
The stuff we think and talk about concerning the illuminati has been around since even before that card game came out. That's just some dudes who took the ideas and put them into a card game.

Boom. Debunked.

Not that complicated.

I'm not against the conspiracy theories being shared and discussed in this thread. But to discuss something means that if someone doesn't buy it they get to express that and challenge the theories.
Someone please dubunk the Illuminati card game. You're telling me every single card in there is a coincidence?

why does it need to be a coincidence? that card game was made as a product to sell. period.

that video was uploaded by a religious entity with an agenda. between them telling me the devil is pulling the strings and then telling me thats a face of some fire god in the smoke of the world trade center collapse i could barely keep watching but i did anyway and came away rather unamused.

im a pretty big advocate of the whole the government is not your friend way of thinking but some of this stuff is just outlandish.
The stuff we think and talk about concerning the illuminati has been around since even before that card game came out. That's just some dudes who took the ideas and put them into a card game.

Boom. Debunked.

Not that complicated.

I'm not against the conspiracy theories being shared and discussed in this thread. But to discuss something means that if someone doesn't buy it they get to express that and challenge the theories.

why does it need to be a coincidence? that card game was made as a product to sell. period.

that video was uploaded by a religious entity with an agenda. between them telling me the devil is pulling the strings and then telling me thats a face of some fire god in the smoke of the world trade center collapse i could barely keep watching but i did anyway and came away rather unamused.

im a pretty big advocate of the whole the government is not your friend way of thinking but some of this stuff is just outlandish.

So all the events in the cards that have occurred already were being talked about before the game came out. People were talking about 9/11 in the 80s? This is news to me
The stuff we think and talk about concerning the illuminati has been around since even before that card game came out. That's just some dudes who took the ideas and put them into a card game.

Boom. Debunked.

Not that complicated.

I'm not against the conspiracy theories being shared and discussed in this thread. But to discuss something means that if someone doesn't buy it they get to express that and challenge the theories.

why does it need to be a coincidence? that card game was made as a product to sell. period.

that video was uploaded by a religious entity with an agenda. between them telling me the devil is pulling the strings and then telling me thats a face of some fire god in the smoke of the world trade center collapse i could barely keep watching but i did anyway and came away rather unamused.

im a pretty big advocate of the whole the government is not your friend way of thinking but some of this stuff is just outlandish.

So all the events in the cards that have occurred already were being talked about before the game came out. People were talking about 9/11 in the 80s? This is news to me
The Twin Towers became known worldwide, appearing in numerous movies and television shows as well as on postcards and other merchandise, and became seen as a New York icon, in the same league as the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building and the Statue of Liberty.[88]
French high wire acrobatic performer Philippe Petit walked between the towers on a tightrope in 1974, as shown in the documentary film Man on Wire.[89]
Brooklyn toymaker George Willig scaled the exterior of the south tower in 1977.[90] In 1983, on Memorial Day, high-rise firefighting and rescue advocate Dan Goodwin successfully climbed the outside of the WTC's North Tower. His stunt was meant to call attention to the inability to rescue people potentially trapped in the upper floors of skyscrapers.[91][92]
The 1995 PCA world chess championship was played on the 107th floor of the South Tower.[93]

February 13, 1975 fire

On February 13, 1975, a three-alarm fire broke out on the 11th floor of the North Tower. Fire spread through the core to the 9th and 14th floors by igniting the insulation of telephone cables in a utility shaft that ran vertically between floors. Areas at the furthest extent of the fire were extinguished almost immediately and the original fire was put out in a few hours. Most of the damage was concentrated on the 11th floor, fueled by cabinets filled with paper, alcohol-based fluid for office machines, and other office equipment. Fireproofing protected the steel and there was no structural damage to the tower. Other than the damage caused by the fire, a few floors below suffered water damage from the extinguishing of the fires above. At that time, the World Trade Center had no fire sprinkler systems.[94][95]

