
RIP Sleazyy Dont feed the troll bro

it's fun sometimes :lol:

you said nut cases, and made a tin foil reference. you are baiting. you're baiting MORE in the response, why does anyone have to be an "immature brat"? you didn't say that without pondering who would respond and when.

I don't care what he said, b. I'm talking about you. if you didn't like what he said then report it.

stop complaining in a CONSPIRACY THREAD. go to the official thread, or go to CNN or whoever's comment boxes and chastise them for repeatedly releasing false information throughout this ordeal.

I mean it's that or post something of some substance. everyone arguing against the theories posted here is doing it simply by saying "no that's wrong" or just outright insulting whoever posted the theory. how about you formulate a thought and post that instead?

or are you all down for whatever official stories come out? if that's the case why the hell are you in this thread?

oh and I haven't stated who I agree with in here. my minds made up. I don't care who did it or why, I just care about what the outcome will be.

see this is the problem. you already chose your side and what not so arguing with you is worthless. your past posts in this thread already indicate what side you are on.

he was attacking an invisible character. Who exactly came out and said they believe everything the media said was 100% true? NOBODY. NO ONE. Yet what was brought up? Blind trust...

if i were really baiting him i would have reported him but i didnt. he needs to act more mature instead pulling out his hair and calling names.

NOW did you not see the article that was used to start this thread? You know the one that recycles the pic? That is believable to you?

Didnt think so.

I am all for things that make sense. I believe in aliens and the government not saying anything because of not wanting to cause mass panick

But when someone says they saw a north korean missile smash into the side of a fertilizer plant in texas in a youtube video?

lol no. just no.

Chose a side? my side is ignoring conspiracy theories that pop up within hours of an event happening. what I have done, and will continue doing, is saying that lawmakers WILL USE these events to draw up new regulations involving the events under the guise of "safety".

reporting him wouldn't be baiting him, he wouldn't even know you reported him...

I saw the pic on the first page and thought it was complete BS. that's why it's in a conspiracy theory thread. it obviously has a explanation. but didn't that picture come from a news source?

many conspiracies are started by the media. sometimes on purpose, sometimes on accident. we gather evidence, we learn, we put things together, we figure out how much of the truth is the truth and how much is questionable. mainstream media has been reporting things that were outright lies and misdirections. I don't know if I need to say it again but a journalist literally said "kill them all" in reference to Muslim people.

I can think critically and say "wow he really jumped to a conclusion there" but there were THOUSANDS of people on Twitter pissed off at the guy and then there were people who immediately agreed with him. there are people right back on the "kill the Muslims" bandwagon because of a series of tweets from a guy who knew jack ****.

your problem, and a lot of other people's problem here, is that you think everyone is arguing. there is no argument.

someone said a missile hit that fertilizer plant though? :lol: :lol:

What's funny about this thread is that it was made to keep conspiracies out of the major thread.... However since the cops have this escapade going on people are in there saying things like.

He could've planted them days ago (In response to the other bombs "supposedly" found around the city

Forget the fact that the bombing happened 5 days ago and law enforcement has been EVERYWHERE in Boston for the past 5 days.

It would make all the sense in the world for him to dip Boston by car. Sadly, I think he's on his way to another city. I'm sure this took months of preparation. When something like this goes down you need to be 10 steps ahead.

This is probably why they keep reporting to look for different cars. This dude keeps changing cars to lose trail.

Once again a NATIONAL fugitive is in a locked down city switching cars with thousands of law enforcement officers looking for him in broad daylight. Or the ever so well planned robbery of the 7/11... how about the masterful esca..... oh wait he still in boston 5 days later.

I wish people would stop saying that he is working alone. He is not working alone, an organization is working with this kid. A student said he had a conversation with him yesterday on Dartmouth Campus.

The totally truthful and devout word of sir. A Student... who had a convo with the kid as he was being posted upon every website in america... maybe he was setting up his ***** plans also.

im starting to think these two were approached by a bigger group/organization... to fulfill these bombing and pose a threat to the US

In Response
It's possible. Maybe they offered tons of $$ to their family or blackmailed them or something. They just don't strike me as the typical psychopath serial killers. Then again, I'm speculating off pictures and 3rd party accounts.

Yea that's totally reasonable an unknown group has funded the two young men who took a great interest in Max B and surely robbed a 7/11 not for money and a vehicle but for the greatness of their slushies.

