
Seriously, who said it was fake or hoax? I know people said that about Sandy Hook, and I know people were saying the government was behind the whole thing, but who said it was fake?
Seriously, who said it was fake or hoax? I know people said that about Sandy Hook, and I know people were saying the government was behind the whole thing, but who said it was fake?
Again, this pic was posted and went viral before sunset on 4/15.

Calling "Nick Vogt" an actor would indicate that his legs were not blown off as the upper left suggests.  This pic was posted both in this thread and the other bombing thread.

There are probably people that still think that Jeff Bauman = Nick Vogt...

Anyways... I've seen plenty of youtube vids claiming that while Jeff was being pushed someone (an agent/actor) had to "put his leg back on" because the prosthetic was falling off.


This website talks the gullible into thinking that someone was "putting his legs on" right after the bombing...

I mean... its undeniable that Jeff Bauman is the person who was there and in that wheelchair picture -  yet the beat goes on for these people trying to say he had fake legs on.  They cite that if he had really had his legs blown off he'd have bled out in less than 2 minutes... yadda yadda...

Considering that Jeff is in pictures prior to the incident and he is standing at the bomb site a few feet away, you can disqualify this claim that he had prosthetic gore on his legs.

You can also say that IF he did have prosthetic legs that the bomb was indeed "hollywood fluff/special effects" and was harmless.

But he can go from standing with real prosthetics to down on the ground with blood and skin and bones sticking out from his fake leg's everywhere.

Accusing the bomb of being fake would have what effect on the 5 year old kid and the others that in this case "died"?
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I especially love this quote:
The face on the hospital guy looks a little fuller than the wheel chair Paul Bauman.

First of all he didn't even get the mans name right... Second of all, your face will probably look pretty thin after you've had massive blood loss as a result of your legs getting your legs blown off and then fuller after you've been in surgery, pumped full of new blood and swelling as your body tries to recover.
I get the whole privacy thing and don't let em take your rights riff raff but do drones monitoring us really effect me? No they don't. Not unless I'm doing something I shouldn't be. Stealing or killing anyone doesn't happen to be on my agenda so I think im good. I know its not the right mentality to have but I really don't give a ****. If its for public safety to prevent things like this bombing then whatever let it happen. I'm pretty positive they're not putting drones in the sky to see what I'm jerking off to at home. If I get a missile shot at me while I'm jerking off at home then ill have a problem with drones. We the people have proven we're not capable of being civilized over and over again. As an individual I'm just gonna go about my daily life and do my thing drones or not.

Me and you have absolutely nothing to really discuss after this statement considering we have completely different ideologies.. that statement i bolded is the same exact thought slave owners had. And your embracing that process cool.

So now he was unarmed.

Wasn't there reports of this guy throwing explosives and shooting?

Also, read the comments on the page, "why is the story changing so much".

American public is being played.
People were dumb as hell to even believe in the first place that this dude was just running around ON FOOT pulling all types of gadgets out of thin air like Sly Cooper or some ****.
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I especially love this quote:

The face on the hospital guy looks a little fuller than the wheel chair Paul Bauman.

First of all he didn't even get the mans name right... Second of all, your face will probably look pretty thin after you've had massive blood loss as a result of your legs getting your legs blown off and then fuller after you've been in surgery, pumped full of new blood and swelling as your body tries to recover.
lol.. but these same people are experts on trauma injuries and human anatomy and point out inconsistencies in what bleeding is supposed to occur.
So you have an agenda?

No. But I'm going with conspiracy #2. 

Others knew about it. 
Fair enough.

I think what it boils down to is some are asking the question of "Is there a conspiracy or not?" while others are asking "What evidence would indicate a conspiracy is possible?"

They are very different questions and lead to very different ways of analyzing what happened.
for the conspiracy theorist....umm if you guys believe the government is behind this, what is their agenda?

i sorta believe ish too, but i haven't heard a clear reason why they are trying to do this.
This happened 10 days ago.

There's an ongoing investigation into what happened and FBI/Mass State Troopers/BPD don't exactly release information to the public as it comes in.  We don't know what fingerprints or physical evidence there is.