February 26, 1993 bombing
Main article: 1993 World Trade Center bombing

Underground bombing.
On February 26, 1993, at 12:17 p.m., a Ryder truck filled with 1,500 pounds (680 kg) of explosives, planted by Ramzi Yousef, detonated in the underground garage of the North Tower.[96] The blast opened a 100 foot (30 m) hole through five sublevels with the greatest damage occurring on levels B1 and B2 and significant structural damage on level B3.[97] Six people were killed and 50,000 other workers and visitors were left gasping for air within the 110 story towers. Many people inside the North Tower were forced to walk down darkened stairwells that contained no emergency lighting, some taking two hours or more to reach safety.[98][99]
Yousef fled to Pakistan after the bombing but was arrested in Islamabad in February 1995, and was extradited back to the United States to face trial.[100] Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman was convicted in 1996 for involvement in the bombing and other plots.[101] Yousef and Eyad Ismoil were convicted in November 1997 for their carrying out the bombing.[102] Four others had been convicted in May 1994 for their involvement in the 1993 bombing.[103] According to a presiding judge, the conspirators' chief aim at the time of the attack was to destabilize the north tower and send it crashing into the south tower, toppling both landmarks.[104]
Following the bombing, floors that were blown out needed to be repaired to restore the structural support they provided to columns.[105] The slurry wall was in peril following the bombing and loss of the floor slabs that provided lateral support against pressure from Hudson River water on the other side. The refrigeration plant on sublevel B5, which provided air conditioning to the entire World Trade Center complex, was heavily damaged.[106] Subsequent to the bombing, the Port Authority installed photoluminescent markings in the stairwells.[107] The fire alarm system for the entire complex needed to be replaced because critical wiring and signaling in the original system was destroyed.[108] As a memorial to the victims of the bombing of the tower, a reflecting pool was installed with the names of those who had been killed in the blast.[109] However, the memorial was destroyed following the September 11 attacks. Names of the victims of the 1993 bombing are included in the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

January 14, 1998 robbery
Main article: 1998 Bank of America robbery
In January 1998, Mafia member Ralph Guarino, who had gained maintenance access to the World Trade Center, arranged a three-man crew for a heist that netted over $2 million from a Brinks delivery to the eleventh floor of the World Trade Center.[110]

The World Trade Center has always been one of those places that a terrorist would want to attack if it were to attack anything. During its time it was the hub of the American financial system and a physical symbol of American material wealth and success.
What about that card game needs to be debunked exactly ? All it is is one mans opinion on how a government/group would be able to take over the world.

That's like me stating something like "they'd implant a chip into all humans and have tracking devices." In the 1970's

Then in the present some guy says OMG HE WAS TALKING ABOUT CELL PHONES.

Those cards didn't predict anything. They were just very broad scenarios that the video maker has chosen to connect to present day events. The fact that you think the cards somehow predicted 9/11 just goes to show how well made the video is. Like dude above me said, the two. Towers were very symbolic of America. If you're making a card game about the overthrow of government , you'd show attacks on the pentagon, White House, and twin towers.
What about that card game needs to be debunked exactly ? All it is is one mans opinion on how a government/group would be able to take over the world.

That's like me stating something like "they'd implant a chip into all humans and have tracking devices." In the 1970's

Then in the present some guy says OMG HE WAS TALKING ABOUT CELL PHONES.

Those cards didn't predict anything. They were just very broad scenarios that the video maker has chosen to connect to present day events. The fact that you think the cards somehow predicted 9/11 just goes to show how well made the video is. Like dude above me said, the two. Towers were very symbolic of America. If you're making a card game about the overthrow of government , you'd show attacks on the pentagon, White House, and twin towers.

I knew about the card game way before this attack happened. I looked through almost all of them myself, and the fact that so many of the things in the card is happening is wild to me. Call me crazy if you want but this is no coincidence.
Interesting video.

Some of what he says sounds like a reach....idk though.

So they are saying the guy with tattered clothes was a "patsy" in all this. Why would he be in the shrapnel zone then? I know his clothes got ripped and he ran away but why be that close to harm if you knew what was happening?
there is also the possibility that the card games and conspiracy theories create a template for people with malicious intent to follow.
Dude from tried to ask a question in the FBI press conference just now and was shut down immediately. F*** did he get in there? lol
^Not a single one of those dates could be qualified as the end of April. :lol:
Interesting video.

Some of what he says sounds like a reach....idk though.

So they are saying the guy with tattered clothes was a "patsy" in all this. Why would he be in the shrapnel zone then? I know his clothes got ripped and he ran away but why be that close to harm if you knew what was happening?

That's the point of having a patsy. Super convenient if they die or end up unable to be put on trial.
Hmmm yes... Clearly the best course of action is to hire a team that is going to wear the same uniform's and have their "detonators" that are bigger than 1990's car phones out in the middle of the street where hundreds of pictures are going to be taken to pull this whole thing off.  Brilliant!
Hmmm yes... Clearly the best course of action is to hire a team that is going to wear the same uniform's and have their "detonators" that are bigger than 1990's car phones out in the middle of the street where hundreds of pictures are going to be taken to pull this whole thing off.  Brilliant!

Right. :lol: Let's carry out our government funded terror attack in our Private Military gear.
Furthermore... Is the gov really that strapped for cash that they're using some RC-Heli-from-best-buy C battery taking detonators that the dudes need to be a stones throw away to detonate?

We got a damn robot on MARS with some nerd making 6 figures controlling it in real time but when it comes to pulling something off that if truly uncovered would turn the country upside down they're using tech that you can cop at Target...
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