
So defense budget cut s lead to psychological fear so that the contractors get more money because every scared person would want. To prevent this from happening again which means that the cuts need to be undone?
So let me get this straight because I don't watch tv and did not see when they found ole boy in the boat but the reason they found him hiding in the boat was because his pops ratted him out? He went to school that Wednesday then when he found out he was wanted he went to hide, is that right? Did they mention why the two suspects were at the marathon, just curious? Did they participate or just fond of marathons?

Also, are the two suspects russian? I'm hearing stuff about blaming it on muslims.
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You signed up a few days ago solely to antagonize posters theorizing about the Boston bombing? Out of your 250 posts in 4 days how many would you say were about the bombing? 200? 225? Oh and the pic is not shopped by the way but I would have thought were smart enough to come up with something better than that.

We don't know but I think his autopsy shows it.
The dude on twitter was saying suspect #2 was scared thats why he ran and that its normal for 19 year olds who are innocent to be scared and lead manhunts for 24 hours.
Looks like I have some fans in the post questioning how many times I should post in a thread. The majority of my posts came between thursday and friday morning which were tweets from people arund the scenes. Who cares what I post? Majority of it isnt garbage like most of you conspiracy people. Today I got a bit out of hand but thats cause dudes were trolling.
So let me get this straight because I don't watch tv and did not see when they found ole boy in the boat but the reason they found him hiding in the boat was because his pops ratted him out? He went to school that Wednesday then when he found out he was wanted he went to hide, is that right? Did they mention why the two suspects were at the marathon, just curious? Did they participate or just fond of marathons?

Also, are the two suspects russian? I'm hearing stuff about blaming it on muslims.

The FBI released their photos on thursday. They felt the heat and went on the run.
They killed an MIT police officer thursday night and went on a chase. Big brother got killed and little bro got away.
Thursday night and Friday morning they basically shut down the greater Boston area and searched the areas they thought he was in.
FBI called off search at about 5:30 pst and they allowed people out of their homes.
One resident noticed his tarp on his boat flapping around.
He went out and noticed straps were cut on the boat. He opened up and saw suspect #2 curled up in a ball called police and this led to shootout number 2.
He was wounded and finally gave up.
They were islamic I believe.
Thanks. Ok so when the guy went out and saw his boat and suspect, the suspect did not see him and flee or he see him and decided to stay put?

Islamic? Really? Hmm, sheds a whole different light. I def feel this was a setup. Same plot every time :smh: Islamic suspects, martyrs, had prior training, we have proof/evidence but we are not showing it :rolleyes blah blah

That's all I needed to know especially the islamic part, thanks

Suspect #2 was exhausted so he stayed put but he knew time was running out which is why they got in fire fight.
They used thermal to see if he was alive. He wasnt willing to give himself up but something clicked and he walked out of boat after about an hour.
Suspect #2 was exhausted so he stayed put but he knew time was running out which is why they got in fire fight.
They used thermal to see if he was alive. He wasnt willing to give himself up but something clicked and he walked out of boat after about an hour.

Thanks. I accidentally erased my post trying to remove/edit a double post.
This is the conspiracy thread bruh...those updates add nothing to this thread really. That's regular Boston marathon thread material.

I'm cut from a different cloth...I don't report dudes.
This is the conspiracy thread bruh...those updates add nothing to this thread really. That's regular Boston marathon thread material.

I'm cut from a different cloth...I don't report dudes.

Oh so adding memes really is much better?
I never updated anybody in this thread except the occasional post here and there.
Oh hardcore man..hardcore.
Interesting videos

^ Dude's hella corny country accent on this video above is extra so beware :lol:

Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in Most 'Terrorist' Attacks!

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Your entire purpose reeks of Devil's's a few nters who just drop in here to post something that completely goes against the conspiracy structure of the thread.

Person A) there was a suspicious front license plate that indicates a connection to another terrorist group that seems to already have a pretty significant Presence throughout most of the major cities in he US.


Person B) so just because the license plate said terroista #1 he's a terroist?

You're playing the role of Person B.
The irony of me playing devils advocate when this is a conspiracy thread. LOL
To question common ideology? Jeez. ***** really got to people.
Serious question.
You really think that the license plate photo isnt photoshopped?
Patsies are MMA fighters...why the resurgence in the past decade or so for barbaric type sports?

They are preparing us for something even greater.

These dudes are home grown by America, and never forgot Bin Laden was a product of the United States.

They're planted here as we speak.

Of course as the war ends in Afghanistsn they're preparing us for the war that's about to be domestic in nature.

Martial law was real all along. The Patriotic Act was really the first step.

The shootings in the past year, to Jodi Arias, these events are all fabrications.

When I mention Jodi I'm talking about the media coverage. George Orwell was a mastermind.

I feel like If you're contributing to this thread that means you're in tune with it.

But this is based on fear, and the holy war is orchestrated by the government via false flag events as such. If its not to get people fearful and antagonistic towards each others religion, it's to keep people in fear. This **** was staged. How can two dudes pull this off?

What happened to the two men the media showed us in the black coats and boots in the beginning of the coverage. All of a sudden it switched to the brothers?

I don't care what dudes say Alex Jones was on to something.

Barack Hussein Obama...look at his middle name people.

It's right in front of us. Not a coincidence.

We who are called conspiracy theorist are just great critical thinkers.
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