
Well, this thread is dead now.


Keep fighting the dumb fight fellas :wink:
Yea ol boy getting caught hiding out in a boat wont stop these guys... Alex Jones still gonna harp on the dudes in uniform, you can bet on that.

Anyone could play the "He did it!" card. It's not a difficult concept.

*Government plans attack*
*People want to know who did it*
*He did it!*

I still don't have an opinion, but having a suspect means nothing. %70 of the prisoners in out jails are innocent, or wrongly imprisoned. So having a criminal means nothing to me,

70% of prisoners are innocent?

[citation needed}

Just a wild number I threw out for exaggeration. The actual number is about %5. Which is 20,000+ individuals. A large number, far from 70 percent, but large :lol:.
Anyone could play the "He did it!" card. It's not a difficult concept.

*Government plans attack*
*People want to know who did it*
*He did it!*

I still don't have an opinion, but having a suspect means nothing. %70 of the prisoners in out jails are innocent, or wrongly imprisoned. So having a criminal means nothing to me,

View media item 374273

Your post has a strong correlation with my Avy.

Either way, I am un phased by your gif comedy.

Do my words not ring true? Can one not easily place the blame on another to hide the real truth? It happens often.

It's better to look at both sides instead of choosing one. It opens doors for learning, and better solutions.
Ahhh yes... Hiding in plain sight is the plan.  It's so obvious that no one will question it and they'll just chase these suspects that are running and killing cops for no reason.

I got it now.
Is that not happening now?  Ignorance is bliss...
That's a part of the sarcasm, champ.

How do you explain the 2 brothers killing campus police? They just said "Oh ****... Were suspects? Better run from the authorities and kill those who get in our way!"

What am I ignorant to?  I know that those "craft international" guys were there.  I also know that the 2 guys that ended up stealing cars and having gun battles with police were there.  Oh, and they had backpack's... and were brothers but happened to be walking 10-15 feet apart from each other at all times... and went to each bomb site... and have pictures with a backpack next to their feet literally less than 5 feet from the small boy that was killed and his sister who had her legs blown off.

So again, what am I being ignorant about? Because there is a pretty significant gap between anything that suggests that your Craft Intl boys had anything to do with it and the evidence that these 2 guys did.

So what happened? These poor sapps were conned into dropping the package and the Craft boys pulled the triggers on their "detonators" (which turned out to be radiation detectors reported by your very own natural news...)?  If so - They really messed this plot up because Djokhar would have been much more useful to the plan if he were dead right now... Not in the hospital with non lifethreatening injuries.
Before another response on how I am incorrect I'd like you to read up on False Flag Terrorism.

Mother Says The FBI Kept Tabs On Her Oldest Son for 5 yrs.

interesting indeed..........

View media item 374171

Not believing any of that for a damn second....I chalk that up to a mother not being able to comprehend how her little boys could grow up to do such a terrible thing. I understand where shes coming from but to say that you straight up don't believe it happened w/ them throwing bombs and firing at police? >D If they were truly innocent or wanted to clear their name they wouldve done just as the young man in the blue shirt did who got accused on the cover of the Post and emphatically state they had no involvement. Innocent or scared people don't go through allll that trouble b/c they're spooked. Dzhokar from all accounts spoke perfect english and was basically a normal kid but people can change over the course of time or have secret lives...simply saying you don't believe it just isn't enough, no parent would want to believe their kid was a part of this.
Ahhh yes... Hiding in plain sight is the plan.  It's so obvious that no one will question it and they'll just chase these suspects that are running and killing cops for no reason.

I got it now.
Is that not happening now?  Ignorance is bliss...
That's a part of the sarcasm, champ.

How do you explain the 2 brothers killing campus police? They just said "Oh ****... Were suspects? Better run from the authorities and kill those who get in our way!"

What am I ignorant to?
Instead of us going back-and-forth, I'll just put my tin foil hat on and you can proudly raise your American flag and salute our men in uniform as they walk by knowing they, as well as our government, are protecting YOUR freedom and have YOUR best interest in mind. "You" being one of the many citizens worth less than $1,000,000,000, that is.  And the next time you are overcome with pride, well, here...

What's funny about this thread is that it was made to keep conspiracies out of the major thread.... However since the cops have this escapade going on people are in there saying things like.

He could've planted them days ago (In response to the other bombs "supposedly" found around the city

Forget the fact that the bombing happened 5 days ago and law enforcement has been EVERYWHERE in Boston for the past 5 days.

It would make all the sense in the world for him to dip Boston by car. Sadly, I think he's on his way to another city. I'm sure this took months of preparation. When something like this goes down you need to be 10 steps ahead.

This is probably why they keep reporting to look for different cars. This dude keeps changing cars to lose trail.

