astarting point guard at this point. What they really need is a back-up point guard, and they can get one of those in the middle of the first round and get somecash in the process.

With that in mind, don't get too excited thinking the Portland Trail Blazers are going to pull another draft day miracle and reuniteRubio with former teammate Rudy Fernandez. While that idea is intriguing, it would be a step backward for the Blazers. Expect them to make an offer to AndreMiller and Jason Kidd - established point guards who are legitimate upgrades over Steve Blake. But bringing in a rookie when they already have Jerryd Baylesson the bench would make little sense for the Blazers, who are looking to get to the second round of the playoffs and beyond next season.

More likely might be the Philadelphia 76ers, who will likely lose Miller, or the Washington Wizards, who thought they were going to get the #2 pick and have already given Rubio alot of thought.

One thing is certain: the number two pick in the 2009 NBA Draft is for sale. Stay tuned to HOOPSWORLD as we continue to follow thisstory.
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