
So the government, organizations, or whoever, are capable, secretive, and clever enough to pull off false flags and hoaxes.. But they wouldn't think to use a different person's picture or identity in their hoax?

It only takes one mistake to completely blow an operation.

One weak link breaks the entire chain.

View media item 369162 View media item 369163

Ding ding. I'm not saying there's a conspiracy but I'm not ruling it out.

We're talking about the same government that perpetrated the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.

4 doctors (2 black & 2 white) from one agency is hardly "the government"

They did it for the United States Public Health Service. To say "the government" wasn't involved is a fallacy.

Do you not know John Cutler was in charge of similar government studies elsewhere?

Thought and talked about this in class today. You can change the date and name of the group at the same time if it has under 200 followers. So why would they change the name but leave the date?
Check this YouTube video.

Are you familiar with sacred geometry?

Maybe they altered the geometry of NY City when the blew up the World Trade center for some reason?
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i kind of had a weird feeling today when authorities were doing interviews and telling people how and where to donate

Does the government(local and federal) not have enough money to take care of the victims?

I can understand not being able to cover a whole city, but this is about 200 people.

Imagine if every adult have $1......
how deep does the rabbit hole go?

This is definitely worth watching. Watching this with an unbiased point of view, definitely raised a few eyebrows.

I've always been one to to be careful with Conspiracy theories. However, I never write them off, at all. IMO the people who write off conspiracy theories are dumber than the people who come up with them. To believe that what is being told to us is 100% true without any extenuating, hidden agendas is flat out naive.

That 8 minute video along with the Jogger card has made me think a bit. Wouldn't even be surprised to find out that this is contrived. Good video to watch if you haven't dismissed conspiracy theories.
Check this YouTube video.

Are you familiar with sacred geometry?

Maybe they altered the geometry of NY City when the blew up the World Trade center for some reason?

Damn, its 3 hour long video ....... I so dont have the patience 
At the very least, Conspiracy theories provideentertaining and sometimes logical (and frightening) explanations to otherwise boring and illogical happenings in our world.
i seen a documentary like this awhile back called zeitgeist he had me thinking but I try not to wrap my brain around things like this because it will make some people paranoid and go crazy. I just live life day by day and make the best of it.
i seen a documentary like this awhile back called zeitgeist he had me thinking but I try not to wrap my brain around things like this because it will make some people paranoid and go crazy. I just live life day by day and make the best of it.

watched this on netflix a while a go. Deff makes you think about what goes on in the world.
Quick question ...

If the government keeps doing this to get America to ban together...

When does desensitization kick in?

I mean.. I hate to say it... but it'll be off the news in a week.
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