
Watching the Rams blow that opportunity to get the W and seeing the Seahawks squeak out another game they should have lost had me all :smh: and like:

Tank was activated and in turn Jermaine Cunningham was released. Im ready to see what he can do. Its about time for our roster to get all these guys weve been waiting for. :pimp:
How the **** do you rush for over 200+ yards as a team and don't go for one more? They were doing work last night, and then they decided not to work anymore. They don't have a rushing TD all year and at the most perfect time to get it, they don't even try :smh:

Zac Stacy was absolutely shredding that Seattle defense, he had what 130 yards? You HAVE to give him the ball in that situation. Big physical back who was tearing it up needed just 1 yard to win the game, and they line him out wide? :smh:

Zac Stacy got hurt on the last drive. :frown:
Also, we need to work on our pass rush. Henne had all day on some throws. 0 sacks today.

QFT. I thought I was the only one who saw this. No sacks on Henne? C'mon. And please, GET RID OF KYLE WILLIAMS. He's a waste of a life. Why isn't LMJ returning punts/kick offs? LMJ was key to our victory against the Pats last year. He can definitely return.
Kyle Williams is one of those "club house/locker room guys" he probably makes the best Gatorade or something.
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i think the reason we haven't parted ways with Kyle Williams is that Harbaugh doesn't want to fracture the unity of the team.

If he just went ahead and cut Williams after the loss to the Giants, the team might not feel all the trusting of Harbaugh.

We might have the tight locker room that we have today if Harbaugh doesn't tacitly demonstrate acceptance and tolerance.

Same kind of posturing with Aldon. Don't shun people with problems, cause that will show the team that you're willing to cut your loses to make yourself look good.

I personally dislike Williams, but wonder if the message that would be sent to the players is worth satisfying a few fans.

Just get LMJ in there, though. That will solve problems.

As far as faves of the season, I have to go with Eric Reid, VD, and Frank Goretality.
You can't just "get LMJ in there". Who gets deactivated on game day? There is little fat to trim. We still have a handful of people coming off the PUP list and once those are activated there will be no fat left. The reason LMJ is inactive is because he has no role on this team at the moment. He isn't good enough to be the 2nd RB and hasn't shown enough to beat out KW for kickoff/punt duties.
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Combine that with the injuries on the DLine and that is why LMJ gets no burn. He will be eased in shortly though.
LMJ just landed in the wrong situation with our stable of RB's, dude could be a good #2 RB somewhere in the L. Next year will be even worse with Lattimore playing next year. He needed to make an impact on returns.
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Would have liked that to be Kyle Williams who was waived, but whatever.  I am with you guys who are on the LMJ returning kicks train.  But punts?  I dont know about that.  He has never been a punt returner.  Hasnt been one in his short NFL career.  Wasnt one in college.  Cant really comment about high school or pee wee. 

But, at this point in his career, he is NOT a punt returner.
KW time will come once Crabs is ready.

I agree with you on LMJ. LMJ had a couple dropped punts during preseason when he was asked to field punts. I think Parrish Cox would get the nod at the moment over LMJ. I still want to see Darryl Morris given a shot on kick off returns. Let's put the fastest player on the team to good use.
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Hey WCF.......

You watching the Laker game? 
:nerd: Aldon could be back as early as Panthers game after our bye. Dude is out of rehab and was at the 49ers facility yesterday.
Honestly not sure how much anyone who gets super hyphy, goes to work still hyphy, then goes to rehab and gets out in little over a month can learn.

It takes a lot to unlearn how to achieve super hyphy.

It's a state of mind. An enlightened state.

I've done the same kind of crap Aldon has and I'm pretty sure he's down to pull that again at some point.

Hope he's still sharp.
^ post to SN ratio very strong. One more of these run-ins and he could be dead or could harm/kill someone else. This is bigger than the NFL. Who knows if he has learned his lesson, hope he has and hope he comes back when he's ready, I would think the 49ers would be smart enough to not rush him back when if he's not mentally or physically ready. No one knows Aldon better than his family thats why I'm sure Jim Harbaugh choose to speak with his mom. This could be very well his last chance hope he realizes it and takes advantage of it.
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Idk, as a fan i want him to come back asap. But if it just means next season he will get into trouble, no. But in harbaugh we trust, hopefully hes good now. Isnt he on bail?
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