Now this is all in the REGULAR thread where all the level headed non conspiracy theorist are located............... It's okay to speculate and makeup events as long as your not involving it with the government huh?

My comment is dumb about the government setting off bombs in broad daylight with literally thousands of cameras in a 2-3 block radius and these guys are out there wearing the same outfit with "detonators" 3 times the size of my TV remote? Really?

I'm not just laughing at "conspiracy theorists"... I'm laughing because its a TERRIBLE theory.

The "military grade explosives" isn't even what I've been talking about.  Its the detonator.  A govt funded operation could figure out how to rig up a cell phone detonation which wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities to keep their operatives from standing 100 feet away in the middle of the street.  Or maybe... I don't know... A timer?

Answer me this:

Which would make it more obvious of military involvement?

A) Uniformed men standing in the middle of the street with detonators?
B) Higher tech detonator that would make it impossible for "government agents" to have 50 pictures taken of them as they set off 2 bombs in broad daylight?

Bro, the pic said "possible detonator" and you cover your eyes and ears about everything else because that doesn't add up to YOU. I don't even think you necessarily have to assume these Craft people were behind it or planted the bombs or that what the dude was holding was a detonator. Isn't it curious to you that they were there at all? That they were literally standing on the blast site within in a few minutes of the explosion. Spectators aren't able to assemble an entire uniformed team with mobile command unit moments after an unexpected event. These are not law enforcement, they are not hired security, that is not what they do.
I guess these 2 kids that have now killed an officer and have been on the run are just under instructions by the government?  Every single one of the hundreds of police/state troopers/FBI are all in on this too?

They've all been just letting this 19 year old "get away" until Friday where they could shut a city down and capture him?

But it's not at all odd to you that a 19 year old kid with his face on every channel is able to evade capture from these hundreds of law enforcement officials, not to mention military and national guard now. Theres frikin armored cars patrolling the streets. I mean, it's absurd looking at the amount of manpower it is taking to get this KID. Clearly he has help.
I don't know how he still isn't found... Maybe they thought they had the trail and ended up in Watertown but hes no longer there.

Is it not a fact that the kid and his brother were at the bomb site?  Is there not a picture of White hat with a bag at his feet at the bomb site?

Is it not a fact that they were immediately on the run?  Did they not rob a convenient store?  Did they not kill a campus officer?

If they were "set up" would they have done those things?
I don't know how he still isn't found... Maybe they thought they had the trail and ended up in Watertown but hes no longer there.

Is it not a fact that the kid and his brother were at the bomb site?  Is there not a picture of White hat with a bag at his feet at the bomb site?

Is it not a fact that they were immediately on the run?  Did they not rob a convenient store?  Did they not kill a campus officer?

If they were "set up" would they have done those things?

I'm hearing they might have been just trying to use ATM, but who know now..
As requested, the conspiracies are to be discussed in another thread, so ill start off 

So what exactly is the conspiracy?

That she faked her death at the shooting, had a new identity, moved to Boston and died at the marathon?
Nah they're taking the "actors" route like they did in Newtown... That the shooting and all that never really happened and that it was all government actors.  Not sure why you would need actors for a bombing in broad daylight but the conspiracy goons whos mission it is to find "plot holes" salivate over this kind of stuff... Someone in the production room probably pulled up the wrong picture, or the image on the right never even aired and it is tampered with.



Reminds me of part of the 9/11 theories and the plane crash in Penn (I think that's where that plane crashed, the one where the passengers allegedly overpowered the hijackers from getting to it's destination) where the conspiracy was that the debris weren't that of a plane crash and that no plane crashed at all and what really happened was it was faked and all those ppl on the plane are alive and just got disappeared by the gov't or the gov't killed them all a different way.
Yeah that whole "flight never really crashed" which would insinuate that the government executed like 150 people that were on board was a good one too.
I don't know how he still isn't found... Maybe they thought they had the trail and ended up in Watertown but hes no longer there.

Is it not a fact that the kid and his brother were at the bomb site?  Is there not a picture of White hat with a bag at his feet at the bomb site?

Is it not a fact that they were immediately on the run?  Did they not rob a convenient store?  Did they not kill a campus officer?

If they were "set up" would they have done those things?