The problem with this thread was that it was barely 24 hours after the incident and the conspiracy stuff was already in full swing.  There were pictures of Jeff Bauman accusing him of being an actor by saying that he wasn't even Jeff Bauman but a Iraq/Afghanistan Veteran amputee working for the government... It seriously wasn't dark out on Monday after the race before the picture came out and was viral on facebook.

My #1 problem with all of this is that the Conspiracy Theorists (I know you dudes don't wanna be called that but you know that there are folks that will push the agenda as much as possible) go about their business with no first hand knowledge of the situation.  Non-experts analyzing pictures and video and passing their opinion off to those who are looking for "answers" or are so suspicious of the government that they buy so heavily into the "question everything" narrative.

Video's posted in here claim that the bomb was "hollywood fluff" and completely harmless, and that the people hurt in pictures were just actors - specifically actors with limbs amputated already.  Do you not see how disrespectful that is to the parents of the 5 year old that was killed? To the others dead? To those that lost limbs?  Because, that bomb really did go off.
-The footage of the brothers walking towards the bomb sites - each with backpacks - walking with the older brother 10 feet ahead of the younger brother the entire time.

-Picture's of the younger brother standing at the bomb site 5 feet away from the young boy that died and the girl who had her legs taken with backpack at his feet.

-Picture of younger brother calmly walking from scene without his backpack.

-Them killing a campus policeman at MIT.

-Running from police at all turns.

Pretty good indications that they had something to do with this...

You are doing the same thing :stoneface: . Let the authorities do their job. They will provide their evidence in court. The Drones flying over your head will not affect you just like these dudes and their conspiracy theories should not affect you either.

What is the point of having a drone flying over? What would a drone have done in this bombing case? Is the drone going to know 2 dudes have pressure cookers in their backpacks and be aware of their intent?
for the conspiracy theorist....umm if you guys believe the government is behind this, what is their agenda?

i sorta believe ish too, but i haven't heard a clear reason why they are trying to do this.

Earlier in the thread a picture from reddit was posted before the brothers were accused, saying that the govt would say that gunpowder were used in the explosion, which I believed they were...not sure, and this would cause them to limit the amount of bullets people could buy etc.
To pass new, invasive laws that would likely take away current civil liberties that American's enjoy in exchange for keeping the country "safe" from the bad guys. The same people also believe 9/11 was planned in order to create the Patriot Act. Regardless, the moral of the story for everyone should be to live each day as it was your last because no one knows what the future will bring besides death and taxes.
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I get the whole privacy thing and don't let em take your rights riff raff but do drones monitoring us really effect me? No they don't. Not unless I'm doing something I shouldn't be. Stealing or killing anyone doesn't happen to be on my agenda so I think im good. I know its not the right mentality to have but I really don't give a ****. If its for public safety to prevent things like this bombing then whatever let it happen. I'm pretty positive they're not putting drones in the sky to see what I'm jerking off to at home. If I get a missile shot at me while I'm jerking off at home then ill have a problem with drones. We the people have proven we're not capable of being civilized over and over again. As an individual I'm just gonna go about my daily life and do my thing drones or not.

Me and you have absolutely nothing to really discuss after this statement considering we have completely different ideologies.. that statement i bolded is the same exact thought slave owners had. And your embracing that process cool.

I didn't realize you and I were holding a discussion in the first place. But now that we are all I will say is shatttt up. I'm not embracing a thought process that slave owners had. We're animals, every single day I witness it as do all of you. We are soooo far from being civilized. Get outa here with that ******** saying I have the same thought process as slave owners.

I'm always interested in reading in conspiracies. I keep an open mind and think most of its interesting stuff. But this is by far the worst/funniest conspiracy thread I've ever been apart of.

Thus far I have been told that I will lose my right to jerk off and curse. I have been told we will no longer have yellow lights. And to cap it off I make a statement saying we aren't civilized people and get a response saying I think like a slave owner.

:smh: :rofl:
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welcome to the politicized conspiracy theorist era.
People are waking up 

Revolutions occur because people start to see, and this is one of those events that I feel was created to keep people talking, and maybe spark some type of public response bordering on revolution. Hence, mysterious men all over the country buying up ammo. I wonder why?

