
I think I could handle Barea and score maybe 1 basket on him
got to taiwan several hours ago, my apartment here is tiny
and i just experienced my first's gonna take some adjustments to get used tothis place, but it should be a great experience. i will turn into a fob.
haha yeah i'm jetlagged as hell....i'm def not used to the hours. i arrived in taiwan at like 6am in th emorning and i've been just half-awake thewhole time and it's 530pm now...probably gonna hit the sheets when it's 10pm here or so...

i'll take pics, perhaps i'll post em up.
i'll probably be bored the next few days before our orientation for my internship so i'll defhave some spare time.

also, monta would love it many mopeds
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

^ cuz he's on a mission to get back in touch with this roots of being a fob.

all this through an internship


yea it's for an internship that lasts until mid-August or so. my friend told me those "fob" taiwanese girls are hella easy to pick up, but whoknows...

i'll be posting some pics for sure later since i'll be bored out of my mind at times in my room...
an interview with marco belinelli on
Intervista a Superbasket
Ciao a tutti ragazzi, nello scorso numero di SuperBasket e American SuperBasket, sono uscite due mie interviste molto accurate e interessanti. Ho deciso di riassumervele un po' nel caso ve le siate perse!

Assieme ai miei due fratelli sono andato in redazione dove erano presenti il direttore Claudio Limardi e i giornalisti Stefano Benzoni, Mirco Melloni, Roberto Gotta e Stefano Valenti. Insomma, un bel team di lavoro per portare nero su bianco il mio racconto di questa stagione. Vi riporto qualche pillola che magari non avete mai saputo o non vi ho mai detto!

Lei ha subito un infortunio, in NBA gli infortuni vengono gestiti come in Italia?

In NBA sei più libero di prenderti le tue responsabilità: sei tu a stabilire quando sei pronto per tornare a giocare a tuo rischio e pericolo, bisogna sapersi autogestire. Ma d'altro lato hai uno staff medico sempre a disposizione a qualunque ora della giornata.

Essendo al secondo anno, ha visto un maggior rispetto da parte degli avversari?

Sì, anche perchè quando iniziai a giocare eravamo titolari io assieme a Crawford e Azubuike ed eravamo costantemente marcati quindi sentivamo la pressione delle difese.

Ma Kobe allora com'è? E LeBron?

LeBron è enorme, l'MVP indiscusso...peccato che non l'ho potuto marcare! In squadra è un leader: incita, crea e sprona la squadra. Kobe, però, è il migliore di tutti, uno che si può prendere un tiro dove vuole e che, però, ho marcato!

La vita in NBA?

Non è vero quel che si dice che qui non ci si allena, solitamente ci si allena al mattino: dalle 10 alle 11 pesi, poi dalle 11 alle 12.30 allenamento di squadra. I viaggi per le trasferte sono una grande comodità: aereo privato dall'aeroporto anch'esso privato di Oakland con sedili distanti due metri l'uno dall'altro (altrimenti noi alti non riusciamo a stenderci), check-in di un secondo ( avolte neanche controlliamo la roba). Atterrati ci trasferiamo in hotel con il pullman privato e ritroviamo le valigie direttamente in camera.

Il tempo libero?

Di solito non lascio San Francisco, se non resto a casa a guardare qualche film mi dedico allo shopping, passeggiate per la città o provo qualche nuovo ristorante. Ma comunque non è poi tantissimo il tempo libero tra allenamenti, partite, viaggi e gli amici che mi vengono spesso a trovare!


Lo sapevo già un po', adesso sono migliorato, però mi è difficile capire quando parlano con degli slang particolari come fa Monta Elliss: a volte è davvero incomprensibile!

A presto ragazzi!

Here's a rough translation:
You've had an injury, are injuries handled in the NBA the same way they're managed in Italy?

In the NBA we have a little more freedom to make it our own responsibility; we are the ones who define when we're ready to come back and play, in our own risk and danger, so we have to know how to manage injuries ourselves. On the other hand the medical staff is available to us 24/7.

Coming into your second year, have you noticed a greater level of respect from adversaries?

Yes, because when I started playing on the first team alongside Crawford and Azubuike we were constantly feeling the defensive pressure.

How about Kobe and LeBron?

LeBron is huge, the undisputed MVP... too bad I didn't have the opportunity to play D on him! He's his team's leader: he's the inciter, the creator who truly spurs his teammates. Kobe, however, is the best of all, someone who can shoot the rock from anywhere, someone who I have played D on, though!

How's life in the NBA?

It's not true what people say that we don't have training sessions, we just have them in the morning: from 10 to 11 a.m. we hit the weights, and then from 11 to 12.30 we have team practice. The travelling is done with great comfort: private airplane from an also private airfield in Oakland with seats that are 2 meters (6ft 7 inches) apart from each other so we can truly spread ourselves, 1 second check-ins (we don't even take care of clothing). As soon as we land, we're transferred to the hotel in a private bus and our luggage is already there when we arrive.

What about free time?

I don't usually leave San Francisco, and if I don't stay at home, I'll be watching a movie, shopping, or going for strolls around the city or trying new restaurants. But we don't really have that much free time to spare between training sessions, games, trips and with the friends that often come meet me.

What about the English language?

I knew a little beforehand, I'm a little better now, but it's hard to follow sometimes especially when they use slang, like Monta Ellis, who is, sometimes, really incomprehensible.

i really hope he gets a chance to shine.
What about the English language?

I knew a little beforehand, I'm a little better now, but it's hard to follow sometimes especially when they use slang, like Monta Ellis, who is, sometimes, really incomprehensible.

Even people who are masters in english dont even get what hes saying, i dont blame him
Originally Posted by Andrew630

an interview with marco belinelli on
What about the English language?
I knew a little beforehand, I'm a little better now, but it's hard to follow sometimes especially when they use slang, like Monta Ellis, who is, sometimes, really incomprehensible.

aint no one understand monta

haha oops, im late!
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

How many points you think you guys could score in an NBA game?
who's gonna be guarding me?
CJ Watson
lets be real, no one in this thread would score 1 point with even with CJ guarding you.
I scored twice on Demarcus Nelson in HS and stole a ball from Isaiah Rider back in my "prime" HS/Pro-Am Leagues.
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