I am pretty sure they had more evidence than pics of them at the scene with bags before they decided to put their faces all over the news. I don't know what led them to these 2 kids, no one does. At this point it's pretty obvious they were involved in some capacity. You don't necessarily have to assume the fact that these Craft people were there means the kids had nothing to do with it, and that they were the ones that actually carried it out. It is a fact they were there, and they were there on business. At an event that supposedly no one knew was going to happen. Seems a bit odd. You don't have to jump to wild conclusions based on information people post just because thats what the crazies do. Be objective with what is presented, you don't need to try to pull facts out of conjecture or formulate an open and shut case , just take it all in and evaluate.

State Police just confirmed they did not rob the 7/11. They were coincidentally at a 7//11 which was robbed and were seen on the surveillance footage.
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Answer me this:

Which would make it more obvious of military involvement?

A) Uniformed men standing in the middle of the street with detonators?

B) Higher tech detonator that would make it impossible for "government agents" to have 50 pictures taken of them as they set off 2 bombs in broad daylight?
Seriously?  Answer A is what that picture is trying to explain and people are still brushing it off, so it really isn't that obvious.  I'm not saying those men were involved, but if they were then look at how no one else except "conspiracy theorists" are suspicious of them...
Been thinking of ways this would benefit the government's agenda.

Been known that they've wanted to invade people's privacy, and have more freedom to monitor the citizens through the big brother philosophy (whether it be drones, cameras, cyber monitoring etc)

This is incident could be to possibly push that idea.

It's a win/win for them in the sense that

A) if they catch them on camera, "we were right see we caught them on camera, this situation proves that"

B) if they don't catch them on camera "we need more cameras and a system to better monitor the people for when situations like this do happen"
Been thinking of ways this would benefit the government's agenda.

Been known that they've wanted to invade people's privacy, and have more freedom to monitor the citizens through the big brother philosophy (whether it be drones, cameras, cyber monitoring etc)

This is incident could be to possibly push that idea.

It's a win/win for them in the sense that

A) if they catch them on camera, "we were right see we caught them on camera, this situation proves that"

B) if they don't catch them on camera "we need more cameras and a system to better monitor the people for when situations like this do happen"

Mother Says The FBI Kept Tabs On Her Oldest Son for 5 yrs.

interesting indeed..........
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Answer me this:

Which would make it more obvious of military involvement?

A) Uniformed men standing in the middle of the street with detonators?

B) Higher tech detonator that would make it impossible for "government agents" to have 50 pictures taken of them as they set off 2 bombs in broad daylight?
Seriously?  Answer A is what that picture is trying to explain and people are still brushing it off, so it really isn't that obvious.  I'm not saying those men were involved, but if they were then look at how no one else except "conspiracy theorists" are suspicious of them...
Ahhh yes... Hiding in plain sight is the plan.  It's so obvious that no one will question it and they'll just chase these suspects that are running and killing cops for no reason.

I got it now.
Well, this thread is dead now.


Keep fighting the dumb fight fellas
Yea ol boy getting caught hiding out in a boat wont stop these guys... Alex Jones still gonna harp on the dudes in uniform, you can bet on that.
Well, this thread is dead now.


Keep fighting the dumb fight fellas :wink:
Yea ol boy getting caught hiding out in a boat wont stop these guys... Alex Jones still gonna harp on the dudes in uniform, you can bet on that.

Anyone could play the "He did it!" card. It's not a difficult concept.

*Government plans attack*
*People want to know who did it*
*He did it!*

I still don't have an opinion, but having a suspect means nothing. %70 of the prisoners in out jails are innocent, or wrongly imprisoned. So having a criminal means nothing to me,
Well, this thread is dead now.


Keep fighting the dumb fight fellas :wink:
Yea ol boy getting caught hiding out in a boat wont stop these guys... Alex Jones still gonna harp on the dudes in uniform, you can bet on that.

Anyone could play the "He did it!" card. It's not a difficult concept.

*Government plans attack*
*People want to know who did it*
*He did it!*

I still don't have an opinion, but having a suspect means nothing. %70 of the prisoners in out jails are innocent, or wrongly imprisoned. So having a criminal means nothing to me,

70% of prisoners are innocent?

[citation needed}
Anyone could play the "He did it!" card. It's not a difficult concept.

*Government plans attack*
*People want to know who did it*
*He did it!*

I still don't have an opinion, but having a suspect means nothing. %70 of the prisoners in out jails are innocent, or wrongly imprisoned. So having a criminal means nothing to me,

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