This was sloppy. It was executed poorly. But maybe it was meant to look sloppy, so we can continue to talk until the people have no choice but to hit the street. You argue about a conspiracy, then you argue about religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, etc. I keep hearing about people being on edge. Not me, but it feels crazy sometimes. 

But I honestly feel there would not even be a conspiracy without the conspirators. That's what it comes down to, we can keep this discussion going because there are people at play who are making this story into something like a plot from Tom Clancy. You have dudes in the other thread, nothing against it at all, but they are going back and forth on a story that is being created like every other story where supposedly eye witnesses come forward, but does it ever cross your mind that just maybe one, one of the witnesses could be a figure to simply further along the plot if the story is not adding up for the FBI or CIA? Just look at the inconsistencies in this story, the back and forth, almost tug of war like relationship between agencies who are supposedly top notch when it comes to law enforcement? 

Whatever. Even senators have spoken up, and I for one do not endorse the views of most politicians, but when they start to ask for a deeper investigation because it is too fishy then we are witnessing something crazy at work. Most politicians go along with the agenda no matter how sinister. 
[COLOR=#red]Just look at the inconsistencies in this story, the back and forth, almost tug of war like relationship between agencies who are supposedly top notch when it comes to law enforcement? [/COLOR]

Whatever. Even senators have spoken up, and I for one do not endorse the views of most politicians, but when they start to ask for a deeper investigation because it is too fishy then we are witnessing something crazy at work. Most politicians go along with the agenda no matter how sinister. 
That's what it basically boils down to for me. They are instructed to share information in investigations, especially joint operations, but this has been an eerily inconsistent investigation.

Following a classified briefing Wednesday evening, Rogers, a former FBI special agent, sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking an explanation into Bowler’s actions, which he suggested may have been “sua sponte” — of one’s own will – and not fully coordinated with law enforcement officials conducting the interrogation.

King also criticized the FBI for not notifying New York officials until Wednesday night that the brothers had intended to continue their carnage in Times Square.

Few if any are on the same page with this at all. :smh:
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The dude with 1984 in his avy is completely trolling. There is no other explanation for the trash that hits his reply lines lol.

So you mean to tell me if a video exists that shows jahar dropping the bag, it was all just a planned event with highly paid actors doing their best impersonation of trauma victims? You literally can NOT make that **** up.

Something else for you guys to think about. If you worked at a McDonald's and someone came in asking for a mowie wowie spladder burger. How would you react? Granted, you went over the case of someone knowing the secret menu, but you NEVER experienced the order in your daily life. A step further, you need help from someone else to make the burger. You have to rely on their knowledge of the secret menu and their interpretation of ingredients. You can see where things may get jumbled a bit.

The agencies were obviously unprepared and executed parts of the tracking and take-down poorly. That doesn't prove a conspiracy. In fact, nothing I've seen anyone post suggests a conspiracy. I was there (skeptical) during the after months of 9/11 with some "facts." There isn't anything here that makes me think twice. Ya'll have to do better.
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That's what it basically boils down to for me. They are instructed to share information in investigations, especially joint operations, but this has been an eerily inconsistent investigation.

Few if any are on the same page with this at all. :smh:

homeland security did not inform the FBI about the older brother traveling to chechnya last year

it is almost as if each organization hoards info so they can get credit for thwarting threats and in effect get more funding

all about the $$$$$
for the conspiracy theorist....umm if you guys believe the government is behind this, what is their agenda?

i sorta believe ish too, but i haven't heard a clear reason why they are trying to do this.

While I'm not necessarily confident the government was behind it, I'm confident they will take advantage of it.

Gunpowder restrictions, more gun control, heavier surveillance.

End game is total control due to complete economic collapse. Once the economy is gone and the dollar is literally worthless, who will the people look to for protection and safety from the crazed mobs looting and terrorizing the streets of every major city? Who will we look to for food, medicine, safety, etc?

