
What about the bomb sniffing dogs at the marathon before it even started? But word is authorities knew nothing before hand...
:lol: @ "Who'd they steal the wheelchair from?"

For anyone that's never been to the Boston Marathon, they have hundreds of wheelchairs at the finish line for people who need immediate medical attention. There's elderly people pushing 80 running a marathon for christ sake. They have medical tents set up everywhere. But now there being an accessible wheelchair is sketchy? :stoneface:
What about the bomb sniffing dogs at the marathon before it even started? But word is authorities knew nothing before hand...

It makes me wonder if dogs can actually smell bombs/drugs or if they just react to their handlers and other people in the area.
It makes me wonder if dogs can actually smell bombs/drugs or if they just react to their handlers and other people in the area.

I see why you wonder. But I believe they really do, only cus I baked my whip up, then went to Walgreens. Came out the store and a pig mobile was parked out front bout 10-15 feet from where I exited the store. That bisssshh sticking out the window started spazzzzing the hell out like I was Mike Vick, and I owned its family. I looked, like wtf ? and the cops grabbed the reins calming her down from launching out that joint. Got to my whip bout 30ft away. Then I realized, ooohhh sshhhhhhh. Im sky as hell and that dog smells the goods. lol. :pimp:
Taken down 
It makes me wonder if dogs can actually smell bombs/drugs or if they just react to their handlers and other people in the area.

I see why you wonder. But I believe they really do, only cus I baked my whip up, then went to Walgreens. Came out the store and a pig mobile was parked out front bout 10-15 feet from where I exited the store. That bisssshh sticking out the window started spazzzzing the hell out like I was Mike Vick, and I owned its family. I looked, like wtf ? and the cops grabbed the reins calming her down from launching out that joint. Got to my whip bout 30ft away. Then I realized, ooohhh sshhhhhhh. Im sky as hell and that dog smells the goods. lol. :pimp:


Dogs bark at people anyways.They definitely aren't very good at it. I think that they react to their handlers.
i want to post the videos ive seen, but people dont want to open their eyes :smh:

opening eyes =/= believing every conspiracy video on youtube

So the government, organizations, or whoever, are capable, secretive, and clever enough to pull off false flags and hoaxes.. But they wouldn't think to use a different person's picture or identity in their hoax?

i want to post the videos ive seen, but people dont want to open their eyes :smh:

opening eyes =/= believing every conspiracy video on youtube

So the government, organizations, or whoever, are capable, secretive, and clever enough to pull off false flags and hoaxes.. But they wouldn't think to use a different person's picture or identity in their hoax?



You are basically proving that they can be as sloppy as they want, and people still won't believe it. :lol:

If you always believe the official story, and that your government is always just, and that people don't conspire to make things happen, then you are just as bad as the people who think that everything is a conspiracy and won't accept logical explanations.

This one is looking random to me though. They haven't even offered up any explanations or possible suspects at this point.
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i thought it would be posted but I saw a pic someone on the inter-wets of someone taking pictures of the scene and noticing that there was people on the roofs of the first explosion watching below
4 doctors (2 black & 2 white) from one agency is hardly "the government"
I see you're playing devil's advocate cartune...but here you go. 

In 1974 Congress passed the National Research Act  and created a commission  to study and write regulations governing studies involving human participants. On May 16, 1997, President Bill Clinton  formally apologized and held a ceremony for the Tuskegee study participants: "What was done cannot be undone. But we can end the silence. We can stop turning our heads away. We can look at you in the eye and finally say on behalf of the American people, what the United States government did was shameful, and I am sorry ... To our African American citizens, I am sorry that your federal government orchestrated a study so clearly racist."[sup][21][/sup]  Five of the eight remaining study survivors attended the White House ceremony.
these tinfoil hat folks need to slow down. Take a look at the wheelchair photo with the veteran's leg blown off look at the women pushing the wheelchair notice how her legs are totally off and disproportiona[font=arial, sans-serif]l.  C[/font]'mon son.

It is healthy to share some distrust of government, but don't overlook that the tin foil hat people are also looking for suckers too. If ya'll got fool by that go play with photoshop it quite easy to replicate. 
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