
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
The worst medical/training staff in the league continue to do their thing.

Dude, let it go. The same staff that helps keep Kobe going all these years, gets Ron back in 12 days from surgery, has Hill well ahead of his schedule, kept Dwight from dying with his back/shoulder issues, has Jamison playing thru a torn shooting wrist, got Gasol back on the court, just stop.

Some guys, Nash looks to be one of them, don't recover as quickly as we'd all like. He's 39 years old, it happens. I want him out there too, I'm pissed he's been so useless to us, but only a fool would put that on the training staff. Just because they say "day to day" doesn't mean he'll literally be back any day. Standard no hints given speak. In the same mold of Rasheed's Both teams played hard. Or no comment. They aren't going to give us (or the opponent) accurate details if there is a bigger issue they don't want to divulge. Maybe he could have played thru the pain in a playoff game, maybe his body is giving up too, he's almost 40 years old, quit blamin dudes that are smarter than you are. Maybe they did have an MRI 2 weeks ago, maybe they didn't, don't matter. They can only help a 40 year old so much, relax.
More "Laker Fans" would be upset than the Haters cause in reality, most are just Kobe fans. They cheer against the Lakers when Kobes out.

Kobe has nothing else to prove. If he retires during the off season, so be it. He's already given this city everything he has, and you can't deny that.

I know people will cry and whatever, but this man is human, he's gonna retire sooner than you think.

Why is Nash getting an MRI now? Kobe got an MRI the day after his injury yet they wait for Nash to get one 2 weeks after his?

The worst medical/training staff in the league continue to do their thing.

Not sure if SRS?? Obviously the medical staff tries to conservatively treat the injury before any surgery is considered. MRI is just precautionary because he's still hurting.
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i would prefer that the jazz win.

that way the lakers are put up against the wall and would have to beat houston.

think about it. okc in round one or san antonio? easy choice guys.
i would prefer that the jazz win.

that way the lakers are put up against the wall and would have to beat houston.

think about it. okc in round one or san antonio? easy choice guys.

Judging by how Dwight handled Duncan in the low post, I will have to agree with you there.
Don't listen to knight he still likes to say random things.. Vitti and Seto are widely respected.. Not even close to the worst training staff.

But it's from knight he's still whining about Mitch & Jim saying they didn't do enough this offseason.
Man oh man, if we win tomorrow.
That 7 seed will feel soooo sweet.
Of course I wish Kobe was here, but even without him we have such a good chance playing SA in the first round compared to OKC.

Can't wait till tomorrow. Lets do this :pimp:
BDA Sports has signed Los Angeles Lakers forward Earl Clark. BDA NBA player agent Kevin Bradbury will represent him. Clark was formerly represented by Relativity Sports. It is not clear why he switched agents, but BDA represents three of Clark’s teammates on the Lakers — guard Steve Nash, forward/center Jordan Hill and guard Chris Duhon. Sports Business Daily

Nash.... Do what's right. Get Earl to stay in LA.
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Damn, Earl Clark looking to get paid!! Not gonna happen on the Lakers, but a smart move on his part to switch agents given his new found playing time.
Damn, Earl Clark looking to get paid!! Not gonna happen on the Lakers, but a smart move on his part to switch agents given his new found playing time.

Yeah. But at the same time.. With an agent that represents multiple Lakers players.. That bodes well..

He's quick to add that his first choice is the Lakers, who can sign the unrestricted free agent even though they are already well over the salary cap next season. "This is my first team that gave me an opportunity. I love the guys here," Clark said. "The organization and the style of play fits me. I really want to stay here."

From a couple of months ago, but that's what he said to the LA Times
Question: if Lakers are up 3-0 to the Miami Heat in the NBA finals. Do you dress Kobe during the clinching game and play him 1 minute so he be on the court celebrating with the players? Also so he can on record be part of the finals team
Question: if Lakers are up 3-0 to the Miami Heat in the NBA finals. Do you dress Kobe during the clinching game and play him 1 minute so he be on the court celebrating with the players? Also so he can on record be part of the finals team

You're kidding right?

He's already part of the team.