Once again a NATIONAL fugitive is in a locked down city switching cars with thousands of law enforcement officers looking for him in broad daylight. Or the ever so well planned robbery of the 7/11... how about the masterful esca..... oh wait he still in boston 5 days later.

I wish people would stop saying that he is working alone. He is not working alone, an organization is working with this kid. A student said he had a conversation with him yesterday on Dartmouth Campus.

The totally truthful and devout word of sir. A Student... who had a convo with the kid as he was being posted upon every website in america... maybe he was setting up his ***** plans also.

im starting to think these two were approached by a bigger group/organization... to fulfill these bombing and pose a threat to the US

In Response
It's possible. Maybe they offered tons of $$ to their family or blackmailed them or something. They just don't strike me as the typical psychopath serial killers. Then again, I'm speculating off pictures and 3rd party accounts.

Yea that's totally reasonable an unknown group has funded the two young men who took a great interest in Max B and surely robbed a 7/11 not for money and a vehicle but for the greatness of their slushies.

Now this is all in the REGULAR thread where all the level headed non conspiracy theorist are located............... It's okay to speculate and makeup events as long as your not involving it with the government huh?

View media item 374466
man im speechless, i dont want it to be true, but the government has been known to do things to push their agenda

That's exactly what it is.

"Problem, reaction, solution"

It's a trip how easy they pull this stuff off and fool so many people.:smh: I can't lie though. If you are out of touch with how they really get down and caught up in all the distractions they feed you then I can see how you can be blind but still not an excuse. Once you see how they really operate, these things are super easy to detect. Soon as I heard about the initial report, I knew what time it was. Almost surprised they didn't use a couple north koreans as the patsies :rolleyes

They are literally playing a video game with this world on "cheat mode". :smh:

Good post OP
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I'm not sure if this was posted already or not but I found it interesting. Read entire thread.

Emergency Medical Technician explains why legless guy is an actor :

"This is the stuff they don't want us to see. Please share this information with everyone you know.

(Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)

I've studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I've been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa's. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.

Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis."

Iamjusayn :rolleyes

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What if these guys were given 100,000 to drop off backpacks at a certain spot? No questions asked?

Then once they drop the bags off they get phone calls telling them to be at a certain spot or face certain death/each others brother would be killed

Hollywood could twist this in a way that would have you guys in awe
What if these guys were given 100,000 to drop off backpacks at a certain spot? No questions asked?

Then once they drop the bags off they get phone calls telling them to be at a certain spot or face certain death/each others brother would be killed

Hollywood could twist this in a way that would have you guys in awe
pass the
Why is it that every time we have a disaster or mass murder, people want to scream CONSPIRACY? There are countries where stuff like this happens all the time. Can you guys not accept the fact that there are actual crazy people in the world that do crazy things?
Underestimating somebody's potential only shows ignorance.

"Blame is just a lazy person's way of making sense of chaos." Doug Coupland
I hope I dont come off as a conspiracy theorist. I’m just a thinker who doesn’t eat everything thats served. If we ever get truth, it usually not in full.

I post in here for the lolz, reps, and I believe its healthy to explore other alternative vantage points on matters because the media is easily controlled, and not everything gets reported.

Most things that have changed our world happened in secret
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IF IT WAS, they would just play it off as a conspiracy theory and say anyone who disagrees is either brain dead or a terrorist. as is usually the case for anyone who questions any "official story".

IF IT WAS a setup, what news organization would report it? have you noticed what happens to whistleblowers in this country? they end up on the run, or locked in a prison off US soil without a trial.

have you never asked yourself why this country is seemingly at war with people who simply want to televise the truth? hell, at war with the people in general?

Always punking people! :smh:

I'm always taken aback when I see how much our military is literally in almost every country on this planet :smh: in plain sight and covert. Just ridiculous. Yet in the us we don't have to worry about foreign military posted outside our homes. Imagine how you would react to let's say uh, North Korea's military posted outside your home.

It's also crazy how almost every little detail is coldly calculated to a science.

There is no such thing as a "coincidence". :wink:
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Why is it that every time we have a disaster or mass murder, people want to scream CONSPIRACY?

because people want to feel as if their opinion or belief is far superior than the norm.

they get a sense of accomplishment by belittling people that do not agree with them

the "sheep" as they say
conspiracy: A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful or the action of plotting or conspiring.

seeing as how the 'evidence put forth' fits the definition of a conspiracy to a t, i wish folks that label others as 'conspiracy theorists' would grow some balls & just say what's really on their mind

it's just like with ufos - we've all seen objects in the sky we couldn't readily identify - but if one asks 'do you believe in ufos?' sometimes what they really mean is 'do you believe in little green martians? you crazy sob!'

the bombing was most likely a conspiracy committed by some group of people, whether it's these two or more or not these two at all
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