
Originally Posted by acidicality

he just comes across as a bitter internet bully who has no life in the real world.

This is my biggest issue with this kid. He thinks he's being nice, all the while still taking shots.
You consider that a 'shot'? Hilarious.
If you don't realize you come across that way, I don't know what to say to you. You have problems.
And if you really consider that to be a 'shot', then I'm only speaking the truth. I sure hope it's not.

And calling me a kid? Speak for yourself
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

At this crap still going

Im cool with ALMOST everyone here....
who aren't you cool with?
im not about to name names, but it's not like i dont like this guy, just annoys me
Yea dude, hilarious.

Don't be surprised when dudes come at you sideways because of little stuff like that. But then again, if you can barely speak to a female face to face, Ihighly doubt you'll be running your mouth the way you're doing in this thread.

Just being 100% with you.

I'm done though.

your votes for the final starting spot. morrow or buike, since nelson has plans to bring mags off the bench. my vote says morrow since he's been practicingwith the first team.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought


your votes for the final starting spot. morrow or buike, since nelson has plans to bring mags off the bench. my vote says morrow since he's been practicing with the first team.
i thought Buike was starting?
at you telling someone they're running their mouth online...that's're the one who's always running your mouth acting allconfrontational starting +*#% here
...not me. You know it,'s not even arguable.

Let's end this "beef" though, whatever it is. You don't know me, I don't know you. If you seriously think I have problems even speakingto a female face-to-face, you're dead wrong. You can believe that if you want based on what I've posted here, but you've never even met me face toface, so how do you know? I'm cool with all the jokes because it's all in fun (and that's what I get for posting about it here
), but you take+*#% to a whole different level to the point where it isn't offensive to me, it's just laughable and almost scary how much hatred you can unleash onsomeone you don't even know in person.
And to be fair, I'm no accurate judge of you either, I only know that ONLINE you're a confrontational dude who likes to start +*#%.

But we're both Warrior fans at the end of the day,so hopefully it's over with. I'm done, Ohio sucks. Peace
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought


your votes for the final starting spot. morrow or buike, since nelson has plans to bring mags off the bench. my vote says morrow since he's been practicing with the first team.
i thought Buike was starting?

oh, well there you go haha. when they interviewed nelson on media day, he said those four guys were set to start and he's still thinking about the fifthspot.
[h1]Warriors' maturing Ellis eager for 'fresh start'[/h1]
By Marcus Thompson II

[email protected]

Posted: 10/01/2009 09:35:13 PM PDT

Updated: 10/02/2009 12:12:23 PM PDT

Obscured by the controversy they caused, Monta Ellis' comments regarding his on-court compatibility with rookie Stephen Curry might have revealed something more about the Warriors' fifth-year guard.

When do you last recall Ellis speaking up about something controversial, especially so directly and authoritatively?

And when was the last time you heard Ellis break off some basketball philosophy?

Maybe Ellis' comments Monday that he and Curry wouldn't work together as a tandem illustrates Ellis' development. Members of the organization are certainly touting Ellis as much improved.

They say he's 100 percent healthy. They say he's matured. They say he's motivated like never before. Ellis' development on and off the court has them all but promising big things.

"He will have a great year this year, if he stays healthy," Warriors coach Don Nelson said. "Monta, after this season, he'll be a made man."

Three significant changes are at the root of Ellis' alleged transformation.

Perhaps chief among them was the Warriors' decision to back off their stance that they reserved the right to terminate Ellis' contract, which officially ended the controversy of his moped accident.

All last fall and through the season, team president Robert Rowell maintained his stance that the team could void Ellis' contract for violating the uniform conduct policy on his contract by lying to the team about how he was injured. Then in mid-April,


the Warriors sent a letter to Ellis' agent stating they would relinquish their right to void his contract.
While Ellis said he didn't care if they voided his contract or not, one source close to Ellis requesting anonymity said Ellis has been truly able to move past the incident since the Warriors put it in writing. With five years and $55 million left on his contract guaranteed once again, the source said Ellis is truly prepared to invest in the Warriors.

Ellis still has not talked about how he hurt his ankle, as he said he would last training camp. That is because Ellis said the incident is "out of his mind."

"October 28th, 2009, it's a fresh start," Ellis said during media day Monday. "So last season, you can wipe that out. I'm not looking in the past. Only thing I'm worried about is this season. I feel good, my body's healthy and I like the situation we're in."

By all accounts, his ankle is 100 percent. No, really. Not like last season's 100 percent, which included soreness and swelling. Even when he played well, Ellis looked a step slower - settling for jumpers and committing charging fouls on plays he used to blow by defenders.

Not anymore, apparently.

"Monta's really fast," Curry said. "Really tough to keep up with."

Ellis would say the most significant change was the arrival of Monta Jr. this summer. For Ellis, whose father wasn't around, being a dad was a life-changing event.

"He's grown a lot," said swingman Stephen Jackson, Ellis' best friend on the team. "Having a child has definitely made him more mature. He's more focused this year."

Ellis confirmed his purpose and goals were altered by fatherhood. With marriage next in line, he said he realizes his decisions no longer affect him alone. He said he's become a homebody, replacing hanging out with buddies with family time.

Warriors general manager Larry Riley revealed another significant change in Ellis.

"(Monta) said, 'I think I need to start working out some more.' He brought it up," Riley said, recalling the conversation. "He said, 'Can you send Rico (Hines) down here?' I said, 'Heaven's yes.' I didn't have to tell him."

Hines, one of the Warriors assistants, made three trips to the South this offseason to work out Ellis, spending two hours a day in the gym.

They worked fanatically on his ballhandling. They played hours of one-on-one to improve Ellis' ability to create and improvise off the dribble. They also worked on his jumper and increasing his shooting range.

Is Ellis truly converted? Will his newfound maturity stand up to the rigors of an NBA season, especially if it's a losing one?

The Warriors say yes. Jackson said Ellis has a chip on his shoulder and will play as if he has something to prove. Riley said he is convinced Ellis wants to be a Warrior and is savoring this new beginning.

Ellis? He's decided to hold off on predictions.

"Who knows," he said through a half a smile and widened eyes. "I guess we'll have to see."
Originally Posted by daprescription

If Morrow starts I will give up this name.
If you do that, I'll give up my username as well.

Not that you'd believe me.

And you shouldn't.

off season is over, its preseason now.
Lets hope this season we show some improvement.

I don't think I can take another year of
**@*@$ raider football
**@*@$ warrior basketball.
Might as well brace yourself then. With a Ellis/Morrow backcourt, this team is liable to give up 120 points a night.
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