
So the pressure cooker lid was found.

My question is does the person "cook" it up at the scene or do they do it at another location.

How is it found so quickly.

Legit question.

Did they say where it was found?
I don't know how much stock, if any, to put in any shady theories about this. I'll just say it's a shame that Americans are so distrust'ful of their government as to have suspicions whenever anything like this happens.

However, it's a damn shame that they are distrust'ful for good reason. Ain't like there's NO precedent.

(unrelated lol @ the "****" in "distru****l" getting the bleep)
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Can we at least wait a week or two before we start crying conspiracy after every mass murder/bombing? Conspiracy theorists are some of the most gullible people in the world, ironically. :smh::smh:
how deep does the rabbit hole go?
Forbidden fallen angel technology, a.k.a. "Alien Technology".

People believe this ****?  

How anyone can take any of that video seriously after starting out like that is beyond me.  
that was hands down the dumbest thing i have ever watched. i was almost in tears from laughing so hard. like really blaming the illuminati for katrina now? 
How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a light bulb?


"knock knock knock"

"Who's th....wait a minute!"
Serious question -- has there been any proven "false flag" operation committed by the United States government against American citizens where civilians were killed? I know Operation Northwoods was proposed but never carried out, and I'm sure other operations have been proposed. I know the Tuskegee experiments harmed Americans but that's not false flag.

And please, only talk about cases where the proof is substantive. I don't want hearsay and speculation like the "proof" for the Philadelphia Experiment. I wasted too much time reading about that $#!%!#@. As far as I know, the sinking of the USS Maine is the closest we have to a possibility of an American false flag operation.
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from reddit

"blue jacket / white hat" pair

right side

View media item 369905
no more backpack on white hat

View media item 369906

View media item 369907

View media item 369908

Maybe he took his backpack off and it is at his feet or he is holding it.

In regards to the guy with the backpack with the white square, one pic is post explosion and he still has the backpack on :nerd:

I guess it's good a lot of people are trying to help and notice little things though.
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Serious question -- has there been any proven "false flag" operation committed by the United States government against American citizens where civilians were killed? I know Operation Northwoods was proposed but never carried out, and I'm sure other operations have been proposed. I know the Tuskegee experiments harmed Americans but that's not false flag.

And please, only talk about cases where the proof is substantive. I don't want hearsay and speculation like the "proof" for the Philadelphia Experiment. I wasted too much time reading about that $#!%!#@. As far as I know, the sinking of the USS Maine is the closest we have to a possibility of an American false flag operation.


A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Wouldn't be much of a conspiracy if someone could prove it now, would it.

Look, you don't know anymore than anyone who has conspiracy theories. To say they are wrong when YOU dont even know whats right, is just as ignorant, if not more, than the people coming up with theories.
Serious question -- has there been any proven "false flag" operation committed by the United States government against American citizens where civilians were killed? I know Operation Northwoods was proposed but never carried out, and I'm sure other operations have been proposed. I know the Tuskegee experiments harmed Americans but that's not false flag.

And please, only talk about cases where the proof is substantive. I don't want hearsay and speculation like the "proof" for the Philadelphia Experiment. I wasted too much time reading about that $#!%!#@. As far as I know, the sinking of the USS Maine is the closest we have to a possibility of an American false flag operation.


A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Wouldn't be much of a conspiracy if someone could prove it now, would it.

Look, you don't know anymore than anyone who has conspiracy theories. To say they are wrong when YOU dont even know whats right, is just as ignorant, if not more, than the people coming up with theories.

I realize that.

My point is that there are many cover-ups that are brought to light eventually. I'm sure the majority are never uncovered, but every once in a while something comes out. The bigger the operation, the more people involved, the more complex it is.... the more likely something will leak out, someone will talk, something will go wrong, etc.

If this is something the government has been doing for a long time, I'd expect something would come to light. Then again, maybe they've gotten really good at it.

And I didn't say anyone was wrong. I was just asking for a proven incident. The same standard to which I would hold any human being making any claim.
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The closest thing to an uncovered conspiracy would be the Greenbrier Bunker, but no one died.
Maybe the agenda is drones?, if the drones were watching maybe they can find the terrorist who did this. Its all about being safe right?
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