People say it won't happen here. I say history repeats itself, and no one ever learns. No one believes it can happen here.
While I'm not necessarily confident the government was behind it, I'm confident they will take advantage of it.

Gunpowder restrictions, more gun control, heavier surveillance.

End game is total control due to complete economic collapse. Once the economy is gone and the dollar is literally worthless, who will the people look to for protection and safety from the crazed mobs looting and terrorizing the streets of every major city? Who will we look to for food, medicine, safety, etc?

People say it won't happen here. I say history repeats itself, and no one ever learns. No one believes it can happen here.

Ya'll are too much lol
While I'm not necessarily confident the government was behind it, I'm confident they will take advantage of it.

Gunpowder restrictions, more gun control, heavier surveillance.

End game is total control due to complete economic collapse. Once the economy is gone and the dollar is literally worthless, who will the people look to for protection and safety from the crazed mobs looting and terrorizing the streets of every major city? Who will we look to for food, medicine, safety, etc?

People say it won't happen here. I say history repeats itself, and no one ever learns. No one believes it can happen here.
Well my wife is a nurse, i got a ton of guns, i have a huge vegetable garden and i know how to hunt. I'll be ok on my own for a little bit.
While I'm not necessarily confident the government was behind it, I'm confident they will take advantage of it.

Gunpowder restrictions, more gun control, heavier surveillance.

End game is total control due to complete economic collapse. Once the economy is gone and the dollar is literally worthless, who will the people look to for protection and safety from the crazed mobs looting and terrorizing the streets of every major city? Who will we look to for food, medicine, safety, etc?

People say it won't happen here. I say history repeats itself, and no one ever learns. No one believes it can happen here.

Ya'll are too much lol

That's what I mean, b. Its all conspiracy theories and ********. I'm not gonna bring up the comparisons. I'm not gonna say what I said is 100% accurate down to every single detail. But if you go back and look at large leading societies, they crumbled because of greedy power hungry leaders. Its cyclical. Where do you think they're pulling ideas from?
The dude with 1984 in his avy is completely trolling. There is no other explanation for the trash that hits his reply lines lol.

So you mean to tell me if a video exists that shows jahar dropping the bag, it was all just a planned event with highly paid actors doing their best impersonation of trauma victims? You literally can NOT make that **** up.

Something else for you guys to think about. If you worked at a McDonald's and someone came in asking for a mowie wowie spladder burger. How would you react? Granted, you went over the case of someone knowing the secret menu, but you NEVER experienced the order in your daily life. A step further, you need help from someone else to make the burger. You have to rely on their knowledge of the secret menu and their interpretation of ingredients. You can see where things may get jumbled a bit.

The agencies were obviously unprepared and executed parts of the tracking and take-down poorly. That doesn't prove a conspiracy. In fact, nothing I've seen anyone post suggests a conspiracy. I was there (skeptical) during the after months of 9/11 with some "facts." There isn't anything here that makes me think twice. Ya'll have to do better.
What if I was never informed that there is a secret menu somewhere? Why would he ask some **** like that knowing only a select few workers even know about the menu? 

I'm not making anything that's not listed. How do I even know there is a such thing as a mowie wowie splatter burger?

Not following through on the order because there is no grounds to base this transaction on. 

See what I'm saying? 

I don't just blindly do or follow something. That's why I'm not religious. 
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The dude with 1984 in his avy is completely trolling.There is no other explanation for the trash that hits his reply lines lol.

So you mean to tell me if a video exists that shows jahar dropping the bag, it was all just a planned event with highly paid actors doing their best impersonation of trauma victims? You literally can NOT make that **** up.
I literally slapped myself, for not realizing it sooner.
Its crazy dudes have seen institutionalized racism, Native Americans damn near wiped out, slavery, civil rights infiltration, puppet regimes, terrorists armed by our government, Jim Crow, the prison industrial complex, war on drugs (war on inner city youth)...

And still think its all good behind the scenes.
Not really a conspiracy but why did dude just call the younger dude a dopehead on CNN?

Dude smoked weed, and now he's a dopehead?!

This is why people are skeptical, because the "news" are filled with personal opinions and judgements, and from middle-aged out of touch white people at that.
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