
^!@*. That dance is ridiculously stupid, yes I said it. I went to a HS Graduation party and that was the only dancing I saw.
Golden State appears to be exploring possibilities to improve on the defensive end in hopes of making a strong run to the playoffs next season. One trade that has reportedly been offered by the Charlotte Bobcats that may help on that front would involve packaging Kelenna Azubuike and Marco Belinelli in exchange for Raja Bell. The Warriors are pondering the offer, but would have to get Azubuike's consent to make the trade unless they decided to wait until July 24th.

I say NO
Good looks on that pic menace!

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

yo i want to get down on TLN??!!!!!!
I remember when I wanted to be a part of TLN. If it were to have a big resurgence, I'd be down to join TLN, too.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Golden State appears to be exploring possibilities to improve on the defensive end in hopes of making a strong run to the playoffs next season. One trade that has reportedly been offered by the Charlotte Bobcats that may help on that front would involve packaging Kelenna Azubuike and Marco Belinelli in exchange for Raja Bell. The Warriors are pondering the offer, but would have to get Azubuike's consent to make the trade unless they decided to wait until July 24th.

I say NO

What the hell? We're shopping the wrong wing players... for another wing player.
That is a crap deal. And if Nelson wants to really move Jackson to the SG spot how does getting a defensive SG help? Azubuike plays SF much better than Jackand Marco plays the point better. That offer should have been shot down immediately.
at even having to think about it.
Raja's going to be 33 in September. What the hell is the point of getting him? Trading two young players for a 33 year old? Getting Raja would notaccomplish anything, except reassuring the fans that this front office knows nothing.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Raja's going to be 33 in September. What the hell is the point of getting him? Trading two young players for a 33 year old? Getting Raja would not accomplish anything, except reassuring the fans that this front office knows nothing.
Try to instill some toughness, some attitude, some leadership into these kids in Golden State.

Raja doesn't have veteran legs, he's still a good shooter, and he can still defend. You guys go on-and-on about how Kelenna isn't ready yet, andhow he's not as good as he's hyped up to be. I mean PERSONALLY I like Kelenna, I think he should have a starting job somewhere, but Raja brings more tothe table than Kelenna does IMO.

Raja could be a cheap rental for this year, help teach some of the young kids some defense, at the expense of a prospect who's probably unhappy and notstaying once he becomes a FA, and Kelenna, who is from what I've heard from you guys have mixed feelings about where his role on this team is.
clears the logjam for morrow.

and i really don't see raja continue to play that 'intensive' defense with the warriors. He'll probably turn into a chucker too
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Raja's going to be 33 in September. What the hell is the point of getting him? Trading two young players for a 33 year old? Getting Raja would not accomplish anything, except reassuring the fans that this front office knows nothing.
Try to instill some toughness, some attitude, some leadership into these kids in Golden State.

Raja doesn't have veteran legs, he's still a good shooter, and he can still defend. You guys go on-and-on about how Kelenna isn't ready yet, and how he's not as good as he's hyped up to be. I mean PERSONALLY I like Kelenna, I think he should have a starting job somewhere, but Raja brings more to the table than Kelenna does IMO.

Raja could be a cheap rental for this year, help teach some of the young kids some defense, at the expense of a prospect who's probably unhappy and not staying once he becomes a FA, and Kelenna, who is from what I've heard from you guys have mixed feelings about where his role on this team is.

when did anybody say kelenna isn't ready? where do you get all this stuff from?
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Raja's going to be 33 in September. What the hell is the point of getting him? Trading two young players for a 33 year old? Getting Raja would not accomplish anything, except reassuring the fans that this front office knows nothing.
Try to instill some toughness, some attitude, some leadership into these kids in Golden State.

Raja doesn't have veteran legs, he's still a good shooter, and he can still defend. You guys go on-and-on about how Kelenna isn't ready yet, and how he's not as good as he's hyped up to be. I mean PERSONALLY I like Kelenna, I think he should have a starting job somewhere, but Raja brings more to the table than Kelenna does IMO.

Raja could be a cheap rental for this year, help teach some of the young kids some defense, at the expense of a prospect who's probably unhappy and not staying once he becomes a FA, and Kelenna, who is from what I've heard from you guys have mixed feelings about where his role on this team is.
when did anybody say kelenna isn't ready? where do you get all this stuff from?
Not that was he wasn't READY, but he wasn't a great fit.

I swore I brought this up before on why isn't Kelenna starting, or why isn't Kelenna getitng more burn, and most of you were saying how he hasn'tbeen playing good.

