
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
:rolleyes  I'm just speaking as a fan of the NBA...

And its true, healthy Nash with solid practice time with Dwight and Pau... or any other capable PF....... cake all day.

naw im just poking fun at the fact that you are a two face in the sense that at times you bash the lakers then act like you want to be a fan and be cordial.

One minute you are contemplating joining the lakers nation the next your shedding tears for the return of doo doo and wanting the lakers to get swept :lol:

its all in fun though dude...................................until the return.......of the sonics happens and you have no where to go :wink:


and nash is done.... practice wont do nothing for his body. hes playing like a broken man out there...
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I love how fans react when their team loses. They're the first ones to highlight every mistake and claim how bad they are, but once they win they're cheerleaders again. 
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Can't lie, This team is trying, the Lakers are putting in everything they have.

They're just not that good, many issues going on with this team. Before the season they signed players to win a championship, but at the same time they traded for Dwight to rebuild. It's impossible to rebuild and win championships at the same time. Lakers Front Office needs to start rebuild mode immediately after this season is over.
I love how fans react when their team loses. They're the first ones to highlight every mistake and claim how bad they are, but once they win they're cheerleaders again. 

Welcome to the world of Sports buddy.
It's been this way for the last century, about time you noticed.
Can't lie, This team is trying, the Lakers are putting in everything they have.

They're just not that good, many issues going on with this team. Before the season they signed players to win a championship, but at the same time they traded for Dwight to rebuild. It's impossible to rebuild and win championships at the same time. Lakers Front Office needs to start rebuild mode immediately after this season is over.

You think Kobe is going to be OK playing his last year on a team that 's rebuilding? Hell, he's going to be rehabbing just to play this last year, no way he's doing all that work to "rebuild."



You think Kobe is going to be OK playing his last year on a team that 's rebuilding? Hell, he's going to be rehabbing just to play this last year, no way he's doing all that work to "rebuild."




I'll agree with that, he's not going to be okay with it. Kobe's wishes and demands will be holding this team back next year as well.
Can't lie, This team is trying, the Lakers are putting in everything they have.

They're just not that good, many issues going on with this team. Before the season they signed players to win a championship, but at the same time they traded for Dwight to rebuild. It's impossible to rebuild and win championships at the same time. Lakers Front Office needs to start rebuild mode immediately after this season is over.
We are slowly rebuilding. Meeks, Morris, Hill and Clark are all decent. Metta is a free agent, and I hope we don't resign him, and Jamison might not come back. We just need some money to go after decent players, because we're not getting rid of  Pau yet. We're not going to be able to completely rebuild until Kobe is gone. 
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Kobe + Pau + Dwight = $70 Mil Next season. Don't see how they can keep all 3 and add the pieces they need.

Lakers Mgt. needs to stop playing, and just give Phil what he wants now.
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This season is a joke. Our coaching hires have been a joke.

All the talent in the world and management decides Dantoni is the best fit for this roster.

That's akin to overpaying for a Bugatti Veyron and putting Regular 87 in the tank. It's going to break down...

Makes me really, really mad.
Jerry West Defends D’Antoni's Job Performance With Lakers

Apr 25, 2013 11:47 AM EDT

Jerry West came out in support of Mike D'Antoni, who has received criticism after the Los Angeles Lakers squeaked into the playoffs with a 45-37 record.

"I think there's been far too much criticism of Mike [D'Antoni]," West said.

"I think it's grossly unfair to him. He inherited a team that had a bunch of injuries," West said. "He inherited a team without a training camp. I think he's done a nice job, to be honest with you.

"Fans and analysts have urged the Lakers to pound the ball into the post.

"All these social media things about throw the ball inside -- you have to be able make shots from the outside if you're going to be able to make shots from the inside," West said.

Via Eric Pincus/Los Angeles Times
The "pound the ball into the post" idea is great, if you have shooters to spread the floor.

You think Dwight & Gasol wants to kick out the ball to Metta, Clark, or Morris behind the 3?

This team even after 82+ games cannot for the life of them, play help defense.

On top of that, even if we dump it in over and over, why would the Spurs need to worry about shooters? They collapse every time. Dwight isn't being allowed to go one on one with Duncan, the Spurs send someone else to help EVERY play. And they should.

I have a theory, but we'd get KILLED on defense, but to add some shooting, try Nash, Goudelock, Meeks, and then Clark and Dwight.

That's our best shooting lineup. We would get murked on D, but maybe Dwight/Earl can help just runnin around. If Hill was healthy, he'd be solid too for the defensive side, but Earl adds more spacing than Hill does.
Wow Blake out, and Nash and Meeks doubtful...

What is our lineup going to be?


With a bench of Duhon, Clark, Sacre, Ebanks, and Hill?

Duhon is going to get in before Ebanks hahah.

I hope they fight hard, but if there was any a time to forfeit this would be it. Even EVEEEEEEEEEEEN if they win this round which is not going to happen, this hobbled team would just hurt itself going forward playing another series.

Not even mad though, at least we'll have youth out there for the most part, and maybe they will show us something. At this point this is a lost series might as well try something different
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