Lets make it to the playoffs, first.
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It's up to them to close it out.  Only guaranteed way is for them to win.  Let's see how bad Howard wants to stay a Laker.
I'd just overpay him for one year as opposed to a multiple year deal worth less yearly.

QFT. Got to keep the 2014 plan intact in case things go awry with Dwight and Bean.

Maybe Nash should just retire after this year. His body can't take it anymore.
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Los Angeles Lakers guard Steve Nash underwent an MRI exam, which confirmed several preexisting issues related to his hip and back, which are causing nerve irritation and contributing to his hamstring pain and weakness. Nash received an epidural injection this morning, and will not play in tomorrow night’s game against the Houston Rockets. It is hopeful that he will be able to return to play in the next several days.
I think it comes off the books and he gets a percentage, could be wrong though.

:lol: @ Nash "next several days" tomorrow could be the last day of the season *throws papers in the air again*
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61. What are the rules for retired players? What if the player suffers a career-ending injury?

There's nothing binding about a player announcing his retirement. The player can still sign a new contract and continue playing (if he's not under contract), or return to his team (if he is still under contract) and resume his career.

The only exception to this is when a player is still under contract, wants to quit, and his team doesn't want to let him out of his contract. Under these circumstances the player can file for retirement with the league. The player is placed on the league's Voluntarily Retired list (see question number 77), forgoes his remaining salary, and cannot return to the league for one year. The latter requirement prevents players from using retirement as an underhanded way to change teams, and can be overridden with unanimous approval from all 30 teams. For example, guard Jason Williams signed with the LA Clippers in August 2008, then changed his mind the following month, announcing his retirement. He applied for reinstatement in early 2009, but his request was denied by a vote of 24-6. Williams later signed with the Orlando Magic once the one-year anniversary of his retirement announcement had passed.

Any money paid to a player is included in team salary, even if the player is no longer playing or has retired.

There is one exception whereby a player can continue to receive his salary, but the salary is excluded from team salary. This is when a player suffers a career-ending injury or illness. The team must waive the player, and can apply for this salary exclusion on the one-year anniversary of the last game in which the player played1. Only the player's team at the time the injury or illness was discovered (or reasonably should have been discovered) can apply for this salary exclusion.

The determination as to whether an injury or illness is career ending is made by a physician jointly selected by the league and players association. The determination is based on whether the injury or illness will prevent the player from playing for the remainder of his career, or if it is severe enough that continuing to play constitutes a medically unacceptable risk.

If the injury exclusion is granted, the player's salary is removed from the team salary effective:

If the player played 10 or more games1 that season, on the one-year anniversary of the player's last game.
If the player played fewer than 10 games1 that season, 60 days after his last game, or the one-year anniversary of his last game in the previous season, whichever is later.
If the player "proves the doctors wrong" and resumes his career, then his salary is returned to the team salary when he plays in his 25th game1 in any one season, for any team. This allows a player to attempt to resume his career without affecting his previous team unless his comeback is ultimately successful. If the 25th game was a playoff game, then the player's salary is returned to the cap effective on the date of the team's last regular season game (i.e., the returned salary counts toward the luxury tax).

There are a few additional nuances to the salary exclusion:

If the player resumes his career and his salary is returned to the team salary, the team can re-apply for the salary exclusion under the same rules (including the rules for the waiting period).
If a player retires, even for medical reasons, his team does not receive a salary cap exception to acquire a replacement player.
A team cannot apply for this salary exclusion if they have applied for a Disabled Player exception (see question number 25) that season, whether the exception was granted or not.
If this salary exclusion is granted, the team cannot re-sign or re-acquire the player at any time.
This salary exclusion can be used when a player dies while under contract.
1 They count only regular season and playoff games, and do not count preseason games. This was not specified prior to the 2011 CBA. During the 2008-09 season Darius Miles (whose salary was excluded from Portland's cap) played in 10 games for Boston and Memphis (the limit was 10 games at the time), which included preseason games. The league counted the preseason games toward the total, and returned Miles' salary to Portland's cap.
[quote name="Teamlakers909"]Question: if Lakers are up 3-0 to the Miami Heat in the NBA finals. Do you dress Kobe during the clinching game and play him 1 minute so he be on the court celebrating with the players? Also so he can on record be part of the finals team[/quote]Bless your heart.
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