Maybe it was just at that time of the season..
In other Warriors news, it appears that despite not having worked him out, Stephen Curry is the team's main target should he be available with the 7th pick. Other options include Jordan Hill, Tyreke Evans and James Johnson.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Raja's going to be 33 in September. What the hell is the point of getting him? Trading two young players for a 33 year old? Getting Raja would not accomplish anything, except reassuring the fans that this front office knows nothing.
Try to instill some toughness, some attitude, some leadership into these kids in Golden State.

Raja doesn't have veteran legs, he's still a good shooter, and he can still defend. You guys go on-and-on about how Kelenna isn't ready yet, and how he's not as good as he's hyped up to be. I mean PERSONALLY I like Kelenna, I think he should have a starting job somewhere, but Raja brings more to the table than Kelenna does IMO.

Raja could be a cheap rental for this year, help teach some of the young kids some defense, at the expense of a prospect who's probably unhappy and not staying once he becomes a FA, and Kelenna, who is from what I've heard from you guys have mixed feelings about where his role on this team is.
Screw that. I cannot see how anybody wants to defend the Warriors on this. C'mon JapanAir, look atour team, look at our management, and look at what kind of move this is. From what I see, this potential move just screams "win-now"... but guesswhat... we're not going to win
with this team.

Let me clear up something about Kelenna. He's good at what he does. The moaning and groaning your heard about Kelenna was about his shooting earlier lastseason. But [homer Bob] Kelenna is shooting 44.8% on 3's [/homer Bob]. I like Kelenna, too. I think he's a good player off the bench for the Warriorsand if we keep Kelenna, that's exactly what his role looks to be.

Belinelli's not happy. Yeah, that's the stories we're hearing. He's unhappy because of the inconsistent playing time, correct? I'm prettysure if Nelson leaves, Belinelli wouldn't mind staying. We see the potential in Marco and I'm all for keeping him. The Warriors have a team option forhim in 2011. I just need to know how many more years is Nelson signed for?

And like I said, we're trading the wrong wing players for another wing player. If we're going to trade a wing player, it should obviously be eitherMaggette, Crawford, or Jackson. I'll trade them for a stick of bubble gum. I don't care about these fools. But if we're trading any other wingplayer, it better be for someone worthwhile... and Raja Bell just doesn't do it for me.

To address your comment on Raja Bell "Try[ing] to instill some toughness, some attitude, some leadership into these kids in Golden State," let me sayas long as Nelson's our coach, it won't mean jack
... and I'm being completely honest.Nelson isn't one to enforce discipline, toughness, etc, and IMO, if you have a player like that, you have to have a coach that will teach the players theexact same thing, too. A coach should already be doing that, and player that teaches that to the young kids should just be an extension of the coach. Examples,look at Phil Jackson, Kobe, and Fisher. They all work together to be leaders for the Lakers. Look at Popovich, Duncan, Parker. They all work together to beleaders for the Spurs. Look at Sloan, Deron Williams, and Fisher (when he was there). They all worked together to be leaders for the Jazz. See what I'mgetting at here, JapanAir?

Am I just giving up on teaching the young kids discipline? No, but you can see how this potential move will not work out. Get rid of Nelson and then we canchange the culture/philosophy/attitude of this team.
Didn't Stan Van Gundy get an extension?

I'm down to hire anybody. Bernie Bickerstaff? What's he up to nowadays?

But honestly, I'll be down to hire Jeff Van Gundy or Paul Silas. Either one is fine. BTW, I'm aware that Jeff Van Gundy probably doesn't want tocoach here. I just want him as coach.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Didn't Stan Van Gundy get an extension?

I'm down to hire anybody. Bernie Bickerstaff? What's he up to nowadays?
I meant JVG

What about Avery Johnson, he led a soft !#% team to the finals?
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Didn't Stan Van Gundy get an extension?

I'm down to hire anybody. Bernie Bickerstaff? What's he up to nowadays?
I meant JVG

What about Avery Johnson, he led a soft !#% team to the finals?

From what I saw in Raja and Boris when they were traded to the Bobcats for Jason, I have complete faith in both of them. Maybe it's Larry Brown, but theBobcats were 7-15 when the boys were traded, and when Raja played in games they were above .500. I've just always liked Raja as a player, I mean Raja stillplayed some good D when he was in PHX.

No, it's not a deal for the future, but I really am unsure if Kelenna will re-sign with the W's when given the opportunity, I'd love for him to,but I just don't have the confidence when it comes to this team. Is he fine being a role playing bench player his whole career? I hope I'm not the onlyone who believes he's a starter in this League.

Bring back Musselman.
getting paul silas would have made more sense when baron was here. he's pretty old and is probably done coaching in the nba. and to say that jeff van gundyprobably doesn't want to coach here is an understatement.
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