Derrick Rose Torn ACL...Blame Shoes

 damn thats terrible
I'm just worried about his cuts that he constantly makes.. When he drives and when he has the ball he is constantly doing quick cuts and I just hope he can withstand building back that strength and still being able to get his quickness back to 100%.. .there is a chance he may never be the same, and that's a damn shame.
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

jp's tweet...think related to thread title....he designs lebron's shoes 

thats weak as hell.
Very stupid tweet, especially the hash tag. Steph Curry is on Nike, and look at how healthy he's been
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

JP's my man but that was low

Yeah. Kinda shocked me reading it.
One person Derrick needs to talk to is Adrian Peterson. He tore his in December and was just racing guys from the Vikings. Beat em 4 times in a row.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

jp's tweet...think related to thread title....he designs lebron's shoes 

@#$$*% that mock another man's injury (especially someone who hasn't wronged them and don't even know they exist) can go #$#% themselves.
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

I'm just worried about his cuts that he constantly makes.. When he drives and when he has the ball he is constantly doing quick cuts and I just hope he can withstand building back that strength and still being able to get his quickness back to 100%.. .there is a chance he may never be the same, and that's a damn shame.
word, and with the amount of force that he plays with in his game is so vital...I always thought his kicks were too light for his kind of game but what do I know, I'm no biophysicist
Hope he has a speedy recovery 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

JP's my man but that was low

Yeah. Kinda shocked me reading it.
One person Derrick needs to talk to is Adrian Peterson. He tore his in December and was just racing guys from the Vikings. Beat em 4 times in a row.

I brought up AP to my brother and told him he needs to seek his advise cause I was wondering about people who suffered ACL injuries and bounced back. 

JP a %$%%# for that tho... 

I feel crushed for Pooh man.. Kid work's his $+# off to try and bring one home for the crib, the city is DEAD right now...We don't know how to react.

%%+$ is depressing man... 
Rose out. Dwight out. Celtics are old. The stars have truly aligned for Miami

Get healthy D. Rose...
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

jp's tweet...think related to thread title....he designs lebron's shoes 
That's ridiculous, but what else is to be expected from someone who designs a basketball shoe that is going to be $315 next year, and $250 today.  But yall put him on this pedestal...
  Wish we could get this to the head folks at Nike and Adidias, to see their response  This is garbage.
Originally Posted by SFC415

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

jp's tweet...think related to thread title....he designs lebron's shoes 

thats weak as hell.
Very stupid tweet, especially the hash tag. Steph Curry is on Nike, and look at how healthy he's been

yea but Curry's ankles are made of glass regardless of what shoe he wears.

JP is like he said to one member in the Lebron IX thread, #LAME. it has been a tough year for Rose, wish him a speedy recovery.
Tough L for D Rose, especially when it was the last 2 mins of the game that they already had won...

Pretty much ensures a Heat finals appearance tho
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Given Rose aggressive style of play. I don't see him being the same ever again.

People said the same thing about Blake Griffin. 

Just saying... Give my man a fighting chance.
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